Book 1 Chapter One - Meeting the jackass

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Alesha’s P.O.V "Come on Alesha. You need to move on it has been over two months. Get your sexy ass of the sofa, put your best dress on and come out with us. You can get wasted, dance your little ass off and have some fun." My best mate Lena said, while my other best friend Lori was standing next to her nodding her head. "I am not in the mood. Yes, two months but I was with him for six years. You don't just get over the man you were meant to marry and have kids with leaving you for an eighteen- year old." I said sighing. You see my boyfriend of six years turned out to be a lying, cheating scumbag that left me for someone who is barley legal. It's not like I am a fifty-year-old woman.I’m only twenty-eight but, apparently, he wanted some blonde bimbo who in my eyes was still only a kid in a way. "Come on please? One night then we will let you be for as long as you need. We need to celebrate your new job you start on Monday." Lori said "Please, Damian said he can get us into that new diamond nightclub cause he's on the decks for it tonight." she added. I sighed, running my hands through my brown hair. I decided I may as well give in or they will just keep annoying me until I do. "Fine!" I groaned getting off the sofa "Give me an hour to get showered and ready." I added "YEAH!" they both said excited. I laughed heading for a quick shower. I decided I would just let my hair dry naturally that way it goes the wavy way I like. I applied some eyeshadow that will make my brown eyes pop a little. A little mascara and eyeliner, finally some lip gloss and that would do. My friends had already picked my dress out for me. One of my favourites too. It was a red strapless, that stopped mid-thigh...a little s***h just at my cleavage to show a little but not too much. I finished my look off with a pair of black five-inch strappy heels and a bag to match. "Damn you look hot. You will totally pull tonight." Lena said winking at me. "Yeah, I am not going out for that." I laughed "Now let's go before I change my mind." I added shaking my head. We headed out to the cab that was waiting for us, heading to diamond nightclub. It just opened a few weeks ago. It was very high class, fancy and very popular amongst the rich, famous and people my age...also younger and a little older. Damian had put us in the guest list so we could just walk straight in. The place was already jumping and it only opened about an hour ago. Though I have to admit the place looked amazing. "This place is incredible." I shouted at the girls so they could hear us "That it drinks then we shall hit the dancefloor." Lena said She grabbed mine and Lori hands leading is through the crowd. We headed straight to the bar but on the way, someone bumped right into us...not even apologising. "Watch where the f**k you are going jackass." I snapped at him annoyed "Excuse me?" he snapped back. I turned to face him and oh whoa! Who is this man? He was the sexiest man I have ever seen. He was nearly 6ft tall, muscular, with beautiful dark hair and the most piercing blue eyes. I swallowed hard for a moment before pulling myself together. "I said watch where you are going or at least apologise for banging right into us." I said glaring at him, placing my hand on my hip. "Don't talk to me like that little girl. Do you know who the f**k I am?" he added "Who are you calling little girl? I am a f*****g twenty-eight-year-old woman. Yes I know who you are. An arrogant, rude, son of a bitch." I said to him annoyed. He chuckled darkly, stepping closer to me, "Watch your mouth." he said to me in a very stern tone. Who does he think he is my father? " about no?" I hissed back "You’re a feisty one aren't you?" he smirked "See if you were mine you would get spanked for speaking to me like that." he said smugly. "Oh my God. You are f*****g disgusting. I wouldn't be yours if someone paid me. Seriously you are a perverted creep. Learn some manners you jackass." I said getting annoyed and frustrated with him Before he could say anything else I flipped him off and walked away. My two best friends glaring me, a shocked look on their faces, "What? Someone had to tell him." I said shrugging "You really don't know who that is?" they asked and I shook my head "That is Jacob Richmond. The son of the guy that owns Richmond enterprise. He is the most elegant bachelor in the US. He owns this club." Lori said "You really don't know him? He is always all over magazines and paper for being a party animal. A womanizer and apparently one of the best f**k a girl could ask for." Lana said. "I really couldn't give a damn who he is." I said "Alesha, his dad owns the company you are staring with on Monday." Lori added "s**t! Really?" I said and they nodded "f**k! Oh well." I said "It's not like I will be working with him. Plus he deserved that anyway he is a prick and a creep. And I really couldn't care if he was the best f**k in the world. I still would not go near him if someone offered me a million quid." I said shrugging it off. After that I pushed him to the back of my mind and we headed to the bar, ordering ourselves some drinks. I went to pay but before I could, "These three ladies have not to pay for any drinks. Just keep a tab. I will square it up at the end of the night." I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to be met with the jackass millionaire again, smirking. "Keep your damn money. I can pay for my own drinks." I said glaring at him "Jess, you have been warned don't let them pay. You can thank me later sexy." he said winking at me, walking away "Ok sir." the barman said after him Seriously who does he think he is? "I will pay for my own drinks. Never mind him." I said to the barman "Sorry miss he's my boss. I need to do as I am told or he will fire me. He’s fired people for less." he said "Well in that case give us the dearest bottle of wine you have." I said smirking "Sure think mam." he said. If he wanted to throw his money about then I will make sure he pays well with it. My girls stood there, laughing. Two can play his little game of whatever it is. He found us what we asked for and gave us some glasses before we headed to find a seat. We thought we would have to stand but we found one soon enough. Damien coming down to say hello for a minute...Damian was Lori older brother. "How did you afford that?" he laughed nodding at the wine "Jacob Richmond has took a fancy to Alesha." Lana smirked "YEAH, that isn't ever gonna happen. He is a creep and the kind of man I hate." I said "Alesha, I am sorry to be the burden of bad news...he always get what he wants." Damian said "How's he gonna do that? He isn't ever gonna see me again." I smirked "I wouldn't be too sure about that. He is a powerful man." Damian said “As I said that isn't ever gonna happen.” I laughed “We will see.” Damian laughed before he had to get back to work
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