The First Ceremony

2599 Words
Meera's POV   My decision of not letting Sana go without me was by far the most appropriate decision I have taken in life. Yes, I mean it. If I would have decided to stay back then Sana would have faced lot of problems, and above all, lot of humiliation. The ceremony which she had to attend, it was designed in such a manner that it felt like it was designed for me, or at least for people like me.  Flashback   We started around 5 in the morning. Its too early for any of us. Well not exactly for Aarsh, apparently. Very few of us accompanied them, obviously it was a working day and nobody was as curious as I was to see the mysterious ceremony. So, as a result, Maithili, Sharman, and I accompanied Sana and Aarsh. We took an SUV, which Aarsh drove. We were all sleepy in the first hour or half an hour, but the beautiful scenery which passed us made us feel refreshed. Soon, sleep was the last thing in our mind. Sana was seating on the passenger seat, while Maithili and Sharman occupied the middle row and I automatically ended up on the backseat. Hardly any of us were fully dressed up for the ceremony, but we took one good pair of cloth and some accessories to go with it. Aarsh stopped at a roadside motel so that we can change and prepare ourselves so that the ceremony can be done without wasting any time.    We wore Indian attire, not because we looked good in that but because we all sensed there will be some kind of devotional things that we have to attend. The boys stick with the classic kurta and pajama, while we, the girls wore salwar suits. We did light make up and after 45 minutes of distress, we quickly stormed out of the motel and settled in the car. We reached just 10-15 minutes before the clock struck 8. In that time Aarsh and Sana talked with Guruji, Rajat bhai and few other disciples of the ashram, may be about the ceremony, while Maithili, Sharman and I were roaming around aimlessly. We were reminiscing about our past memories from this place when Rajat bhai came running to us informing that the ceremony is about to start.    When we reached the exact venue, it was actually the entry point of entering the area. It was locally known as Bada Darwaza (big door) because of its size, obviously, which was around 12 feet tall and the ancient artistry work on it. The door looked quite old, but still it was well maintained. People from the area started gathering around Aarsh, Sana and Guruji. We were also part of the crowd but we were the front row spectators. Guruji came in the middle and said in his deep voice, "People of Anandpura, we have gathered here to witness the loyalty and purity of the heart of our beloved Aarsh's soon to be bride. As per the ritual, she will cut her palm with this already worshipped silver dagger and then push the Bada Darwaza to mark the entry in everyone's heart. Then we will all march to the Kali temple and again she will have to push the doors to enter the temple which will mark the official entry to our Aarsh's life. Then she will worship Goddess Kali, seek her blessings to fill her marriage life with happiness and prosperity. It was the belief of our ancestors that those who can open the door, they have the purest heart. Anandpura is supposed to be one of the towns where magic has shown its presence and colour. Obviously, with time it has faded, but it is still a belief that if your heart isn't pure, you can't open them. The true magic lies in the heart. So I, request the silver dagger to be brought here."   For me, it felt quite strange. I leaned towards Rajat bhai and whispered to his ears, "What's all this? Are you serious? What kind of ritual is this?" "This ritual is specifically set for Aarsh's mate. And not for some random woman. Don't you get the point Meera, its set for you," he said with frustration in his voice. "What?" I whisper - yelled. People near us looked at us pointedly. I gave them an apologetic look and again turned towards bhai. "You should stop this. If these rituals are set for me, for my powers, then how will Sana to do it. Don't you think even for a second you should stop this." "I don't have the right Meera. Look, when Aarsh showed his power for the first time, things for his marriage had already been decided since then. Who am I to stop these things?" "But bhai you don't understand. When Sana will go to open that door, that door will not open. It will show that she is not pure by heart, which is not true. She will be humiliated." "You should have thought this before sacrificing your and Aarsh's relation. I can't do anything. Am sorry. You decide what you want to do."    It felt quite bad when  your only  supporter decided not to help. This is the first time in four years when Rajat bhai denied me help to cover me. It felt strange, rather deliberate of him to not help me. I couldn't think of the thought that he will betray me. One part of me was telling me he was helpless, while the other argued that we wants to expose me. Soon, my thoughts were interrupted with the sound of drum beatings. I looked at the direction from where the sound was coming and saw 3-5 five people coming towards us. One of them was walking in the middle with a big plate covered with a saffron coloured piece of cloth, while other 4 were walking surrounding him beating drums. When they came near us, they stood near Guruji and stopped beating their drums when they were completely here. I tried to get a peek what was on the the plate, and by the looks of it, it was the dagger. It looked new because the way it was shinning. It can make your eyes completely blind with a split of a second. The hilt was decorated with many red and green stones, most probably emerald and ruby. It looked absolutely stunning. No one could have imagined that that little piece of dangerous weapon can be this gorgeous, this magnificent. Infront of that dagger every jewellery is supposed to look pale.   The man who was holding the plate on which the dagger was brought came and stood infront of Sana. Guruji took a conch shell in his hand and blew it until his lungs were out of breath. Sana took the dagger in her right hand, holding the hilt and raised it to her eye level. Then she raised her left hand and hold the sharp portion in a firm grip and within seconds sliced her palms. Blood was dripping from her hands slowly. Guruji gestured her to walk to the door. She went there, placed her left hand but nothing happened. Then she started pushing it a bit harder than her previous time. Again nothing happened. Then she tried to push it with both her hands. Again, no use. She looked at Aarsh pleading, but Aarsh had a very cold expression on his face. He felt nothing for Sana, not even pity. I was shocked. I had to help her. Rajat bhai, on the other hand, teased Sana. "What happen would be sister in law? Is there any issue?" "I can't open the door. Am pushing it but its not moving at all. I think its stuck." "Oh come on sister in law, don't use your physical strength, use your heart, your devotion to the affection you have for our brother." He said that and looked at me and winked. Bloody devil.   I soon ran beside her. "Meera, people are watching me. I feel humiliated. Am trying to convey Aarsh that I need his help but he is just not getting it. Meera, what should I do? Everyone is watching me." She whispered to me. "We will push it together. You know I have lot of strength. So come on, lets do it together." I consoled her. She smiled and nodded her head. I quickly but secretively cut my hands with my long sharp nails. Blood was oozing out vaguely but I still hoped that it will serve the purpose. I touched the door and pushed it very lightly. And God, it worked. I wiped my bloody hand prints from the door so that no one can see it and went to Sana and said in her ears, "My job is done. Just go and push the door. It will open." "How did you do that?" "Well babe, I don't work out like your would be, but still I have some strength in my little biceps. So now don't waste time and go and open this damn door. Go." She smiled and went towards the door while I went back to my place beside Rajat bhai. He smirked at me while earning a glare from me.    After that, Sana's wound were cleaned and a first aid was done. Rajat bhai gave me a wet cloth, may be dipped in some herbal potions to cover my open cuts. The potion burned me a little, but soon gave me a soothing effect. When everything in the first stage was done, we went towards the temple and again the same thing happened minus the dagger portion. This time she didn't have to cut herself just push the door. I hardly believed it will be that easy, but lets watch what happens. And hell ya. I was so correct. These goddamn people are bloody devils. They know Sana is a normal human being, doesn't have a power like us, still they devised such a test where you need some kind of super natural power. Why does it seem that they don't want Sana to let go easily? Why they want to humiliate her infront of every one? I know who she is and what she is, but so do they. If they wanted to devise some test, let the test be according to her ability. But no, they are behaving like orthodox.   When we reached the temple, Guruji came infront of Sana who was standing beside me and Maithili, and said, "Child, you just have to push the door, with full trust on your love. Its just like the previous one. Physical force won't help you but your love towards Aarsh will, the faith towards your relationship will. Go my child, show us how powerful is your love and how strong is your willingness to be with your love." Listening to this, the color of Sana's face turned white. I know she is scared, well by the look on her face its hard to miss. Sana step by step moved towards the door and so did I. She pushed but nothing happened. She looked at me helplessly. I understood she wanted my help. But this time when I was about to move towards her, someone, out of nowhere, held my wrist tightly. I turned to see who it was and it was Rajat bhai. I made an expression saying 'why?' but he just moved his head from right to left, clearly telling me not to do what I was about to.    I stepped back. I looked up at Sana, and she was moments away from breaking down. I looked at Aarsh, but as usual he had a rigid expression. I don't why but he wore the expression through out the whole day. All of a sudden Maithili said, "Come on Sana, try it once more. You can do it." I felt bad, she was the only one who was continuously encouraging Sana. Suddenly an idea struck in my head. I said, "Push it Sana, the door will open." I don't know what happened in her mind, she nodded her head, turned towards the door again and started to push it. The moment she touched the door, I used my powers. I f*****g used my powers. I imagined that I am pushing the doors. I focused hard. Its been quite some time I haven't used it. But it worked well. The door opened. Sana squealed in excitement, everybody cheered because she was able to open it. Maithili ran to Sana and hugged her followed by Sharman and then me. Yes, I saved her from the humiliation she was supposed to face today. We entered the temple, worshipped the deity and came out of the temple. We were supposed to go to the ashram after that.     When we were about to enter the ashram, someone held my arm in a firm grip and pulled me to the backside of the ashram. I tried to wriggle out at first but when I saw it was Rajat bhai, I stopped and let him take me to where he was taking me. We were finally at a secluded place where he stopped and turned to me and said, "You did it again right? Until when will you keep her tied with him? Don't you think he deserves to know the truth? Or at least an explanation? Meera, I don't know you know this or not but he is still in search of you. Maybe he doesn't show that and acts all lovey-dovey with Sana, but the truth is something else. You still have a week sister. Tell him, give him a chance to make a decision in his life." He said in one go. "What? What do you mean? And why suddenly this? You promised me you will keep the secret then why are you telling me to tell him everything?" I was really confused why all of a sudden we were talking about it. It hardly happens. Rajat bhai is quite sensible and understanding, then why all of a sudden.   "Because I can't see the way you are deceiving him. Meera, I know you want to save Sana. But this is not the way. To save Sana's life, you can't destroy Aarsh's life." "Am not destroying his life." "You are, little sister, you are destroying his life. By deceiving him. Tell him the truth. He will fight with you first. But don't lose hope. Make him understand the reason of your sacrifice. May be he will then help you. Meera, there are many ways. But the way in you are walking in, is not the way. The way you are my sister, he is my brother. Please Meera, please. You only just have week from now to fix this. And for god sake, please fix it up." He said this and left me to join others while I was standing there in complete bewilderment, trying to get the grip on what just happened. I know only a week is left, but I can't be weak. Yes, its true he deserves to know the truth. I agree with it. But I can't risk everything, specially Sana's life for that. Ok. I will tell him the truth, but when I will see that he has settled his life with her properly. I know they have been dating for a long time, but still a newly wed needs time to adapt the new lifestyle. After they have been settled successfully, I will say everything to Aarsh. Each and everything. YES.
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