Chapter 8

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Anna believes in past lives and karma. Something that should be taken seriously okay. She believes that the things you do, comes back to you. And she's sure that she did something bad in her past life. Maybe pissed someone else in her past life. Or maybe she was the queen of France. Yeah okay she has a wild imagination. Sue her. When she says she hates Tylor there are so many reasons to list and pretty sure that this may be one of them. He's always interrupting her. He's like always there, like a devil ready to ruin everything. She knows that voice, she can recognise that voice from anywhere. It should not be that way it is. And she hates that fact. "Hi bro" Aaron waved turning towards the voice. "Hey. Aren't you supposed to be on ground?" Tylor hissed keeping a smile on his face. Like the scene in front didn't affect at all. Anna rolled her eyes. It was so obvious that he didn't like it. Seeing her happy and smiling. Satan that one. "Is the break over already?" Aaron wondered out loud and then looked at the watch on his wrist. He frowned looking at the watch. What the hell? The break was actually over. It was so not fair. He stood up from his seat. "I can't believe this. I'm sorry Anna but I need to go. Do you want me to walk you to class?" Aaron asked dusting his pants, brushing off the lint from them. Anna frowned. She would have taken that offer but she doesn't have class now. When will God be on her side? Looks like never. "I don't think she has class. Besides we need to discuss something. So I'll see you later." Tylor said with his pursed lips. "Oh do you?" Aaron asked looking at her. Anna had no idea what they had to discuss. Besides it was only two days since they talked about their tasks. Did he complete them already? "Yeah I guess." Anna answered with a shrug. "Okay then I'll see you guys." Aaron exited before giving a wave and a nod to Tylor. "So what's up stalker? You have my schedule memorised I see" Anna raised her eyebrow and looked at him not even bothering to get up from her place. "Haha don't flatter yourself. I asked Jade about it. Also I wanted to check your progress." Tylor smirked. He was so infuriating at times. She shook her head and let out a sigh. "Don't be overconfident. I am sure whatever you have completed I'll top it." Anna flashed him a smile. "Now who's being overconfident?" Tylor narrowed his eyes at her and sat in front of her. He cannot believe that she was just sitting there, like just so beautiful. What? He shook his head. What in the world is he thinking? "Seriously why are you here?" Anna asked with a bored tone. Seriously she would rather be anywhere than have this conversation. She wanted some peace now. And it was only if she would listen to her favourite artist, Louis Tomlinson. He has a beautiful voice. So raspy and raw. "Straight to the business, eh. Have we lost that spark Anna?" "Don't test me" She groaned. "Princi wants us to dress up like teachers..." "What?!" She yelled sitting abruptly in her chair. "Great reaction. Save it after I complete the story. Hmm?" He hummed. "So where was I? Yeah so he wants us to be teachers for a day. As in us, seniors. And somehow he thinks secretaries should decide assign the senior students the class they are supposed to teach and their subject. And now go" "What?! Like what? We are students not magicians. How are we supposed to do that? Who does he think we are?" Anna started rambling, obviously infuriated. "Secretaries" Tylor answered as if that solved everything. "Thanks for stating the obvious." He ignored her comment and produced at what looked like a school register. "So should we start?" What has her life come to? She questioned looking at that ugly register. *** Anna has never worked in any mill or farm so she doesn't know the satisfaction they have after a long hard work but one thing she knows is that this is truly the most excruciating task she completed and this joy would be incomparable. She looked over at Tylor who mirrored the exact same expression as hers. They were finally free from this horrendous work. She thought it would be slightly easy. Atleast a bit. But no no. It was as horrible as it sounds. They literally spent two hours doing that, sorting the students. "I need water." Tylor sighed standing up and walking towards the water cooler. Probably the only good thing in the room. Atleast they changed the water everyday in this. "Seriously we need to ask someone to clean this place. It looks worse than the last time." "Yeah because you thought it would be cool to have a secret party in here." Anna mumbled looking at his back. He turned towards her with glass in his hand that had a cute kitten drawing on it. "It was pretty awesome party and we had fun. Oh sorry I forgot you weren't invited. You missed the fun." He chuckled sympathetically. It was a terrible party. The students were so ungrateful and he had to shush everyone because they were making too much noise. He did wish that she had been there. But he would never admit it to her. One of the few things he's taking to his grave. "Yeah and I am so glad because I actually got to go to the trip unlike you who had to suffer a detention. Yes poor me." The trip was so not fun. Okay she got to be the only sole in charge around there and he was not there to annoy her. She felt so good but also like it felt not complete. She didn't enjoy as much as she thought she would. That place must have had that effect. Stupid place. "You would think that affected me. Anna, oh naive Anna." He said in a deep voice. That stupid party was the reason that Principal kind of banned other students from entering in there unless it was important. Also the reason why no one pays major attention to it because of that reason. Also the CCTV camera on that hallway was another measure. It was a huge blunder, that party. Tylor could have gotten suspended if not for his father. He personally came in here and it was some sort of big deal. Honestly she didn't care. "It's so hard to take you seriously while you are holding that glass." Anna giggled. He looked not so intimidating and stern like he always wants to. He looks normal for a while and even funny with that glass in his hand. Because it is kinda cute and small in his large manly hands. "You are right." He chuckled in agreement. It was funny tho. He doesn't even remember who painted this glass but he was sure it must be something important to have been in this room. Everything here symbolises something. It was so cool here than any other departments. "But seriously we have to go through some of this stuff. Auction it off on the auction day. This place is kinda filled up." Tylor mumbled looking around. It was all over the place, the things and it made the room look shabby. "Yeah we can do that later. For now we need to print this out and stick on the notice board. I just hope others won't get offended by it." Anna sighed. It was kinda difficult to include everyone and assemble them to particular classes. It's always like this. Some people were going to get pissed off but they had to take the risk. It was not their fault that there were too many seniors. "Well you cannot please everyone" Tylor shrugged. "Hold up. Did you just agree with me? Is this the time of apocalypse? Are you dying? Am I dying?" Anna gasped looking around. She cannot believe she ignored it when he said that she was right. Ugh she should have recorded it. "Always so dramatic." Tylor rolled his eyes and walked towards the table to pick the remaining of his stuff. He had to print it out and paste it. Also he had football practice. "Okay I'll see you around." He mumbled. "I hope not." She answered and got back to her work. She had to select the right outfit, she'll ask Vi or Jade but mostly she has to select a good opening for her class. Middle school kids were not so welcoming. Tylor sighed. She was a tough nut. Hopefully he'll c***k her one day. *** "Are you sure you want to start with 'Anna you're forgiving'? I mean isn't that like too much? Jade asked looking at Violet who was definitely dialing Rafael. "Hi bitches! I missed y'all" Jade cringed at his loud voice. He was such a happy puppy. "Wish could say the same though." Violet mumbled. "Who are you ugly? I want to talk to my baby J." He said leaning forward as if that mobile screen could show sideways. "Oof you and your love for J. When will I ever?" Violet rolled her eyes and shoved the phone in her direction. "Hi babe!" "Hi Raf. Wow you look tanned."Jade remarked. He looked so happy as well. "Thanks. You know what to say. I love you" He giggled. "I'm this close to puking." Violet snickered. "Ignore that witch J. Where is Ann? Did she finally formed her own band and left y'all?" "You heard her sing Rafe. She could never." J said. It was screechy. Anna had so many other talents, but singing wasn't one. "Facts." He agreed. He had the opportunity to witness her singing. She had this whole Taylor Swift phase where she imitated her and thought she could sing like her and be a famous pop star. But sadly that didn't work out well. Oh how he endured those horrendous singing sessions we will never know. "We just had a argument in break time about Tylor." "Uh oh. Is it bad that I already kinda have a clue how that went?" "Yeah. She really thinks he hates her more." Jade rolled her eyes. "Can you blame her? She has a streak for drama and sure know how to hold grudges." "Yeah so I'm going to have to apologise. Naturally. Kinda thinking of going with, Anna you're forgiving thing. What do you think?" She chewed on her lips. "Nah I used it last month. Think something else." "Right. Yeah I forgot. That worked out so well for you." Jade mumbled. So the thing about Rafael is he never, like never thinks before speaking. It's like his brain to mouth filter does not work. Or better he doesn't have one. So when he said that the cookie was the best part of the oreo it was war. Anna decided that was it. He somehow prepared that speech quickly and it worked. It was far fetched and overdramatic but it did work. "But I still think cookie is the best part." He yelled. Though he has accepted the defeat and told her she was right. She was not. Cookie will always remain the best part. "And since that day you've been cancelled for me." Violet yelled from beside Jade. "Eh I'll survive" "When are you coming back?" "Tomorrow. I think I'll join you guys to school. Don't forget to pick me up." "Again. Who are you?" Violet booed. Jade just slapped her arm and shushed her. "Hey I think Anna is coming. I'll talk to you later bye." "What? No Jade. I want to hear your apology speech. Besides it would be like I am not there." "You are not actually here. Do you get that?" Violet laughed. "Okay here she comes." Jade whispers. "Hi guys." Anna greeted looking at her friends sitting in the cafeteria. She knew that they must be here cause it is their regular place also because Violet has no practice today which means they are totally free. "Hey." They replied in unison. "Before you say anything I just want to say I'm sorry, er we're sorry. I had no idea this is how you feel. And you are right. Tylor hates you so much. I just saw him and he was looking so murderous coming walking to that CD room. You were right. Please forgive us" Jade ended with a whisper. "Get in" Anna screamed and hugged her. "You guys! I'm tearing up." Rafael yelled. Anna parted away and her eyes shifted back at the phone. She excitedly picked it up. "You're here. Hi" She greeted with a huge smile on her face. "Hey" Rafael greeted and raised his eyebrows towards them to which Anna turned around and focused her attention back to Jade. "I'm so happy J. I forgive you both." "Thank God" Violet sarcastically muttered under her breath hoping that no one would hear her. "Anyways y'all don't know what Tylor just did!" Anna exclaimed sitting down. They all held back their groans. ***
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