Chapter 10

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Chase and Harry are Aaron's best friend and Tylor's as well. They are what you call a gang. Close knitted and all. Though Chase joined school four years ago and Harry five years ago they have been kinda close since then. She doesn't know how that worked out for them as they are people of different interests. But eh why is she complaining? She should accept it though because her friendship with Jade and Rafael is kinda same. Violet, Shelly, Tylor and Anna were best friends since beginning of the kindergarten year but Shelly abruptly left in elementary school and shifted to another town so it was only Violet and her since then. Jade joined them somewhere in elementary school and Rafael in middle school. And since then they are unbreakable. "Hi Anna! Looking fresh." Tylor remarked as she neared them. She rolled her eyes as Chase snickered. She was so over that. "Why thank you. You look the same." She returned his smile. Why was Tylor so annoying all the time? She moved her eyes towards Aaron who had his eyes raised at them. Her lips curled just looking at him. "Now guys cut it out." Pricipal clapped his eyes as if to break their eye contact and alert them but sadly for him Anna was already zoning out on Tylor. "Anyways I was just saying to Tylor how beautiful and good this turned out to be. The entire programme. You guys did a great job. And bravo on that soundtracks Anna!" He patted her shoulders and she beamed at that. She loved how her Principal didn't hold back. He was so casual about it. He knows when to praise or yell at them. He truly was one of a kind. She loved people appreciating her hard work. It was really hard okay especially managing the sound guys. She wished that someone had helped her with that but the thing with these students is they don't like to be part of the committee but wants to enjoy the functions organised by it. Her belly filled with butterflies and something akin with pride flashed on her face. "Thank you so much sir. It was really stressful. But I'm so glad that it worked out." She was actually a bit proud of herself. Tylor was a pain in ass as usual but they didn't cross the budget or had any mishap or get in a tiff with anybody. They pulled it off very gracefully. "Yeah and the cards were kinda thoughtful. The teachers loved them. Good work guys!" He smiled like a proud father. She looked at him confused. What cards? They didn't discuss to include any cards and seriously her lunch idea would have cost them more if she had went with that expensive English tea but she made some last minute changes and went with Yorkshire tea. It was actually way better and bought out that beautiful colour than the other one. "Anygays I'll see you tomorrow. See what I did there?" He shook his head and laughed, "I'm hilarious." They all watched as he thankfully didn't ask for their opinion and strode away. It was relief. Besides how many times can you tell the same lie? They would get caught at one point. "Honestly in what world does he think he's hilarious?" Harry chuckled once he saw that he was out of the door. "Atleast he doesn't tell knock knock jokes" Aaron chuckled and Anna felt a bit mesmerised by that sound. That rich chuckle and the way he just tilted his head and rolled his eyes in mirth. "Hey mine are funny" Harry made a offended sound. He pulled at his curly hair and looked at Tylor as if asking him to back on his statement. "I beg to differ. Last time you literally told a knock knock joke about cow. Like how is that funny?" Chase cried. It was borderline animal abuse the way he told those knock knock jokes. They were so not funny and want you to disappear somewhere rather than being there. It was that kinda situation. "Anyways where are your friends Anna? Did they ditch you after that horrendous speech?" Tylor asked ignoring his friends and turning towards her. She threw her head back and made a mocking sound of laughter. "Very funny. They went back early cause it's our assignment is due tomorrow." She informed him as if that was the valid thing to do rather than defending herself against his jab at her speech. "Oh s**t I completely forgot about that. We have to write a paragraph about ourselves in Sanskrit." Aaron panicked and it should not be adorable. But the way he chewed on his lips and his shoulders sagged down and his eyes rapidly blinking to ease off the nerves was not helping. She noticed that he took a deep breathe as if reassuring himself and calming himself. "Hey I can send you mine. Don't worry." She assured him like she wasn't panicking a moment ago about her own assignment. It was going to be a long night she was sure and it was only five in the evening now. "Thanks Anna. That's really great but I'll have to do major editing before writing it down. Hopefully I won't use wrong pronouns." He grinned at her and she actually let out a laugh. Like a inhuman snotty laugh. It was embarrassing. And it was not that funny. But things you do when you have a embarrassing crush on someone. Honestly she sympathizes with everyone who've had this embarrassing of a crush. Tylor let out a yawn. She was sure it was intentional at the way it was. Loud and aimed to disturb. She, irritated glanced at him and saw that he was still doing it. Purposely throwing his arms in the air and snapping his fingers together while yawning. Can he get anymore annoying? "Yeah you take care of that." She responded after a long pause. She noticed that everyone were staring at her and she felt a blush creep at her neck because of that. "I meant the assignment... you.. I mean yeah take care of it." She fumbled around like a bambi she was and a i***t. Chase snorted. "You are very eloquent Anna. No wonder people read your blogs" Harry laughed out loud and they both shared a high five. She was surprised Tylor didn't join them. She looked over at Aaron who had a apologetic smile on his face. She just nodded at him. It was no big deal. It was not his fault that he had ass hole for friends. "Thanks Chase. You should read it too. I have a special post on how not to be an buttface. Really would help you." She gave him a smirk at that and internally clapped herself for thinking that. "Ooh! She's on fire brah" Harry mockingly laughed. "Okay guys we need to get back." Aaron cut in before it could go any far. He knew too much about them. They don't know when to stop. All of them actually. Anna gets very sensitive regarding her blog and any comments irks her. He noted that. "But it is getting interesting." Chase whined like a child crying for a candy at night. Harry nodded as if agreeing along with that. "Seriously then walk home by yourselves then cause I'm leaving" Aaron said in a agitated tone. Anna widened her eyes at that. She never saw him like this. Frustrated and agitated. Ready to burst. She observed that his jaw was clenched and that he was shifting on his feet constantly. "I think A is right guys. If you want to go back home then ride along with him because I have some stuff to do." Tylor said and his tone was calm and drained. She could understand that because he must have been equally tired as she. They were both on their feet today and it was such a agony. But she wondered that if they actually will get to go back now. Because as she said she had to to look into the cultural department room and check the remaining stuff and then pack them up in boxes so that they can use it for upcoming functions. And she has to label them accordingly. Not only that she to submit the cheque in the office and then she gets to go back home. "Yeah okay see you tomorrow then." Chase nodded his head and they both shared a fist bump. She rolled her eyes. Boys! So typical and predictable. She felt a pair of eyes on her so she raised her head and her eyes clashed with Aaron's. "So I'll see you tomorrow then Anna." He teased, with a glint of grin in his tone. She literally preened like a flower under the sun and nodded her head not trusting her mouth to say something. Because she was sure it would something dumb but she couldn't hold it any longer. "Not if I see you first." She rasped, her voice soft and mellow. He managed to chuckle at that. Just like that sound, her lungs felt unable to breathe, the air rushing out in a whoosh. Calm down, will ya? It's just a f*****g laughter. She chastised inwardly. And though she mentally convinced herself that it was a harmless chuckled her heart needed a bit time. "Great then!" He chirped and waved at her. She was a good person and she took her health very seriously. She didn't need this now. She nodded her head. "Have fun guys!" Harry yelled as he walked out with Aaron in tow but she could hear Chase yell back something like 'Not too much though' His words at times confused her. "Can you be anymore obvious?" Tylor laughed shaking his head. He hated seeing that lovesick look on her face. Hated it so much. Dread filled her stomach at his tone. It was not hideous per say, her crush on Aaron but she always thought that Tylor would never talk about it. "Umm...What?" She nervously chuckled avoiding his gaze. She hoped that he would not talk about it. Are you serious? Of course he was going to talk about it. She chided. "I know you want to escape from here. I do too so let's just skip this and go. We'll sort it out tomorrow" Tylor suggested and for the first time his tone was pleasant and she felt relief spread through her body. She was too tired for having other conversation so she was glad that Tylor wasn't talking about that other thing. "Oh okay. That actually seems like a good idea" She agreed. "Okay then see you tomorrow" Tylor agreed, slowly nodding his head as if the fact that she was agreeing with him was not yet sinking. But actually it was the day that was not ready to sink in yet. It had been one hell of a day. She hummed in response. Soon she heard the sound of his footsteps vanishing slowly until there was nothing left but the dead silence, her only acquaintance at the moment. She felt the same way at the moment. Her insides were silent. She needs go home she thought. *** Walking towards the parking lot she just didn't feel right. Like something was still weighing on her shoulders. It was annoying actually, the continuous nagging feeling. She didn't want to give in but then she did. With a sigh she turned around and walked towards the CD room. She just couldn't go back silently, can she? Well she was not going to do anything she'll just take a look at it and also she remembered that she did not even take the cheques she kept in that drawer. She can submit them tomorrow morning directly instead of coming to CD room and then going back. It would be too much walking. She let out a sigh looking at the room still open. Automatically her eyes went towards the huge clock. It was not five thirty yet so she was safe. The entire school is locked by five thirty in the evening. So it was good. She can peek inside, maybe take a thorough look and then go back peacefully. As she stepped inside, absolute horror filled her face. She screeched looking inside the drawers were left open and all the materials were spread out as if someone was ruffling something and looking for something and then hastily left the room without cleaning up. She instantly dialled Tylor standing outside because the CD room was no signal area. Long story short Principal didn't like to see them yelling or giggling on phone while working inside. That was tough. She always hated that. As she stumbled across the devil contact name she dialled it. Yeah she saved it as devil , petty but it suits him. "Ello" Tylor answered with a bored tone. "Come back to CD room right now." She yelled not even bothering to return his greeting. "What the hell are you doing there? Weren't you supposed to go home?" He asked. "Seriously see for yourself. I'm waiting inside the room." She answered trying to sound cryptic so that he can go instead of wasting more time on phone. "Jesus okay. I'm on my way." He sighed. He can't believe it. He was taking a turn back to school. The things he do for her. She sighed. They had a lot of damage control to do. ***
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