1206 Words

Bryan’s jaw tightened as he read the message, his mind racing. Tracy was in danger, he had his trusted subordinate to keep eyes on her Incase she was in danger. He immediately turned to Mrs. James. “Ma, I need to take care of something important. Please I have to leave—I have some things to take care of!". Mrs. James gave him a nod of approval, her eyes gleaming with pride. "Go ahead, Bryan. You have proven yourself today, and I couldn’t ask for a better son-in-law." With a respectful bow to Mrs. James and a final, authoritative nod to Mr. T, Bryan turned and left the lobby, his pace quickening as he dialled his trusted subordinate. “Report,” Bryan commanded as soon as the line connected. “Sir, Ms. Tracy had a confrontation with some of her employees” his subordinate replied, his v

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