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Aarsh's POV   Arrrggghhhhh! I absolutely felt disgusted, no frustrated, no irritated. God damn it, I just don't know what exactly I felt at the ceremony. From the very beginning I knew what was supposed to happen at the ceremony. I knew every ritual, every tests, meaning of those tests and even the solutions of it. Oh come on, it was to be the ceremony where we could have introduced another powerful soul to our people. Yes, it's a belief of our people that two powerful, super natural force will come together, hold each others hands, will bind each other in love and will try to stop all the damages that might happen after their bonding. When I discovered my powers, since that day I know am a blessed one. Not only with powers but also a good "better half." People who knew about me believed that I would have a wonderful love story that not only me and my partner will tell to our next generation but it will be remembered by everyone for ages.    When I realized Sana isn't my true partner I was devastated. I felt my strings to her started to lose. I felt may be its true because she isn't the actual one. But I still stayed with her for many reasons. Yes, affection was also one of them but naming the emotion love will be a little exaggerated. I don't know how Sana felt about my changing behavior, but she played along. When I showed emotions she showed them, when I was cold, she was cold, when I needed pleasure, she agreed. It felt everything kind of mutual. When the topic of marriage came up, I was irritated to the core. Reason was not Sana, but the desperation of finding my true love before everything goes out of control, sadness cause I failed to find the one who is only made for me. I somehow said yes, and started attending functions, gatherings and what nots for the wedding. But things turned well, I found her. I found Meera.   Well, I knew Meera, but I never knew she is the one. I was so happy that I just wanted to embrace her all the time, my unsatisfied urge to completely devour her surfaced over every other emotions in my life. Only I knew how I stopped myself. Anyone might think what I did to save her the other day was more than enough to satisfy my thirst. But no, after that night, I just wanted her under me, writhing in pleasures, screaming and moaning my name, begging me to have her, hard, and hard and me being her only master will make her go crazy for me. Generally I am not fully a dominant nor am a softy. But with her, I want to go extreme levels. I wanted to pleasure her making love to her softly, while pleasuring myself in a harder way. Ya, I can do both. I can do anything for her.  I want to do everything with her. And I will.    After Guruji heard that I was indeed getting married to Sana, he decided to not to do all those special rituals because honestly a mere human like Sana can't do it. She will be humiliated, insulted, and might feel deprived after the ceremony. I thought about it and agreed. We just decided to worship, have Havaan or something and will end the ceremony. But when Rajat bhai told me everything, I thought doing the special rituals might make Meera come out by herself. I know how she is. I know she can't let Sana get humiliated and insulted in front of everyone. I thought at least she will come to anyone of us and say to stop it and in that act I might catch her up and pressurize her to tell the truth. But the nerve of that girl.    What she did, made my blood boil. I literally wanted to throw her over my shoulder, take her to some secluded room, throw her there and have my way with her until she said the truth and beg in front of me to forgive her. Only I know how I restrained myself. When Guruji heard about my plan he was shocked. He was angry thinking bhai broke his promise, but I convinced him that I got to know it first and he just filled me in. I convinced him to agree with my plan, we did what was supposed to be done. But that little witch ruined everything. She helped Sana in such ways that if you don't know the truth you might not be able to tell what on the earth has happened there. She was so sneaky that she should be in jail. I very well know what she did, rather how she did. She did everything possible to show everyone that Sana is my true mate. Can you imagine! She used her powers just to save Sana from humiliation and ended up making her my true partner in front of everyone. I devised this plan to expose her but she not only saved herself from being exposed but also proved everyone that Sana is my true partner. Wow.   I calmly watched what all she did to save Sana, but only I know how calm I was. I gave blank expressions through out the ceremony but from inside I was no less than a raging bull. I kept quite and watched, well I had no other option. After Sana's ritual, I had only one ritual to do and that was to take a bath in the river and then take blessings from god. I did as I was told. I know its summer right now but the water was quite cold and maybe that is the reason I caught cold. We ate lunch there and soon before sunset we started for the city. I dropped everyone home one by one. I first dropped Meera then Maithili. Sana wanted to leave at the end but I was not in mood to be with her anymore, my cold and tiredness were taking toll on me. So then I dropped Sana and lastly Sharman. I went home, wanted to take shower but after two sneezes I decided against it. Generally, I recover very fast but today something was wrong. I took medicines and decided to sleep for a bit. But when I woke up the sun was already shining brightly. f**k. I overslept.    I got up, had bath and was almost rushing towards my car when all of a sudden I felt dizzy. No, no, no, I can't skip work. Because of marriage and pre wedding and post wedding ceremonies I have to skip work for many days, I can't recklessly skip work now. I took out my phone called Meera, unwillingly. By God's grace she picked up in two rings. "Hello." "Where are you?" "In the office. Its past 10 right?" "Very good. Just do me a favor. Check whether I have some important meetings or not." "Just hold on minute." I waited and god knows why I prayed to have no meetings. I am this much ill. After 1 good minute she said, "No. You don't have any meetings today. Why? What's wrong?" "Nothing. Just get back to work. I don't think I will be able to come today. So try to manage everything." "Aarsh, are you alright? Should I come over?" "No. Its not needed. Just do your work," and with that I cut the call. I went back back to my room, and laid down on the bed, and my bed just welcomed me like magic. Meera's POV After the phone call, the day went as blur. I was shocked as hell when Aarsh said he won't be coming today. Since the day am working here, Aarsh never took a day off. Hell with a day off, he was never even late at work. His work was his priority. When his time to reach office passed, I was surprised that he didn't come. I thought of calling him once, but it seemed doubtful, maybe he is stuck with some other work. His wedding date is also arriving soon, and most importantly, being a PA it looks nosy to see what the hell your boss is doing in his private time. Ya, ya, he is my friend and what not, but right now, in this building, am his PA first and then his friend. When he called, he sounded a bit ill, tired even, maybe because of yesterday. I offered him to go to house but he declined it. I didn't dare to push further. It was hard to concentrate but I did engage myself in work though.   It was Saturday and it was past five already, I decided to head home. While I was waiting for the lift, it opened and Vivek bhai came out. It was bit surprising but still I let him enter the floor. "Oh Meera, thank God you didn't leave. Listen, I have a bit work for you. Actually, I urgently need some signatures on these papers and Aarsh didn't come today. You know I have a date tonight. So please will you drop these papers at Aarsh's house. He needs to read them carefully. He will bring those files on Monday. Please Meera, please. Pretty please," he said and gave me those cute puppy eyes which are impossible to reject. I know he has date today about which he told me in the lunch. I groaned at first but took the files and together we headed for the lift. This is actually a good opportunity for me to check on Aarsh.    After more than an hour, I reached Aarsh's place. I ringed the bell and Lalita Didi opened the door. I entered the house and asked her about Aarsh. "Ma'am, Sir is sick, he is having fever from morning." "What?" "Yes. He didn't eat anything last night. I was there when he came back. I asked him to eat, but he told me to keep the food and go home. I did. When I came in the morning, the food was untouched. I went to his room and he was sleeping. I tried calling him, I touched him and realised he is having fever. I told him that let me call a doctor. But he is just not listening. He is saying he is taking medicines. I somehow forced him to drink soup in the lunch but that's all he has taken since yesterday. Ma'am, my child's exams are coming I needed to go home early. But I can't leave him like this. What should I do?"     I knew something was wrong with him. Now see what he has done. We can't go to regular doctors, the treatment won't work. Now the problem is I didn't know if its for fever also or not. "Ok, ok. Now I have arrived, lemme see what I can do. You.... you go to your home. I will stay over, if required I will contact the doctor." "Thank you Ma'am, thank you so so much. You are savior. Now I will leave. You know the house. Don't worry about the things if it gets messier. I will come tomorrow and clean it. You please check on sir. Dinner is ready. Please have dinner and try to make him eat something." With this she was about to leave when a question struck in my mind. "Didi, wait! Did you try reaching Sana?" "Yes Ma'am I have tried. But she didn't pick up the call. I said sir to inform her but he is not listening telling that she won't be of any help." "Ok, I will see it from here. And tell your child all the best for the exam." "Thank you Ma'am, thank you so much." And with that she finally left the place.   After I locked the door, I went straight to his room. I slightly opened it, and peeked inside. He was laying on the bed with a quilt covering his body. I opened the door completely and went to me. I bend down to his level, touched his forehead and boy, it was so hot that you can cook your food on it. I tapped on his cheeks to wake him up. "Aarsh! Aarsh! Its me Meera, can you here me?" "Ahhh... I ... can hear you. Why are you here?" "To murder you! Of course am here to see you, you i***t!" "Am sick girl can't you see? Don't scold me." "Whatever. What medicines have you taken?" He just points to something on the bedside table. I saw some strips of paracetamol and some other anti-biotics. Ok. I went to him and asked, "Where is the thermometer?" He again pointed his finger to some direction and I understood it. "Did you want me to call doctor or Rajat bhai may be?" He nodded in denial. Great.    I took his temperature. It was 104 degree. I went to take some cold water and drenched a cloth in it and put it on his forehead. I did this for almost an hour. In between that I tried Sana, but as Lakshmi Didi said she didn't bother to answer. I tried calling Maithili but this time luck favoured me and she picked it up. "Hey, is Sana with you?" "Yep, she is here. Why?" "Well, I was calling her but she didn't pick it up." "Wait am giving her the phone." "Hey Meera. What is it?" "Sana are you busy?" "Yep we are having some discussions about the marriage. Why?" "Well, Aarsh is sick. He is having fever. Can you come over?" "Come on Meera, its just a fever. Nothing else. He will recover. So just relax babe." I couldn't say anything more. If this is her attitude before the marriage then God bless Aarsh. "Ok, I got it. You enjoy." "Ya bye." Before I said bye, she cut the call. I looked at Aarsh and felt pity. You could have changed the situation and would not feel pity. My stupid mind uttered.   After sometime, around the standard time to have dinner, I woke him up, made him eat his dinner, helped him in his night routine like a kid, ate my dinner, informed my parents and settled on the couch in the room. I did not have the courage to leave him in his room all alone. He was in some pain cause he was continuously moaning and groaning. I understood as its very natural in fever. It was past midnight when all of a sudden I heard a noise. May be I had dozed off. I opened my eyes and saw Aarsh was trying to reach the glass placed on the bedside table and it has fallen down and broke into pieces. I quickly went over to him and said, "Do you want water?" He just nodded. I made him sit and helped him in drinking water. I was then about to go and take my place when he held my hand and stopped me. "Please don't leave me alone." "Aarsh am just at the couch." "No, I want you here with me please." And with that he pulled me in his embrace and was fast asleep. God what will happen now?
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