Book 1 Chapter Five - First day on the job and a unwanted guest

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Alesha’s P.O.V It was Monday morning and the day I start my new job. I was nervous but excited. I would be starting at Mr Richmond’s (Jacob’s dad) new business accountant along with another guy that has worked there for years. He was in attendance at my interview and he seemed decent enough…seemed impressed with me. He told Mr Richmond I would be his best choice. I was more nervous in case Jacob was there. He had been texting me on and off all weekend…me? I never replied to him, well that is a lie I sent him one text telling him to f**k off and leave me alone…did he? No, he did not. You would think he would get the hint that I was not interested. Then again he is an arrogant i***t telling himself every woman wants him…yeah, right the guy needs to get his ego in check. I checked my hair and make-up in my car mirror before heading in to start my day. I was dressed in my favourite black pantsuit, white blouse and black heels. I had my hair pulled back in a bun, unlike my usual down style But wanted to look professional. I took a few deep breaths before heading into the very tall, large building. I was heading to floor fourteen. I was to report straight to Mr Richmond’s office to go over some things before I actually got started. Just as the elevator doors began to close someone stopped them, forcing them back open. “And we meet again.” I heard a familiar voice…one I never wanted to hear especially not today “Seriously Jacob?” I said annoyed as he stepped into the elevator with me “I am here to see my father.” He said I never responded to him. I was not sure if that was the truth or he was here cause he knew it was my first day. Either way, I am not gonna let him get to me. As the elevator doors closed over Jacob stepped in, standing in front of me, placing his hands at each side of my head against the back of the elevator, staring at me with those damn sexy eyes. “Back the hell up Jacob. There is no need to be this close to me.” I groaned out. “Why not? You like me being this close to you Alesha.” He smirked “No, I really do not. You convince yourself that I like it when really I do not. How can I make this any clearer? You and I? Never gonna happen. I can see through your bullshit Jacob.” I said pushing him away from me. He chuckled darkly, stepping away from me and standing next to me instead. As we went up the lift become fuller with people causing Jacob to get closer to me…too close again if you ask me. I decided to completely ignore hi, not giving him any sort of rise from me. I have never been in an elevator that takes this long or maybe it feels like it cause he is here. I don’t know but it felt like it was never-ending. I see out the corner of my eyes Jacob reaching into my ear. “Why have you not been texting me back?” he whispered “I never wanted too…simple as that. I thought made that clear with the text I did send you?” I said turning to face him. Bad idea with me doing that my face was inches from his. Our lips close too and I could feel his warm, fresh breath fan my face. I gulped, having him this close to me not doing my sanity or hormones any good. Yes, he is a complete jackass but no one can deny he is a very attractive man. I am sure any woman this close to him would respond the same way. The difference between them and I? I have a thing called self-control and sense too. It was not gonna work in the long run. “Alesha, just admit you want me. You are attracted to me cause it will save all this messing around and back and forth. We could be having hot, amazing s*x instead of whatever this is. Instead of you fighting against the urge you clearly have for me.” he whispered. Could he be any cockier? I laughed, a little louder than planned when he said that to me, making people look at us. I just flashed my best smile at them, turning away from Jacob. Eventually, floor by floor people got off and we soon arrived at the floor I was going to. I was quick to get out of the elevator…quick to get away from that cocky asshole. I stopped by the reception, saying hello and letting them know I was here and she let Mr Richmond knows, Jacob soon next to me. “Morning gorgeous.” He purred at the reception “Morning handsome.” She replied winking at him Oh God, not another one he is screwing? I think I need to talk some sense into these women. I rolled my eyes before walking away, leaving the two to flirt and headed to Mr Richmond’s office, knocking on the door. “Come in, Alesha.” He said politely Mr Richmond seemed nice. He was better mannered than his son, then again that can’t be hard to do with the way Jacob goes on. “Good Morning Sir. How are you?” I smiled “Good morning. I am good thank you and yourself?” he asked “I am good thank you,” I said He told me to take a seat, wanting to go over things with me. I was hoping the receptionist would keep Jacob occupied for the time being until at least Mr Richmond sends me to the Business and Accountant department which was just down from his office. I sat listening carefully as he went through things, discussed some of the accounts I will be dealing with. I hear a knock at the door, Jacob soon sauntering into his father’s office. “Hey, dad.” He smiled stealing a quick glance at me “Good morning son, what you doing here so early?” he asked I knew it. He never comes here at this time to see him. He was only doing it to get to me…jackass!!!!!! “I woke early decided would stop by seeing if you have time for a coffee?” Jacob asked “I will be soon. While you are here I can introduce you to our new Accountant Alesha.” Mr Richmond smiled. “We already met…twice actually,” he said, trying his best not to smirk as his eyes fell on me. “You have?” his dad asked surprised “Yes. We met at the club at the weekend, then again in the elevator.” He said “Oh right. Well, no need for introduction then? I am glad you two have met since you are around here a lot son. It will be nice for Alesha to know someone.” He smiled Yes, Mr Richmond, you would not be saying that if you knew exactly what your son wanted to do me, sure that would be a different story. “I can give her the tour if you like? Then the three of can grab a coffee, get to know each other?” Jacob suggested. Oh God please no…please do not let Mr Richmond agree to this. Please tell me he has work for me to start on straight away? “Sounds like a great idea. You can give her a proper tour while I make a few calls then we can meet in the break room for coffee in say an hour?” he smiled looking at me I nodded, smiling at him when really I wanted to roll my eyes and tell his damn son to stop practically stalking me but that would not be great for my first here now would it? “Sounds good. Shall we go, Alesha?” he said sweetly I nodded, getting to my feet and as soon as my back was to Mr Richmond I glared at Jacob who looked at me smugly. God help me, please? I cannot believe I am stuck with him again. This can only end badly.
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