
1233 Words
Moonbin No... It must be a mistake! How come this guy with sparkling blue eyes, handsome face, perfectly sculpted lips, shiny raven hair, and awesome body is my mate? I mean, we are supposed to be paired with a beautiful she-wolf, not with each other. We're guys! "What is your name," he asked with a voice full of authority. There's no doubt, he is an alpha male. I have no choice but to submit. Stupid werewolf traits. "It's Moonbin, Alpha." I bowed while stating my name to him. What can I do? I'm just a pack warrior. "What enchantment did you use to make my wolf believe that you are his mate witch?" He then asked with anger written on his handsome face. What the f**k? I don't even have the slightest mixture of witch's blood on my own. "I'm not a witch asshole. Now what? You'll gonna reject me?" He was shocked that I approach him that way. He's not my alpha so he can't take full authority over my wolf. Huh! Take that you handsome hoodlum. Ugh..and why do I keep on mentioning how handsome he is anyway? "We will know that one later on." He says while glaring at me then he faces sideways for a moment. He's maybe talking to his pack member through mind link since the glowing of his eyes was evident. "Come with me." It was not a request but an order. I raise my brows because of that and didn't move even an inch which earned a loud animalistic growl from him. I was mesmerized for a second because it leaves a c***k on the small glass window near the ceiling. God! I'm the strongest pack warrior but right now my feet are trembling out of fear. His expression is deadly. "Do not exhaust my temper pup or else this big bad alpha will mark you and mate with you right here until your a moaning mess. Got that?" What? This is ridiculous! "I still have my class!!" I reasoned out but he only answered me with another growl. I just rolled my eyes. "Okay fine. Let's deal with this quick so that we can both go back to our normal lives." He just nodded and walk into the exit. I followed him until we are standing in front of a blue Huracan Spyder. "Get in!" Once again he ordered me using his alpha tone earning a whimper from me. Gosh, he's scary. Moments later, we are already on the road going to a place that is not familiar to me. I know that he's an alpha but I can't tell if which pack. Uhg... I wish that I listened to our luna before when she taught us about the alpha bloodline. "Get out" Huh? Oh..I was so absorbed with my thoughts that I didn't notice we're already at his place. Wait... If I'm correct then... "You're the alpha of the Cerulean Moon pack? But I thought it was.." "He died a year ago..are you not listening during discussions about your neighboring packs? "Uhm..I'm only interested in physical training no offense," I said nonchalantly. Well, you can't blame me if I find them boring. "Whatever now come on. We will know if you're really my mate or not" he said while dragging me inside. Damn, he's f*****g strong. "Hello alpha" someone wearing a bunny smile meets us on one of the rooms which I assumed to be the Alpha's office. Nevertheless, my mate's scent was all over the place. "The moon elf?" "He's already at the hall alpha." The guy answered while looking to me suspiciously. He also immense some power so I believe his the Beta. "Alright, thanks." Without further adieu, he dragged me again to one of the rooms, and trust me, my wrist f*****g hurts already. After a while, he pushes the door that leads to the meeting hall. I look around and was caught off guard by someone who's waiting for I believe us. "Wait...Binnie? What are you doing here?" Jinjin with a shock expression written all over his face. "Dragged by this big bad alpha," I said while rolling my eyes. A low growl was then heard coming from someone besides me which you know who. "I believe you are the moon elf correct?" My mate breaking the moment. "Yes, Alpha Eunwoo. If you don't mind me asking why did you summon me?" Jinjin asked my mate. So Eunwoo was his name. "I believe that this person cast some incantation against me and I've heard that moon elves are the master healers. So can you help?" Jinjin then looks at me with a face asking 'what the hell is he talking about' expression written on it. I just shrug and mouthed 'I'll explain it later'. "So can you help me?" My mate interrupted our little conversation with an annoyed face. "Well, I can use some purification spell to both of you Alpha," Jinjin answered. "Okay do it now" "Yes Alpha," Jinjin said before closing his eyes. He then raised his hands sideways and muttered some eincantationwherein I don't understand. Then a large green magic circle emerges from our feet. When I look at Jinjin, his form was different. I never saw a moon elf perform a spell before and now I feel amazed. Jinjin's hair changed into long strands of white hair and his ears elongated just like how elves should look like. There are also runes encrypted into his arms and face which glows every time he chants. He looks awesome. After a while, his spell is started to work its magic. " Alright, the spell is done." Its Jinjin who transformed back to his original form. I started to check myself if there something different. I really hope that Jinjin's spell fixed everything but when I sniffed the air, all was lost. The same scent of pine and morning breeze is still present inside the room. I close my eyes thinking that this is just a dream. Why does the moon goddess pair me up with this alpha? All my life, I imagined my mate to be a sexy, hot, and strong she-wolf, not a dude. Heck, I'm not even gay. I'm straighter than a pole. "Elf it didn't change a thing." A frustrated Eunwoo snap me out of my thoughts. "Alpha that one is the most powerful type of purification spell. So any incantation should be cured." Jinjin explained to defend himself. "So this means that this dude is really my mate? My luna is a guy?" He says while looking at me. I can see a lot of emotions in his blue eyes which means that he's wolf was already in control and that made me nervous. "No, I can't accept you as my mate!!!" I roared loudly which made him startled for a moment. Not this time stupid alpha. I need to end this. " I Moonbin... Warrior of the Skythorne pack is reject---hmmp" Fuck...I was stopped when his strong hands slam me towards the wall leaving a c***k. Shit, his strength is twice as powerful compared to mine. "Not so fast sweetheart," he whispered while caressing my cheeks. God..I felt the sparks from his touch and my wolf's liking it. The worst part is when he licks the spot on my neck wherein he will put his mark. That put my wolf to the edge and I lost my control. "Jeez please get a room" Jinjin interrupted earning a growl from both of us. "Okay... I'll keep my mouth shut you horny wolves." He said before walking his way towards the door. "Good luck with your a*s bro" I can't believe that I'd just make out with a dude... and... I like it. Uhgg screw me.
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