chapter 58

1121 Words

Bryan clenched his jaw, frustration mounting as he looked back at the receptionist. "Could you please check again? The Tier 1 hall should be under my name, Bryan." The receptionist sighed, clearly uncomfortable but obediently tapped at her computer once more. She glanced up at him, the same apologetic expression crossing her face. "I’m sorry, sir, but as I mentioned, the reservation is under Mr. Kyle’s name." Veronica let out a dramatic sigh, folding her arms as she looked at Bryan with a mocking glint in her eye. "Bryan, Bryan, Bryan," she taunted, shaking her head. "This is embarrassing for you! How many times do we have to tell you that you are not in our league? You are pretending to be something you’re not, now you publicly embarrassed yoursel" Collins smirked, nudging mrs. Veron

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