Book 1 Chapter Four - Finding out information

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Jacob’s P.O.V I walked away, smirking and cocky. She can deny that she wants me but it is lies. I can see through her. I headed through the club, heading back to my office but made a stop first, that stop being Alesha’s friends. As I said they liked to talk a little too much. “Ladies I need to ask you something,” I said “And what would that be?” Lena asked as she eyed me up and down That was nothing unusual I was used to women looking at me that way. I enjoyed woman looking at me that way. “Alesha is she single? I am wondering cause woman seems to give in to me very quickly but Alesha not so much even though it is obvious that she wants me.” I said confidently “Yes, she is single, only by a couple of months. Her ex left her for an eighteen-year-old.” Lori said “What? Is he a f*****g i***t? Why would you need someone else if you had her?” I said It was true if I had a woman like her in my bed every night I wouldn’t need to go anywhere. I don’t do relationships, flings or even dating but if I could f**k her every night then I would happily do that, nothing more but hot, passionate s*x. “We never got it either. They were together for six years.” Lena said “Maybe she just needs a rebound guy to f**k her,” I said “Yeah, good luck with that Jacob. She isn't one of your girls that will drop her panties for you,” Lori said “Well then, will just need to work that little harder then won’t I?” I winked before walking away from them, heading into my office. Maybe Lori is right, maybe she will not drop her panties for me easily but that doesn’t mean she won’t do it all. I was not used to women not wanting me, too used to them all throwing themselves at me without me even trying. And the fact that Alesha is not that way makes me want her even more. It was gonna be easy being around her since she starts with my dad on Monday. I spent a lot of time there. That kiss we shared on the dancefloor…that heated, passion, sexy kiss? No one can deny those feelings that were in that one kiss. There was clearly s****l tension between us and if she would stop being stubborn then we could get rid of that tension. Maybe I should go back and find her, work a little harder to see if that does anything for me or I could sweet talk her friends into giving me her number. I like that idea better actually. I headed back out, looking around for them. I see Lori and Lena heading back to where I had left Alesha. I swerved my way through the crowds, catching up with them before they reached her. I stood in front of them, blocking their paths and blocking Alesha’s view of them. “Can we help you?” Lena asked “What are the chances of one of you giving me Alesha’s number?” I asked “Depends on why you want it?” Lori asked “I can help take her mind off the douche of an ex of hers.” I said, “Would you not rather her forget about him and have some fun?” I added, flashing my best smile at them both. It took some convincing but they eventually gave me it. I turned to where Alesha was, giving her a wave and a wink. He flipping me off, giggling and turned away from me. I chuckled to myself walking away. I knew she was pissed off at me which was all part of the fun. She was gonna be even more pissed at me when she realises I have her phone number. I grabbed myself a Scotch from the bar, heading back into my office and locking the door. I don’t want anyone to disturb me when I am texting Alesha.I need to be on my best game when doing it. I grabbed my phone, opening a text to her. Jacob: Hey sexy. If you are bored you should stop by my office? Xx I am sure she can work out it is me from the text message if she would text me back even. I waited for a good ten minutes, deciding she was ignoring me but then my phone went. I smirked when I see her name on my screen Alesha: Where did you get my number? And no I do not want to stop by your office. If I wanna get laid there is plenty of guys in here I can get that from…anyone except you I chuckled as I read her text. She does not seem the type to me that will hook up with some random guy she met in a night club especially since none of these assholes has any game. If I can’t get her then other guys sure hell don’t have a chance, they have nothing on me. Jacob: I can’t tell you that…sorry. Why go to one of them when you can come to me? They guys will do nothing for you, you will be disappointed at the end of it xx Alesha: You are really coming across as some stalker do you know that? Full of yourself much? You do know you aren't the only guy in here that knows how to f**k right? You aren't God’s gift Jacob, stop acting like it. I don’t know why all the other girls fall so easily for your bullshit but I will not be one of them. I have said it more than once give in already. Me give in? Ha yeah right that isn' ever gonna happen. I don’t give in, well not until I have tried my best and that is exactly my plan for her. Jacob: Not full of myself sexy, it is the truth. I have not had one single complaint. Every woman I have ever been with has had nothing but pleasure from me. Do you know what it feels like to have a back-arching, head tilting, toes curling, body shaking orgasm? Cause that is something I can promise to give you ;) xx Maybe it seems that I am being too forward especially after only meeting her tonight but it is the kind of guy I am,.I get straight to the point, no point in beating around the bush about things. Alesha: That is something that you will never find out Jacob. Goodbye Jacob: I wouldn’t be too sure about that ;) I could literally rock your world baby, give me a chance and you will not regret it, that I can promise you. See you soon gorgeous xx She never texts me back after that and I left it at that…until tomorrow. I was not lying when I promised her I could rock her world. It is a fact that has been proven over and over again, many times. I knew I was getting to her more than she was letting on. I don’t think she realises just how much I can get to her. I know how to tease and seduce very well. And my sights were firmly set on her.
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