Roommate To The Big Bad Trio

1060 Words
~ALEXIA~ My brain was processing so many things at this point as my feet were fixed to the ground, I couldn’t move away from the door and they hadn’t noticed my presence yet. I guess I was too petite for them to spot me. It was possible that I was in the wrong room because there was no way that I would be able to cope with these s*x gods. I haven’t recovered from my trauma and I had to deal with this too. A blonde haired guy with a towering height of 6 ft 2 stepped out of the bathroom and I gulped my saliva while holding the hem of my shirt because the sight of water dripping down his hot body with a towel wrapped around his waist made me uncomfortable. His rock hard abs were in display and the muscles… His body was a temptation and also, a distraction because I forgot to shut my eyes when I saw him. My attention shifted from him to the one on the bed close to another empty bed which I assumed was mine. My soul almost left my body when I saw him holding a gun with a bottle of wine as well. Could he have murdered someone and wanted to celebrate his victory? Goddess, what sort of confusion is this? I never asked to be here, I wasn’t vindicated. As for the third one who was a brunette, he was busy making out with some girl. The manner in which he groped her breast made me look away as flashbacks of Cassy and Zac hit me once again. I was caught between greeting them or slowly retreating in my steps to request for another room because it made no sense to me why I would have three sexy male roommates. I preferred girls or at least, two guys and one girl so it would be balanced. I wanted to ask my wolf for advice but then, I remembered that she had been through a lot lately and I really didn’t want to add to it. I would deal with my own problems and let her heal from the rejection. “You are squeezing too hard, stop! You are so f*****g horny, Nate!” the girl moaned out. The rest just acted as if they weren’t in the room at all, “Why do you mean, babe? I missed you!” “Everything about you always has to be rough and possessive.” she asserted as she attempted pushing him away. He grabbed his hands and stared into her eyes, “You are mine, aren’t you? I don’t play with what belongs to me.” She hesitated before responding to him, this time he spoke through gritted teeth, “Jess, I asked you a question! Have you been f*****g some other guy?” She frowned at him, “What rubbish? How can you accuse me of such?! You don’t owe me, so stop asking me such questions.” He was taken aback by her response, his tone became cold and his honey eyes darkened, “Use the door.” “Whatever.” she threw a pillow at him as she got up to leave his bed. He grabbed the same pillow and used it to hit her figure but she dodged and it fell in front of me. Their eyes slowly shone in surprise except for Mr. Black hair with the gun as he never lifted his head to spare me a glance but knew that I was in the room. I wasn’t that much of a beauty to adore or what?! “Are you our new roommate?” The brunette questioned me in a welcoming tone. I nodded slowly, not uttering a word until he dropped a sarcastic line, “Has she lost her ability to speak or what?.” “More like she’s dumbfounded by my hotness.” The blonde cracked a joke in addition and they burst into laughter except the one sipping his wine while acting like he wasn’t mean to me on the first day. I fought the urge to roll my eyes at them, I would have to be nice since I was the only girl in their midst. I cleared my throat before introducing myself, “I am Alexia from Silver Heart Pack, nice to meet you all.” Except him! “The name suits a sexy lady like you. I am Tristan, Alpha of Dark Moon Pack.” The blonde was the first to respond to me. “And I am Alpha Nathan of the Lock Heart Pack.” The brunette told me shortly. They were all alphas and I was an omega, what were the odds? I was beyond shocked but I didn’t want them to see it, they might trample on me. I managed to give them a smile which didn’t last because I was yearning to know who Mr cold and mysterious was. “May I know who the one with the gun is?” I threw the question in the air for any of them to catch. Tristan turned to face him before calling out his name, “Harold.” His tone was cold, “Yeah.” “Our pretty lady here wants to know you.” Tristan announced with a smirk plastered on his face. Harold finally chose to stare at me and damn… I was hypnotized, the moment that his alluring, piercing gray orbs met mine. The moon goddess really took time to create each and every one of these guys but Harold seemed to be her favorite. From his square head to his chiseled jawline to his pointed nose and pink lips. His eyes were everything, especially the long lashes, his brows were perfectly arched and… The visible Adam apple that made my heart race so fast, there was something that pulled me to him but I couldn’t pin it. I tried to prevent my naughty mind from painting a picture of how he would look shirtless because he was surely going to have the body of a Greek god. He took a sip of his wine bottle and jumped out of his bed to meet me. With every step that he took, time got slower and I imagined that it was just the two of us in another realm. His scent was intoxicating.
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