Chapter 9

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It was finally the day. The day that they both worked so hard for. The day of change. They day they have been patiently waiting for. The day that was dedicated for teachers. Geez that was so dramatic. Anyways Anna was so excited for this. She was Mrs Judith, or err got to do the role of her history teacher and she was so happy about it. She can't believe she got that. Actually she can because she picked it for herself. What? Even Tylor picked the teacher role for himself so it was fair. Also the rest of the roles were decided by coin toss. It was very helpful, okay. Anyways the programme was scheduled at 13:00 pm. And all the teachers already received their invitation. She was so excited for this to finally get over. It was so hectic. Firstly because she hated pencil skirts, they were so restricted and always wanted to injure her thighs. Don't even get started on those pointy heels. Pencil heels, are they? They were her worst nightmare. She was a vans and sneakers girl. Mrs Judith has a unique fashion, more like a model like fashion. She loves to wear these tight pencil skirts and formal buttoned shirts. Also she had to go through the middle school history lesson. And seriously how did she get through that? She was so glad for Violet, Rafael and Jade because they helped her pick the outfit. What would she do without them? Probably cry. "Anna!" She flinched and a shudder passed through her as his loud voice boomed through out her ears. These headsets will kill her. She tightened the headsets and adjusted them and spoke into the speaker. "I'm on my way to class Tylor. This better be important."She gritted. He was testing her patience before going to teach, that sounded right. It was Tylor. "There are few decoration items still in stock. They went overboard with it so what should we do with the left ones?" He asked questioning. That was the dumbest question ever. "You are stupid. I told you to look into it beforehand. Anyways ask them to keep them in CD room. We'll sort it out later. Now I need to go." She answered all the nerves automatically easing and frustration taking over. "Yeah. That's a good idea. Anyways did you go to the class?" "Yes I'm standing out side. Can I go now? Or do you have any more twenty questions to play?" She hissed not caring that few students were glancing at her. They already know her so it was not worries. Besides she's sure that she doesn't care for their gossip. "No. Bye" He whispered and the voice died down. "Thank God." She let out a relieved sigh and removed her headset. Instantly she purred. She could finally feel air in her ears and for once she did not feel his voice again. That's a relief. She can do this! She thought looking at the classroom in front of her. It was okay. "Hi class. I am Anna Smith. I'll be teaching you World War History." She eased a smile as the bunch of students were staring at her. "Why was World War 1 so quick? Because they were Russian. And why was World War 2 so slow? Because they were Stalin. Get it?" She laughed at her own joke. Wow it never gets not funny. She looked around the class to see everyone looking at her with either confused stares or pity ones. She hated it. It was a good joke. Can't believe they can't appreciate her sense of humour. "Miss were we supposed to laugh?" A boy asked raising his hand. And she glared at him. Now before she could answer his question the entire class started laughing. Seriously she hated middle school. *** Tylor grunted as he was abruptly pulled by Veronica, the girl he dated for a while. "What the hell?" He yelled as she cornered them near the flight of stairs. Like in the middle of the hallway. But thankfully it was empty because all the students were in class. "Sshh.I just wanted to say you look hot Mr Professor." She seductively smiled white lightly tracing his lips with her index finger. "Veronica this is not funny or sexy. Just let me go." He shook his head and tried to back away as he was not interested in her like. He can't believe he went on a date with her. It was ages okay. Or well it was before break but he was alarmed by her behaviour. She was so f*****g clingy and always demanded attention that after two dates, he put a stop to it but apparently she didn't receive the message. She made it a mission to go after talk. She sent him long and cringy messages on i********: and also huge cards with her drawings and sign on them. After reading the first message he made his profile private and blocked her. "Why can't you love me the way I love you Ty baby? Why?" She yelled pushing at his chest. See, clingy. He tried to think of something. Anything that would get him rid of her. He was not dating anybody right now so it would futile to tell her that and also she knows almost everything about him so it would be embarrassing to get caught in a lie. "Veronica it's not you..." "Don't give me that speech jerk" She yelled. He tried to back off a little and she understood that because she backed away and dabbed at her tears furiously. "Seriously listen to me. I am not worthy of you. You are beautiful, intelligent woman and literally any boy in our school would be lucky to date you but sadly it cannot be me because I'm kinda in the process of falling in love with somebody else." He blurted out. Such a load of lies in that statement he could laugh. He was not in love. He's only eighteen for Christ sake. He has a long way to go before he finds one he thought to his self. Veronica looked a little moved by that, if her tears stopping were any indication and her mouth parted slightly. She looked intrigued rather than furious which was a good thing. "You like someone? Really?" She asked with a wonder in a tone. She did not sound harsh but there was a bitter tone to it. "Yes. Really I do like someone else. Yeah." Tylor hummed and looked above the ceiling suddenly finding that interesting than her sharp gaze on him. "Is she from our school? Do I know her?" Veronica asked while swallowing the lump in her throat. She found it difficult to speak. "Yes, she's from our school. Our class in fact and I think you know her but please don't tell anyone anything. I haven't told her yet and I want to keep it a secret." Tylor said nervously scratching the back of his neck. She narrowed her eyes at him and he fumbled. What if she didn't believe him? No he was convincing. Atleast he believes he was. "Wow. You are pretty serious about her. Huh?" Veronica awed looking at him. She cannot believe that she would hear him saying these things to her. "Can I know her name? I promise I won't tell anybody." She tried to speak in a soft voice though her throat hurt from all the yelling and screaming at him. Tylor inhaled deeply. Wow. He really didn't think this through. Of course she was going to ask him her name and everything. What if she asks any story? This was such a disaster. Why can't she be a normal girl and let it go? And why did he even date her? Violet. That evil witch is why. He can't believe he let her talk into this and agreed to go on that horrendous date. He was going to kill her the next time he sees her. "Uh... Why?" Tylor asked dumbly. "Just because" She answered with a shrug. Yeah thanks Veronica, that helps he thought bitterly. "It's... Its Anna." He blurted out as she was the first one that came to his mind. Why? He doesn't know. He should have said Voilet. She's so much more cooperating than Anna and atleast doesn't hate him. Oh God what should he do now? "Anna Smith? Really?" "Yeah" Tylor mustered a smile. "But aren't you both like enemies? She even announced that she'll defeat you by the end of year." Veronica asked confused. Anna. Tylor thought. Always a drama queen. So at the start of the year when people were relentlessly talking about these two being a couple or shipping them Anna decided to take those matters in her own hands. She announced in front of the entire cafeteria that she would defeat Tylor by the end of the year. Honestly that wasn't necessary at all. Now because of that Veronica is not believing him. Anna always sabotages it. Even unknowingly. "Yeah that's her." Tylor forced a laugh and continued, "Anna is a bit drama queen like that but yeah I like her. She's the kind of person you can just sit and admire what she's like because she's that captivating and enthralling." "You really do like her!" Veronica noted in a shocked tone. He nodded his head but he knew that it was only for the sake of lie. To keep up the lie. He didn't like her. "Yeah and it would be a huge help if you don't tell anybody about it. Thanks." Tylor nodded and shuffled away and walk towards the stairs. "Wait!" He turned around and raised his eyebrow. "When we were going out did you like me? Like as in if not Anna you'd date me like me. Please be honest with me." She asked in a meek tone. He so badly wanted to say the truth. Blurt it out that no, he would have not but he held his tongue back. He just nodded his head and gave her a small smile and ascended the stairs hastily. "You f*****g liar!" Veronica screamed as soon as he was out of earshot. She felt sick to hear that answer. It was not true, he would have never dated her. He will pay. He'll definitely pay she thought with a sinister smirk. *** "And with this I conclude this programme. Have a good day everyone. Thanks" Anna smiled as the claps boomed throughout the auditorium. She loved doing this. Hearing those claps. After a long hard day it was finally over. They succeeded. The teachers day turned out to be huge success as they thought. Everyone were so happy, well everyone except those middle school history class she thought. Those were the most annoying brats who don't appreciate her history humour and didn't even laugh at her single joke. She stepped down from the podium and walked down the stairs. Her legs were aching so bad, she just wanted to climb in her bed and sleep. Not to mention dip her feel in hot water. They were killing her. All the chief guests and teachers filtered out along with the students. "Babe the speech was really good."Rafael hugged her. She laughed and parted. "Of course it was. But seriously thanks." She smiled. "Always so modest. But seriously this was epic. We all had so much fun." Violet squeaked. She was creative writing teacher and she loved every bit of it. More like she talked about films in the class rather than writing aspect. It was fun. Also the students were so responsive. Something Anna could never relate. "Yes Ann. Thank you so much for giving elementary kids. They were so cute." Jade said and gave her a side hug. Oomph. Anna thought. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed their teaching except for her. Not her fault that she was assigned those ungrateful, not taking joke students. Well it was her fault she assigned them to herself. "Thanks. So are y'all leaving?" She asked noticing that the auditorium was almost empty exceot for Tylor, his friends and Principal talking in one corner. "Yes we figured you'll have to stay back and sort this out and besides we have assignments due tomorrow" Violet groaned at the last part. "Don't remind me. I have no idea what should I write in Sanskrit." Anna moaned. Sanskrit was so difficult to learn and write. She'll get through it though. Yeah she will. "I'll send you my assignment. Just edit few things." Jade shrugged. "You're a life saver J" Anna sighed hugging her. She was so tired. She is on her feet since morning. "Okay we'll see you tomorrow. Pick us up. Bye." Rafael blew her a kiss and they exchanged another round of hugs and she walked back to Principal. She spotted Chase and Harry snickering and laughing at something. She was already dreading to walk there. But atleast Aaron was there. She'll be fine. ***
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