The Elf's Dragon

2298 Words
Eunwoo The heat of the sunlight seeping through the window and the amazing scent of my mate who's cuddling on my chest wakes me up. Rays that are hitting some portions of his brown hair and cheeks made him the most adorable sight for my eyes. I look at his neck where my mark lies and it was healed properly. I was so happy because at last, he's officially mine. Speaking of last night, our mating was amazing. I am glad that he preserved himself just for me. He even doesn't know how to kiss properly. Hearing his mewls and moans made my wolf so proud that he satisfies his mate. I caress his face tracing the thick eyebrows, perfect nose, and that delectable lips swollen lips. I smiled. These are all mine. My mark will make other she-wolves or even the male ones know that he's already taken. Mated. At first, I admit that I can't accept him. I was shocked at the thought that my mate was a male wolf instead of a beautiful she-wolf. However, when I didn't see him for several days, I came to realize that I can't live without him. His the other half of my soul and since I found him, I became whole. Living without Moonbin is just impossible. During those times that he's confused about this mating was the hardest days of my life. I'm waking up every morning with longing for him, craving his body near me, and looking for his undeniably sweet scent to fill me. There's this extreme pain in my groins too. Werewolf's heat is not a joke I tell you, especially that I am one of the alpha species that made it even more difficult. I am so engrossed with my thoughts that I didn't notice the eyes which were closed a while ago is now staring at me. I smiled once more since he also did the same. However, I was shocked by what happened next. He kicked my sides, making me fall off the bed in a loud thud. "Aww!!" I hissed in pain. Damn, I can't believe it. He's still strong after those five rounds of mating? You gotta be kidding me. [ Uhm seriously Eunwoo? five rounds? ] "Ouch..dammit.." my mate cried while caressing his back. Oops...I think I somehow overdid it. Even his werewolf healing didn't help a lot. "You prick!!!!" he shouted while throwing all the pillows on my face. "Look at what you did!!! I can't even walk!!!" He was really agitated. Maybe he didn't expect to be the bottom but sorry my little mate. Your big bad alpha is certainly the husband in this relationship. "Whatever...fuck this shit...I need to go to the bathroom. May you c-carry me p-please?" he asked but I furrowed on how he stuttered a lot. He's cheeks then turned red as tomatoes which made him look like a cute pup. His eyes have a shock expression on it. When I followed where he's looking, I laughed so hard. Wanna know why? It is because he's looking right straight to my little Eunwoo down there. Not to brag or anything but I am gifted in that area. So gifted. Hey, alpha, I apologize for interrupting your quality time with the Luna but I would like to inform you that your friends from the neutral lands are waiting at your office. My mate and I looked simultaneously at the door where Jungkook's voice came from. Yow Binnie!! Save your a*s for the other days, Bro!! Let us sleep okay? Your yelps and moans did not allow us last night!! Please have mercy you two. That one I believe is the Moon Elf. "Thank you for letting me know Kookie" I shouted towards the door. "Don't worry Moon Elf. He'll definitely gonna save it for me later!!!" I added pertaining to the other one. Their chuckles filled the corridor as the footsteps fade away. When I look at my mate, his eyes are burning with fury. What? Did I do something wrong? "Tell me this room is soundproof. It is right?" Wait a minute, what? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, Jinwoo and Jungkook were on their way towards the hall. "Hey bro" "It's Jungkook," " said earlier that the alpha's friends are from the neutral land right? Are they werewolves too?" Jinwoo asks out of curiosity. "You mean Myungjun and Minhyuk?" "I guess so." "No, they weren't. Myungjun is a merman. A mermaid prince to be exact. The eldest among the three Atlantean siblings and also the next heir to the throne of Atlantis. On the other hand, Minhyuk is a dragonlord. He's a goldish-white dragon with blue flames. The rarest of all his kind." Jinjin flinched at the beta's last statement. Hearing the word dragon gives goosebumps to the elf already nevertheless staying on the same roof with it. "Bud are you okay?" The wolf asked. "Yeah...I'm fine" Well not totally fine if you'll ask me. Elves and dragons were never been in good terms. This has been recorded through time. So being with a dragon, especially a dragonlord is not a joke to Jinwoo. Not to mention that his brother has been killed by dragons too. "Well if you say so." Jungkook nodded before bidding his goodbye to the Moon elf hence they are going into opposite ways. Jinwoo went towards their room where Sanha is sleeping. He's really worried about the situation. Once he meets the said dragon, he can't promise that he'll behave without cutting his head off. He has this hatred for the dragons for killing someone he loved the most. For him, they were the most despicable creatures. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, in the alpha's office, Eunwoo and his friends were talking about their lives. They haven't seen each other for almost two years now. "We heard from Jungkook that you already found your Luna. Is that right?" It's Minhyuk the dragon. Eunwoo smiled widely to the latter which confirm it. "Whoah! So, is she pretty? Hot? What?" "Yup he is dazzling." "That's great-wait, hold on. What do you mean by 'he'? Your mate is a guy?" Myungjun the merman asked full of confusion. Eunwoo nodded in response earning a shock expression from both of his friends. They even attack him with lots of questions which he answered wholeheartedly. Mostly, it's about the looks of his mate and by how Eunwoo describes Moonbin, Minhyuk became very excited to finally meet his friend's mate. Nevertheless if its a guy or what. He knows if how long did Eunwoo wait for this moment and now, the luna of this pack is just there somewhere in one of the rooms. He dashes out the alpha's office and sprinted toward the room where the luna was in which he assumed that it was Eunwoo's. He didn't mind the growling alpha behind him who didn't want his mate to be disturb. After he passes the first two rooms, the third one opens revealing a shock Sanha and Jinwoo. Minhyuk immediately smells the blood of an elf which made him flinch to the scent bombarding his nostrils. Scales covered some parts of his face and body when he angrily faces the Alpha and shouted the words that made Jinwoo go into fury. "Why the hell are you having a stinky elf in your cabin?" Jinwoo POV So this is the dragon? How dare he mock my race in front of everyone? He doesn't even look like a threat to me. He looks skinny and petite. "Again Eunwoo Hyung, what is this elf doing here?" The bullshit asked the Alpha like his an ordinary creature. "Don't tell me that you're having an alliance with this low-class creature behind my back?" What the f**k? I was never been insulted in my whole life! I look at the Alpha who clearly not aware that his friend was my archenemy. "Listen here you damn lizard! I am not staying for good. I'm just here because my friend, the Luna, paid a visit to your alpha friend." I shouted at him. I am very annoyed about his behavior. "I am a dragon, not a lizard damn you!" He shouted back at me. "Ow..but your acting like one though" I smiled. A cocky one. However, the next thing I knew, I'm already pinned to the floor with a shouting Moonbin from the door of his room. I was shocked at first but seeing a pair of golden dragon eyes made me shiver in fear. They were looking at me with pure bloodlust. Out of panic, I transformed into my true form and tried to push him off but I was out of luck. I saw how his nails turned into claws, a pair of wings emerged from his back, and his canine changed into snake-like fangs. Now I'm super scared. He's a monster! I struggled to free myself one last time but he clawed my chest. I cried in pain as his claws torn my shirt revealing my upper body full of deep scratches. Blood is dripping from my wounds and I felt numb. He tried to dig his claws to me once again but stopped midway when he's eyes darted on my V-line. He looks at me straight in the eyes but this time there's something different on how he stares. I tried to feel my surroundings from my peripheral and I saw how Moonbin and Sanha struggled the two men namely Eunwoo and his other friend. Their shouts become more evident as his hand traveled from my chest down to the layers of my abdomen. I closed my eyes anticipating my doomsday of crucial pain from those sharp and deadly claws. Several minutes of waiting but I never felt those claws wrecking my insides. I opened my eyes and what I saw was a confused face who's looking intently at my mark. "How is this even possible?" He mumbled but loud enough for me to hear. "What are you talking about you lizard?" I asked him which catches his attention. His brows furrowed when I called him lizard again but then his face softened when he caressed my abdomen. Well, another thing which is odd about me is my birthmark at the center of my V-line. It looks like a tattoo of an egg with a dragon laying on it. I constantly became the topic of every talk because of that. Anything associated with a dragon is like a curse to us elves so after being hatched from the tree of life, my own life was twisted. Yes, we elves are hatched from eggs too like other creatures. "Don't call me lizard because I'm a dragon. How many times do I have to tell you that?" He hissed. I just rolled my eyes. "Where did you get this mark?" He asked while still tracing it. That tickles me since my most sensitive body part was the abdomen.  So I tried my very best not to moan. Moreover, his tracing it with his claws so it really feels different. "Uhm..I-its been with me since I was born i***t. Why are you asking anyway?" I scoff and why am I even stuttering? "I see" he sighs. He even looks defeated. Suddenly, shredded clothes were all over me when he clawed his own off. My eyes widened with what I saw. I thought his super skinny but he's actually not. His body figure can even compete with mine. "It is because I have the same mark too." He says which made me stop by checking him out. Heck..why am I even doing that? He pointed his claws on his chest free of scales. Yes, from his front neck down to his abs was like human skin. So only the sides of his body and the back are covered with dragonic plates. His golden-white scales were fascinating too but what catches my attention was the mark on the spot where he's pointing at because there, laying on his left chest, was a mark which is a photocopy of what is mine. What the... Does this mean I'm a half-dragon? Was he my brother or something? I'm so confused. I was still processing the situation when he gets off me while picking me up on the process. He then carries me inside of one of the rooms which I believe was his. "Who are you?" He coed right after he drops me on the bed. I looked at him in disgust. Why the heck is he asking for my name? We are supposedly killing each other. "Why?" I asked in annoyance. " I asked you first so answer the damn question!" He roared which startled me a bit. " I'm Park Jinwoo. Satisfied?" I made my voice sounds tough but deep inside I'm shaking to death. "Hmm... Feisty. I'm Park Minhyuk but you can call me Rocky." "I don't f*****g care" "Well start to f*****g care. Do you even knew if what is the meaning of our marks?" He then asked me while holding both of my shoulders. "What? Like were half brothers or something?" "Nice try darling but no" he heaves a sigh and then stares at me like I was the best thing he had ever seen. "It only means that you will be the bearer of my egg" he continued with a smile of excitement that drained the blood in me. "What do you exactly mean by 'bearer of my egg'?" I even quoted the air while asking him that. He chuckled before he pinned me laying my back on the soft mattress. His wings covered the sides while his hands are holding my own above my head. He leaned towards my left ear and whispered the words that rock my world. "It only means, we will mate as the werewolves do." He then caressed my cheeks. "We dragons called it knotting my dear elf. You will then get pregnant and poof you will bear my egg." He casually said it like its a normal thing but did he also put in that coconut brain of his that I'm a guy and there is no way I'll get impregnate? "You i***t, that will never happen. Can't you see I'm a dude?" I shouted at his face before I kicked his so-called EGGS. A loud dragon cry was then heard as I get out of the room. God..such a dumb kid.
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