You're Mine

1322 Words
Moonbin POV It's been three days since that event happened at his place. Until now, Mom and Dad didn't know that I already found my mate. I mean, how can I explain to my parents that my mate is a guy? What if my father would kick me out once he knew? Ah...I hate my life. "So what now?" It's Jinjin. We're at the school's cafeteria having our lunch. "Honestly Jin I don't know" I confessed with fear. I can't take it if my parents would not accept my situation. "Well, If it was me, I would feel the same way too. However, you waited for this for so long right?" He said with empathy in his eyes. Yeah, I did but that is when I thought that my mate is a she-wolf. Now that I met him, I'm confused. Part of me wanted to accept him-heck it even wants to kiss and cuddle him all day but the other says it's all wrong. "Everything is new to me Jin. I don't know what to do." "I understand your disposition Binnie but whether you like it or not, your wolf needs him and sooner or later you'll be in heat unless he'll mate with you" Jinjin stated another problem to my current one. "And may I remind you as well that he belongs to the alpha species. He'll gonna feel it twice as you do." Yeah, his right. Actually, I already felt something different this morning. If this situation continues, I will eventually feel the needs of my wolf. He must be partnered with his mate or else I will lose control over him again. Good thing that bastard didn't show up since Monday. Even the slightest of his scent can cause havoc. I look at Jinjin pleading for help. "I know that you're afraid. I can see it in your eyes." He then ruffled my hair to ease the tension. "Just remember this Binnie, we will always be your friend no matter what happens. Sanha and I are here for you to lean on okay?" "Thanks, Hyung." Ah...It's really great to have friends like this. ------------------------------------------------- Eunwoo POV It's been three days since I've seen him. No matter how much I despised him as my mate, I can't deny the fact that I missed him so damn much. His scent already clouded my system to the extent that I crave for it every morning. Sometimes I find myself on a state of arousal just by remembering those sparks when I touch him. I know that I'm already starting to feel the heat and my alpha bloodline is not helping. Once alphas found their mate, they need to mark them and complete the mating process as soon as possible because our symptoms of heat are twice as to regular wolves. Trust me, the pain is unbearable. "Alpha, you need to talk to him about this. I know that its something new to you. Jeez, I've been there at times that you played with the unmated she-wolves and I witnessed all the disgusting things that you did to them."  It's Jungkook who's giving me another drink. Aside from being my beta, he also operates a tavern at the center of the pack's territory. He's been my friend since forever. Partners in crime as they say it. "Don't worry Bro, I will definitely do that because I'll be dead if I don't" "Great to hear that and Eunwoo, I like him to be my luna. I know the Moon Goddess has her reasons why she did this." Jungkook said which ease the worries I'm feeling right now. "By the way, your friends from the neutral lands will place a visit this coming weekend." He continued while helping his barista. Hmm...what do those two idiots need this time? "Okay. Prepare the guest rooms for them then. Just look for any available omegas to do the necessary things before they arrive." "Yes alpha" The next day Moonbin POV I am on my way to my locker when I heard his voice in my head. "Hello my cute little mate" My eyes widened in shock because of it. "How did this happen? We're not mated yet. You didn't even mark me so how come you can do mind link?" I answered back. God, I miss his voice. Wait what did he just call me? Cute? Little? Can't he see my muscles? Screw him!!! "Well, let's just say that I'm no ordinary alpha cutie." Oh s**t! Now he's calling me names. "Stop messing with my head, you hoodlum. I don't care if you are the alpha of the biggest pack but stop playing games with me" "Alright, I give up." He said then two firm arms encircled my waist. I was startled for a moment and my wolf even went into defensive mode but immediately relaxed when a familiar scent hit my nose. I faced the culprit and there he goes. Standing in his glory with seriousness in his eyes. His raven hair is still wet which made him more attractive. His gaze is dangerous... It can weaken your knees - same as what is happening to me now - that's why I look at the floor like its the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. "You're golden eyes are my weakness, my mate. They're fascinating" he said in a husky voice. God, hearing those made my checks burn like a sissy teenage girl. When I look up to meet his gaze, his orbs were now blue and they are looking at me with wait...lust? "he belongs to the alpha species. He'll gonna feel it twice as you do" What the fuck...not here you big bad wolf!!!! "Hey control your i***t!!!" I shouted at his face but it seems he's not listening anymore. He pushed me on the wall instead. Good thing we are in the hidden part of the locker area. No one can see us in this state. "I'm sorry. It's just that we never see you these past few days and holding you right now makes my wolf hyper" he purred while sniffing my neck. His wolf is really giving off such great power that even mine can feel it. No wonder his pack is the strongest one. "Just let me engulf your scent for a while please" He says while burying his face between my shoulder and neck. I thought that would be it but to my surprise, he licks it which made me moan in delight. Damn...I never thought in my whole life that I will moan that way. God...It's the sound of a submissive she-wolf!!!! "Hmm...make that sound again babe...I like it." He said tightening his embrace. No...this is dangerous...I need to calm he's wolf down because his scent is now mixed with arousal and if I can't stop it quickly, he'll gonna complete the marking process beyond his control, and the locker room is definitely not the right place. I don't want to see my face on p**n sites the next day. "Eunwoo" I called his name. "Please control your wolf" I whispered to his ear using the most serene voice I have. God this is so gay but fortunately, he listened. He retracted his embrace looking guilty. "I'm sorry I just...I " "No worries..but next time control your alpha traits please." He nods while looking sideways. His face and ears were so red. "I-I know you can smell me" He says while scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. He was so cute that I can't even stop myself from laughing. Oh God, my tummy hurts please stop me hahaha. "Yeah...yeah...laugh like there's no tomorrow my little mate but remember are MINE and I will do everything just to hear that moan again." He said which made me stop from my laughing mess. What do you mean by that? "Not that jolly now are we?" He whispered while pressing his body against me but what shocked me most was when he kissed my cheeks. " See you in the Binnie," he says after kissing me one last time but now on my lips instead of my cheeks. He then left me without even looking back. Aaaaaaaaaah!...I am so dead
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