Chapter 11

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Anna had a slight bit of OCD. Only slight percent. She had been tested for that and she was attending counselling sessions for it as well. When she meant slight it shouldn't be a problem seeing things so disorganised and messy but it was. Though she hated cleaning her room, it was there. She just can't leave it there, she'll do it eventually. She can't believe she took Tylor's words on this and was almost ready to go back home without sorting this mess out. It was stupid of her. She looked around and stifled a groan. It was like someone had purposefully done it. But who would do this? The stack of art sheets they keep in the corner were shredded and sprawled all the over the floor. It was like a train wreck in here. She ignored how her feet scrunched as she walked, the sole of her shoes stamping against the dried pastel leaves students had painted. "Anna this better be really important." Tylor huffed from the door before even going inside. His vision was set on her not even moving to take a look around. Anna instantly turned around hearing his voice. He eyebrows were pulled together and a frown etched on his face. She knew that he didn't want to be here. Well the feeling was mutual but she just couldn't go back after seeing this mess. "See for yourself." She said in a low tone, motioning with her hand around the room. Tylor who stood at the edge of the room peeked inside and emitted at what was like a low groan. How did this happen? He didn't even realise that this had happened. When did he last check this room? It was before the function and it was intact because he guided those people to leave the extra material here. He remembered that he told them to keep it in one corner because he knew Anna and how she's regarding cleaning and mess. "What the f**k man?" He cursed, his sort of catch phrase as he stepped inside. His eyes focused on the art sheets shredded. Whoever did was very angry and clearly had a motto. "I swear" He started and halted for a while looking around, "This was not like this the last time I saw." He tried to sound as sincere as possible because he was annoyed as well. Anna could the look on his face and she was sure that it was genuine. He did not know anything about it. Of course he didn't. Why did she even consider that possibility? "So..." Anna drawled looking around and then focused her attention back to him. "Yeah we should clean up" Tylor completed as if he read what she was thinking. He was no OCDic or anything but this disturbed him a little. This was their department and it was a mess. If their Principal saw this tomorrow he would freak out. Anna never found him this attractive before. Yeah because he spoke her mind. Also this dust was affecting her stupid brain. She nodded her head not trusting herself to talk. "I am sacrificing so much for this. I better get rewarded" Tylor grumbled while keeping his bag on the table and then walked towards the white board. Anna laughed unable to control her delight and shook her head. He was so ridiculous at times. "So um" She coughed and looked around. They should probably start with that remaining decorative items. Maybe box them together and label them. "So we'll start with boxing those items." "Cool. I was thinking the same." Tylor nodded, with a small grin and bent down. His body completely disappeared by the white board. Anna was thanful that even though it was only single bulb the light was enough and the window on the top was one good thing about it. Anna bent down and started picking the items. She sat on her hunches and leaned forward to pick the boxes. Tylor cleared his throat and averted his eyes as his nostrils flared by her scent. It was a fruity smell with the hint of jasmine. Very strong as well and intoxicating. He wanted to lean forward and take another whiff. He mentally reprimanded himself. What is he even thinking? It is so wrong. "Thankfully boxes are still intact." Anna said breaking the silence as she opened the empty boxes. The silence stretched for a while but it was not awkward as Tylor was working on own and Anna clearly didn't expect a response for that. Anna picked a silk ribbon and a laugh bubbles out of her looking at the colour. It was baby pink and it looked like more of a scarf than a ribbon. Something you'd use to tie someone while you know having s*x. She raised it towards Tylor and looked at his expression. He didn't look embarrassed or any thing instead his lips were stretched in a small playful grin on his face. "Seriously Tylor? I mean - Why?" She asked trying to keep a normal voice in her squeak. He shrugged. It was not like he personally selected it. He just assigned the budget for them and told them to pick a silky ribbon. It was for fun, to tease her and irk her. But looked like that wouldn't work out. "I just thought that it might be fun" He said slowly as if testing the waters. Anna shook her head, with a sigh. His ideas of fun were so different. "Seriously so glad that Princi didn't see. Imagine the horror..." Tylor cut her off, "He would taken it home to be honest." Anna widened her eyes, it was comical to be honest. First of all ew. Tylor had no filter whatsoever. It was disgusting. "Tylor!" She squealed and hit his arm. It occurred to him two seconds later that it was actually not the right thing to say perhaps but hey it was true. He looked at her and she had pink shade on her cheeks. Can anyone be this cute? "Anna seriously our Principal is kinky. Not that I have seen" Tylor sighed and continued as if that wasn't enough already, "But like he is." Anna wrinkled her nose. This was not something she ever talked with her friends. Like seriously who talks about Principals s*x life. It is weird and not their business. She hit Tylor on his arm once again and marvelled at the fact that he did not even recoil or let out a manly squeal he just moved as if that didn't hurt him a bit. She envied that. Also she observed his muscles flexed as he moved away and she could totally see them through his white shirt and the for the first time in a while she actually took into his look. He was wearing a tight white shirt with buttons down and folded the sleeves around the elbow and his desert sand color pants went really well with that and those black rimmed glasses actually complimented his look. His hair were messy unlike in the morning where he had them slicked up and pushed back. He looked like one of those hot professors in porno movies. Not that she watches them but she did stumble upon them once. That's the story for another day. The thing is he's extremely attractive and the outfit just accentuated that. "Anna" Tylor prompted like he wanted to hear her speak. He cleared his throat loud enough for her to snap out of her daydream. "I am not interested in Principal's s*x life. He is like our father figure. So ew" She responded. She hated to think about others s*x life. "More like a bother figure." He corrected and let out a sigh. Principal has been nothing but such a worry wart since the beginning of the year and loved to annoy them to do his work. Can't believe Anna wasn't seeing it. That was not true. Atleast Anna didn't believe it. Principal has always been nice to her. Tylor is just crabby and being a i***t because the Principal likes her more than him. With that those sound of the boxes scrapping against the floor and them hastily picking up the items and playfully tossing at each other they didn't hear the sound of the door closing. Not even when the door was locked because they were being too much occupied at chucking the loose strings of paper at each other rather than keeping an eye on door. After few minutes of childish fighting they got back to arranging the mess. They had sorted the decorative ribbons in one box and neatly threw the ballons packet in one corner so that they can easily find if they need it for the next function. Anna started humming Halsey's song under her breathe unknown to his presence and his stare of her. What was she? Tylor thought thinking inwardly. She was so occupied in her work that she did not even let anything hider her. Her tongue was peeking out as she was in deep concentration at labelling the boxes. She let out a loud breathe to avoid the strands of hair from her face and she looked exactly like that pent up kitten. It was very charming, holding his attention and he was unable to tear his eyes from that. "But seriously who must have done this?" Anna wondered out loud interrupting his attention and he tore his eyes away and looked away. She added as an afterthought, "We should complain about this to the Principal. He shall help us find the person." Tylor nodded at that. He was sure that he had a feeling that it was someone he know. Like they did it on purpose to irk him. Its not like everybody worshipped him. He was sure he had some haters hidden in sheep skin. He just have to find them. "Yeah. We should." He answered and then looked at the papers that were lying on the floor. He crawled forward and picked them up. Anna tried not to stare as he was crawling like a child. She averted her eyes and focused back on writing. She had to get this s**t done before she gets back home. "What are you doing?!" She asked, curiosity filling her as she heard the sound of papers being crushed in his palms. He gathered them all and without answering her crawled back and sat in an Indian style. She was tired on being on hunches so she herself settled down in Indian style. She turned towards him hoping for him to answer her question. "These are obviously of no use. So I'm thinking we should make a base of these and put them in the box. In that way they won't be wasted and we can keep valuable things in them as well." He suggested, his smile bright and wide. He was proud of his idea. They were already shredded so it was of no use to anyone so instead of throwing them in a bin. He can use them this way. Anna caught herself before uttering anything. That was surprisingly a thoughtful idea. She was impressed to say the least. And she could see that Tylor was very proud of it. She didn't want to spoil that bad besides it was actually a great idea. They could use that to store the precious items they would auction off. Or maybe something they want to keep forever. It could be anything. "That is genius" She assured, praising him and she could see his eyes glinting and a small smile playing on his lips. It vanished quickly but she was sure that she saw it. "Yeah well...." He shrugged not knowing what to respond. It was the first time she actually was praising him and was behind with him on his idea. It's usually them trying to undermine each other's ideas and try to find fault in everything. But for a change it was nice to hear that she appreciated them. They started crushing the paper together and filled complete two boxes with crushed papers and then slid the boxes inside the cupboard drawer. They completed almost everything. The only thing was to find cheques from that messy top drawer and they can go home. She stood up with great difficultly because of her stupid pencil shirt and then dusted all the lint off them. Tylor stood up as well. They can call some janitor tomorrow and he can clean up the floor and this will be done. He can finally go home in peace now. "Okay then I'll see you tomorrow" He said and walked towards the table to pick his bag. He did not hear her speak but he was sure that she must have nodded her head. Anna nodded and then got back to searching the cheques in the drawer. She heard his retreating steps towards the door and she sighed. Just this one more thing and she's done. Tylor frowned looking at the closed door. They never close the door. He shook his head. It must be the wind. He enveloped the knob with his fingers and pulled it but it didn't budge. Panicked, he tried to pull it harder. But no result. "Anna?" He yelled looking at her. She hummed not even giving him a glance. "We are locked" ***
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