chapter 60

951 Words

It was jasper who hauled. He approached them, his commanding voice cut through the crowd. "What the hell is going on here?" he thundered. The crowd fell silent, shocked that Jasper, a man of high status, would defend Mrs. James. "How dare any of you shout at her!" Jasper continued, his tone filled with righteous indignation. He approached Mrs. James, his expression softening as he reached out a reassuring hand. "Are you okay, Mrs. James?" he asked warmly. Mrs. James, visibly shaken but grateful, nodded and began to recount the events, detailing how Veronica and her group lied against her and Hall. Jasper listened intently, When she finished, he gave her a reassuring nod. “Unbelievable,” he muttered, pulling out his phone. "This nonsense ends now ma, I will take care of it in a blink

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