Book 1 Chapter Two - "I do not owe you anything."

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Alesha’s P.O.V The very expensive bottle of champagne was going down a treat, thinking of ordering another one. I was sitting with my girls enjoying myself for the first time in a long time, drunk and letting lose for the night. I finished off my glass before turning to my girls. “Girls come dance with me please?” I said, batting my lashes at them “OK, then let’s get going. There is plenty of cute guys around that will enjoy the show I am sure.” Lori smirked, shaking her ass, the three of us heading to the dance floor. We grabbed each other’s hands, pushing our way through everyone, getting to a space in the centre of the dance floor. Damian playing some amazing tunes which made it easier for us to dance too. Once we found our spot we started swaying our hips, rolling our bodies, dancing all up on each other. A lot of attention on us, making us giggle and smirk. We were soon joined by a group of guys, dancing with us. I had some cute blonde guy behind me. His hands gripping my hips as I ground against him. He was enjoying it that was sure. It was only a dance, couldn’t do any harm. As long as he doesn’t think he is getting anything else from me cause that is not gonna happen. All of a sudden I felt the guy's body pull away from me. My girls looking at me with a strange look in their eyes. What is going on? I ruffled my nose, confused until they nodded behind me. I slowly turned around, wanting to know what was going on. And I was met with his stupid smug face. “Can I help you jackass?” I hissed at him loudly He stepped in closer to me, his hands going to my hips. I grabbed them before they could touch me. “Do not even think about touching me or I swear I will kick you right in the balls,” I growled “Mmm feisty. I think you owe me a dance.” He smirked “I do not owe you anything.” I hissed With every word getting said his body seemed to be inching closer to mine “It is the least you can do after giving me a bill of $400 for a bottle of champagne.” He said “It was your idea to pay for our drinks. You never said there was a price limit,.” I said backing away from him. “You have two choices here. You pay me the $400 back or you give me a dance and all will be forgotten.” He said confidently. I don’t have $400 to pay him back, not right now. I sure as heck am not gonna dance with him either. He isn't blackmailing me…no chance in hell. I placed my hand on my hip, growling at him. “How about no to both? I don’t appreciate being blackmailed. I have a better idea, how about you back the f**k away from me? “I growled. He decided he was not gonna listen to me. He stepped in close once again, grabbing my hips and managing this time before I stopped him. He used my hips to pull me hard against him, my body right against his. I found myself freeze when he did. I swallowed hard as his eyes looked down at me…dark and determined. His eyes never left mine as he started moving against me. Oh God, what is he doing? And why does this feel good? I looked around for my friends but they were nowhere in sight. They had left me here, with him. Thanks a lot, what sort of best friends are they? “Just you and I now baby.” He winked I should be pulling away but I never wanted too. His body against mine was making me feel good. I swallowed hard, wrapping my arms around his neck, starting to move my body with his. He knew how to move those hips of his. Next thing he swung me around. My back against his front, his hand now falling over my stomach, pushing my ass into him, making me groan. I reached my arms up, wrapping my arms back around his neck, grinding my ass into him. A throaty growl escaped his lips, falling right into my ear. I closed my eyes over, letting the music take over our bodies. I was completely lost in him. Was I not pissed at him five minutes ago? I wasn’t caring. I wasn’t thinking straight, his body close to mine was doing something to me. “I know you want me, Alesha.” He groaned in my ear How does he even know my name? Yes, I have been told he is a powerful man but that was creepy. With his words in my ear, I found myself getting some of my sense back. I quickly pulled away from him, stepping back from him. “What the f**k do you think you are doing? And how do you even know my name?” I snapped, glaring at him. “Doing to you what you really want me to do. As for your name baby girl how I know that you will never know. I have friends in high places.” He winked Is this guy be serious right now? How does he get as many women, he is such a perverted creep. “I do not want anything to do with you and I sure as heck don’t want you. Are you always a creep? a perv? A stalker?” I hissed “I wouldn’t go near you if someone….” I started but was cut off when I felt a warm, rough pair of lips press against mine. He is kissing me now? Who does he think he is? Oh, it does feel good, he is a good kisser. At that moment I lost all my senses again. I found my arms wrapping around his neck. The fact that his hand were on my ass not bothering me as I kissed him back. It was hard and rough. Mmm, he tasted really good. I needed more from him. I ran my tongue over his bottom lip, wanting full access into his mouth. It never took long for his lips to part, giving me what I want. I groaned as his tongue started pushing against mine. The kiss getting hotter, and our grips on each other getting tighter. I found myself thinking that I wanted to drag him into the bathroom and have my way with him. I never got a chance to even try it cause he pulled away, smirking at me, licking his lips. “Told you, you wanted me. See you around Alesha.” He winked, turning and walking away before I even had a chance to open my mouth to respond. I stood there shocked, not knowing what to do or say. Did he really do that? Who kisses someone that way and then walks away? I was beyond pissed now. I actually wanted to slap him right across the jaw for that. Was that his plan? Tease me, kiss me, make me want him and then leave? What a jackass. Let’s be honest here it is all my own fault for being stupid enough to give into him. I pulled myself together, shaking off what happened, well trying to anyway and headed back to find my girls. I arrived to find them staring at me, smirking at me. “Shut up! Don’t even say a single word. Thanks for leaving me with him, some best friends you are.” I groaned annoyed at them before taking a seat “Sorry.” The said in sync “That was hot though,” Lori smirked “No…no it really was not. I can’t believe I done that. What was I thinking? He is a jackass, the exact kind of man I hate. Why would I even let him kiss me?” I said going on and on. My girls shrugged at me, trying not to laugh at how worked up I was. I glared at them, flipping them off before storming off to the bar/ I needed a drink…or six. I better not run into him again tonight. Actually, I better now run into him ever again.
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