Wolf's Mark

1922 Words
Moonbin POV It's been a few weeks since we found out that we're mates and as the days go by, that stupid Alpha is getting impatient. He's always doing something to get my attention at school like poking my dimples, saying sweet nothings, and sniffing my scent on my cheeks and neck!!! Geez, he even requested to swap places with my seatmate so that he could do all of this!!! I know that his wolf needs mine but he's drawing too much attention here. We're in the human realm for God's sake!!! This setup will earn some talk and I'm afraid of what the others would say. I didn't even approach my parents about this but they're already suspecting about me finding my mate. My heat is getting worse day by day and I know that they could smell it especially every morning when I woke up due to the extreme pain in my groins. Yes, I'm already having wet dreams with my mate and the craving of my wolf is getting stronger. He wanted to take over and submit himself to him but of course, I'm stopping it in doing such a thing. It would be too much for me especially if he's gonna do it in front of my student buddies plus I not going to be the submissive one!!!! never! "Hey, son. We have noticed that you seem weary these past few days. Is there anything that you wanted to tell us? " Its dad. "It's just some stuff at school dad. There is nothing to worry about." I lied. I'm not ready to tell them everything yet. "Alright, but if anything goes wrong just tell me okay?" He said but I know he doesn't believe me. "I will dad." I'm really bad when it comes to lying since I was a kid so I hurriedly went to the door saying goodbye to him. AT SCHOOL Everything seems fine now since no one is bugging me. I'm currently walking in the lobby going to my locker listening to the girls talking just behind me. They are just discussing the upcoming full moon tonight and speaking of the said event, I NEED to do something later or else my wolf will have the full control of my will. Same as the other creatures of the night, we werewolves can gain like a bonus strength-well, not our human form specifically but our wolf-during full moon. If we already found our mate by that time and we haven't marked them yet, we will feel the symptoms of heat twice as the normal one. Since our wolf is at its highest peak of power, it's hard to resist their will and they will eventually take over and mark their mate and worst is, complete the mating process no matter the cost. Fear is eating me while I close my locker but I set aside everything for now because I need to attend classes. As I enter the room, everything was talking on their seats. I heave a sigh. The alpha is not here yet so I can save myself from thinking of hugging and sniffing his amazing scent every time our eyes met. Yes, I can feel the pull as much as he does, and sooner or later, I'm gonna give in to it no matter what I resist unless I'll reject him. Time goes by and my big bad alpha for a mate did not arrive. I was so worried that I can't even listen attentively to the prof in front. My thoughts are somewhere else. Specifically to Eunwoo. Gladly the bell rings stating that it's already lunchtime. I immediately sprinted towards the cafeteria hoping to see Jungkook, his beta. Jinjin and Sanha were confused while following my strides. "Uhm Moonbin Hyung, are you that hungry to the point of walking like this?" Sanha asked. "I bet he's not. Someone here is worried about the welfare of the Handsome Alpha!" Jinjin said teasing me on purpose. I stopped and faced them. "SHUT up Jin..I'm just hungry that's all." Is said with a frown but he just smiles at me. I groaned and continued to walk leaving the laughing JINJIN and an even confused SANHA behind. Luckily, I saw Jungkook eating his lunch alone. I went to his table and when he felt my presence, he immediately stood up from his seat and bowed to me. "Nice to see you, Luna. What can I do for you?" Silence filled the air for a while. Jungkook is looking at me anticipating a word. I tried to relax before asking him about his stupid alpha. Being called a Luna shocked the sense out of me even though my wolf was howling with joy. He's happy being recognized by his subordinates. "Uhm...I just want to know why your alpha didn't attend the classes this morning. Is he sick or something?" I asked swallowing all the pride left in me. I was so f*****g worried about him for Pete's sake. "The Alpha is not fine Luna. He's currently in bed. The surge of heat last night hit him hard." Jungkook answered me with a pang of sadness in his words. I know that he's also worried about the welfare of his Alpha but its nothing compared to what I'm feeling right now. I wanted to see him and ease the pain he has. "Take me to him right now quick!" I ordered with a sense of urgency shocking the wolf in front of me. I even shouted a little bit earning stares from everyone who's taking their lunch including the running Jinjin and Sanha who's catching their breath. Jungkook immediately guided us toward his car. Yes us, these two of a prick I called friends wanted to come as well so I let them. On our way to the packhouse, Sanha keeps on asking Jungkook about the werewolf lives. His curiosity is incomparable. A trait of mystic maybe. They were talking from the basic shifting, daily living, hierarchy, until the mating bond which is somehow odd since he's been with me for a long time now but he didn't ask me about my race. Hmm...I feel something is wrong. "We are here" Jungkook caught my attention. It's the Alpha's Mansion. It's really huge and you can say that someone living here holds power. Jungkook opened the car for me and Jinjin. Once I step out, the scent of my mate hit my nose. It even smells amazing compared to his scent a couple of weeks ago. I immediately run inside without minding Jinjin and Sanha who's calling me from behind. I followed the scent of my mate until I found a white door which tells me that this is his room. The smell of woods and the morning breeze was strong. He's inside. I slowly opened the room. It's dark since the curtains are hanging low covering the windows. I can smell him everywhere and I was nervous because we wolves are territorial. We don't like others to cross over things which are ours even our parents are not exempted. However, we are talking about the welfare of my mate here so I didn't hold the grudge even if I will regret this one later. After I step both my feet inside, I heave a sigh of contentment but suddenly, two strong hands caught my waist which earned a yelp from me. "What are you doing here my cute little mate?" a raspy voice whispered in my ear followed by a feral growl. God, I love the sound of his voice even though it sounds threatening. "Bullshit! I'm not cute nor little." I hissed while trying to free myself but his grip was too strong. He has alpha strength after all. "Not a chance," He said while sniffing my neck like he always does. "You're the cutest wolf in my eyes, Binnie. Your eyes, your voice, your smile, your scent, your amazing body, and even your moan are all cute to me. You are my everything, my other half." he said which stopped me from struggling my way out. I feel my cheeks are heating up like a sissy again but heck I like everything he said. He adores me more than anything else. Silence engulfs us for a while until he turns me around facing him. His breath brushing my face smells like strawberry. "Again why are you here?" he asked but this time with sweetness. "Your beta said that you are not feeling well so I came all the way here," I said while looking at the ground. I could not look directly at his eyes because if I'll do that, all I think was his lips and the tingling feeling that he's causing me every time our bodies collide. "Hmm...If you don't stop it I will mark you right here" he said after a lustful growl. "You are craving me, Binnie. I can smell your arousal and I know you smell mine" God, I forgot that I am having an ALPHA for a mate but not until I was thrown on the bed. I look at him and I can see his eyes are glowing blue. l**t was evident on his face and when my sight shifted on his body I gulped hard. He doesn't have upper CLOTHING!!!! I know that I have a body of a warrior but seeing his blasted me. I want to feel his muscles because they belong to me in the first place. I know my wolf is surfacing and seeing such a blessing in front of us made us growl in delight. Hearing us earned a chuckle and in split a second, his already topping us with a kiss full of fury. God, I feel heaven. He licked my lips an entrance which I denied to tease him. He growled hard which made me laugh at his reaction. "Playing hard to get huh? Let's see about that" He said with a grin then a pair of strong hands cupped my buttcheeks earning a moan from me. He then grabs that opportunity to kiss me again but this time he successfully explored my insides dominating me. My wolf didn't even protest. He happily submits himself to his mate's aggressiveness. God, his really a good kisser, and me being inexperienced only became his slave. After that long and breathtaking kiss, he separated from me with a string of saliva which made him look hotter. This time, being with my mate was all that matters. All of my doubts and fears disappeared when I look at his blue eyes which has longing, love, and ehm...lust towards me. "I know that you never wanted me as a mate but please forgive me. I can't stop my wolf anymore. We wanted to mark you. Making you ours forever Binnie." he said while caressing my cheek with his hand. Hesitation was all over his face but the determination of his wolf to claim us is more powerful. I touch his face then smile at him. "Then mark me," I said inclining my head so that he can have better access with my neck. His shock of what I said. " are you sure?" I nodded which made him happy. He immediately nuzzles his lips on the spot where he would leave his mark and trust me it felt so good that I even moan once again until it changes into a groan. His canine dug in my neck near my collarbone. The feeling of marking someone and of being marked is bliss. It feels like ecstasy. Moments later, he detaches his fangs and then all of our clothes were on the floor...it's time to complete the process now and that is to mate with each other.
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