Book 1 Chapter Three - Can this guy not take a hint?

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Alesha’s P.O.V As soon as I arrived at the bar, that barman came straight to me even though there were people there before me waiting to get served. “What can I get you?” he smiled “I think you have other people to serve that were here before me,” I said, the glares I was getting made me feel bad. “Sorry, Mam…Mr Richmond made it clear that if you appear at the bar you have to get serves straight away. All drink’s still on him.” He said Seriously? Can he not give up already? I am not interested in him, well not really but I guess kissing him possibly made it seem like I do want him. Son-of-a-b***h that is what he is/ I do not want any special treatment cause what he wants to screw me? Nope don’t need or want it thank you very much. “Please serve the people that were here before me. He doesn’t need to know,.” I said “I know everything that goes on in my club Miss Benson.” I heard from behind me. This guy again really? I groaned in annoyance to myself before turning around to face him. He was standing there looking smug. A look that made me want to punch him square in the face. He stepped into me, backing me in against the bar. Does this dude not know about personal space? “Good for you. Now please move.” I said through gritted teeth “Why?” he said, placing his hands on the bar at each side of my body “Cause I want you too. Now move.” I hissed “Do you not need your drinks first?” he asked “I have changed my mind. Will go somewhere else.” I said “Why?” he asked again What is with the whys? When he clearly knows the answers to the questions he is asking why about. I decided if he would not move out my way then I would move away from him. I pushed on his chest, pushing him away from me and ducking under his arm and walked away from him. I headed back to my friends, them looking at me strangely since I came back without drinks. “Where are the drinks?” Lori asked “I ran into jackass again. I think we should go somewhere else?” I suggested Did they agree with my suggestion? Of course, they didn’t. It looks like I am stuck here for the rest of the night. Since I refused to go back to the bar they went and got drinks for us instead. I was keeping our seats and watching our stuff. I was watching everyone around me dancing, drinking and having fun. My view was blocked with someone standing in front of me, making me look up. I was met with Jacob once again. A bottle of champagne and two glasses in his hands. “I thought I would bring the drink to you.” He smirked “You are missing a couple of glasses.” I said “No, I really am not. This is only for you and I. Your friends are somewhat pre-occupied with my best looking barmen.” He said with a wink. Can this guy not take the hint? Clearly not since he thinks it was OK to sit next to me, pour us both and drink before relaxing back and making himself comfortable. He handed me a glass. I hesitated for a moment before taking it, taking a sip of it. I sat back, crossing my legs over and turned my head to face him to find him looking at me. “Jacob, what do you even want from me?” I asked, done with beating around the bush He placed his hand on my thigh, licking his lip, “I thought I had made it clear what I want from you, Alesha.” He said flashing that charming smile of his at me. Is that how he gets all the woman? Charms them, smiles at them and then they give into him? If it is I hope he doesn’t think that is gonna work on me. I made that mistake with my ex and look how that turned out for me, not gonna be a fool and let it happen again. “Yes, all this. That smile that isn't gonna work on me. I let that work once before, never gonna let it happen again. Give up already.” I said “You sure about that? I can be very charming. And well a birdie tells me you start working with my dad on Monday. I am there quite a lot…even work in the office to help him out sometimes with accounts.” He said Now, this really is getting creepy my name is one thing…where I am starting to work is another. Yes, it is with his father but that information is not something he needs to know about or should know about. “Positive. How do you even know that I start with your dad on Monday?” I asked annoyed “Your friends like to talk.” He laughed, shrugging I swear, see when my best friends drink they need a zipper on their mouths. They talk about everything and anything. They are lucky I love them. I took another sip of my drink, Jacob’s hand still firmly placed on my thigh. “To but honest give in. I am not gonna fall for your charm Jacob. I am not gonna go weak at my knees when you smile at me. I sure as hell aren't gonna drop my panties for you.” I said finally swatting his hand away. Jacob slid in closer to me, his lips falling at my ear…his warm breath against my skin caused a heat to rise through my entire body. “I would not be so sure about that Alesha. Your body gives you away Alesha. I can feel your every muscle tense when I am close to you. When I kissed you, the way you kissed me back you felt it too. You felt the tension between us. You felt the burning desire especially when we were dancing.” He whispered softly in my ear, his fingertips tracing down my bare arm. My breathing became heavier. My thighs pressed together, trying to stop the throbbing between my thighs. A strong urge and want for him soaring through me. I had to pull myself together before I gave into him, trust me I was very close to it. “And if that never told me what I needed to know the change in your breathing told me the rest.” He added. “It is all in your head. You are that full of yourself you believe that every woman that breathes wants you…I don’t.” I breathed out, putting a distance between him and me Jacob got to his feet, turning to look at me, “I will see you soon sexy.” He winked, walking away from me again I sat there, not knowing what to do. He will see me soon? Surely not…surely he will not come to my work place and act that was he was acting tonight? Then again I do not know him, maybe he would do that. I just hope he is not so much of a jackass that he will end up getting my assed fired before I even have a chance to start.
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