Not Again

2514 Words
Meera's POV   Hmmm. It feels so good. So erotic. Yes harder, a bit harder. Ya there like that. Wait. What? Ya like that. What the hell is happening. Am feeling hot, pleasurably hot. But why? I don't want to open my eyes cause am scared that as soon as I will open it, it will stop. Moreover, I don't know why I just don't have the courage to open my eyes and face the reality. But on the other hand, I want to see what is causing me so much pleasure. Last time I remember I was sleeping on Aarsh's bed, beside him. I kept staring at him for god knows how long. But finally, I just slept. But from where is this pleasure coming? Well... I am not exactly complaining, but I want to be sure and let's not create a problem in someone's life because of my pleasure. What it felt is like someone is on top of me and my nipples... oh god my n*****s are in his mouth. God that tongue should be placed in museum. It works wonders on my body. And his hands... god its rough but its gentle on me, kneading by breasts in perfection. God am behaving like a w***e for god knows whom.   I finally opened my eyes slowly and its still dark, may be its not even dawn yet. I looked down at the spot where I am getting the pleasure, and boy, someone's head is on my chest. The face can't be seen. I tried reaching Aarsh, hoping he is still sleeping beside me. But no. The place beside me on the bed is empty. s**t. Obviously its Aarsh on top of me. What kind of an i***t I am not understanding its him. I was stiff as the realization started to crawl up. But that tongue of the boy, mppphhh.... heaven is here. I tried to wriggle out of his body. But the nerve of that boy, he is not moving and he is biting hard on my n*****s. "Ahhh.... Aarsh, please, it hurts." "Then stop moving," he looked up and said. And that hungry look on his eyes were enough to stop me from doing anything in this world.    We kept on staring for a good few seconds, and then he went back on his business. "Aahhh.... Aarsh. Please." I didn't understand for what I was begging. He kept on assaulting my breasts leaving his trademarks. God his hickeys are really hard to cover. Moreover its quite painful. He went further down, leaving the trail of his wet sloppy kisses. I don't know if even those will leave marks or not. He opened his shorts that I changed into earlier the night. "Aarsh, please stop it. You don't want this." "I want you, baby." "You will regret it." "Why would I? I have a right on you. Maybe not now, but soon you will be mine. And this is not the first time. I need you baby, I need you." And with that he started kissing on the inner sides of my thighs. I understood he confused me with Sana. I felt really cheap at that point of time. I actually felt like a proper w***e. Somebody using my body just for pleasure and that to confusing me with their loved one. Last time when things got heated up between me and Aarsh, I felt bad for Sana, but not cheap. But today god may be giving me punishment by making me feel cheap, disgusted on myself.    I again tried to get up, but this time Aarsh pushed me and painfully grabbed one of my breast and locked us in a position where my bare v****a was just 2 inches away from his face. And as usual he used this golden opportunity and started stroking it with his magnificent tongue. God its such a bliss down there. He continued stroking it for a while, while his hand was busy with my breast. After stroking it as much as he wanted, he pushed his tongue deep into my v****a. f**k, its such a different feeling. Its hell pleasurable but it slightly stings. Thank god its his tongue and not his huge rod like d**k. If he shoves that into me, I might die, or worse get sliced in two halves.   "Ahhh... slowly please." "I will do how I want to." By his slurry words its understandable that he is not in his senses an might not remember what he is doing, well I hope he doesn't remember at all. But the things he is doing will create a havoc in my life. I will never be the same again. s*x is a really addictive thing. And with fate and all other things between us, if we cross the line today, I may not be able to let him marry Sana after a week. No, things should stop here. "Ahhh... f**k, yes there." No please, why my body is betraying me? Why can't I resist him? It feels like my body isn't in my control any more, its his slave and he can do whatever the f**k he wants. "Baby you feel good right? You are so wet for me. I never knew you can get this wet just by me sucking your p***y. I know how your body works under me, accepting my every demand, but it will become a slave tonight... well I never imagined it in a million year." And again he dived back eating me up.    I want to push him away, far far away. But neither I have the heart nor the goddamn strength. I muster up all the strength that I was left with and put my hand on his head. He was right, I am so so wet, I hardly experienced this kind of stuff, but that wetness, clenching of my muscles were too hard to ignore. I tried to push his head away, but I ended up grabbing his hairs and that very moment he bit me. He f*****g bit my c******s. And hell with it, I came hard, as hard as possible. My first ever successful orgasm. And I gave it to Aarsh. I always wanted to give it to him, and he got it. I pushed him inside more, if that was even possible. "Girl, this is the best orgasm I have tasted in days. Hmmmm... its sweet and salty, just like you. Lemme clean you up baby," and then he started licking me off, cleaning all the juices he has worked for. I was still a complete moaning mess. God its so tiring. Although I didn't do any thing but that orgasm drained me as hell.   "Wait, I will bring a towel for you to clean you up completely." Aww such a caring man. 'No, get your shits together woman, that's enough of you spilling your hormones over the places. Grab yourself.' I scolded myself, for being this weak. I got up somehow, and the moment I got up, I heard a loud thud. I quickly turned my face to the direction from where it came, and f**k, Aarsh was on the floor. "Aarsh!" I went to him. I managed to get him up even though he was unconscious and his body was heavy as hell. I laid him on the bed. I went to the washroom and brought some water, sprinkled it on his face. He just stirred a little, turned to other side and started snoring. great. this bloody man f****d me with his tongue, had my orgasm to his heart's content and  he is sleeping. What am I! A w***e to pleasure him at the middle of the night! 'Oh come on girl! You were acting like one and instead of stopping him, you were moaning to his every lick.' just shut up.    I laid him properly, wore my dress, came out of his room and went down to the kitchen. The moment I understood I was quite far away from him, I started sobbing, sobbing cause I couldn't believe I gave in. I gave in to pleasure. I gave in to him. I almost jeopardized their marriage which is just a few days away, jeopardized all the hard works, all the sacrifices I made, everyone made for this goddamn marriage. I acted like a w***e, a w***e who couldn't keep her legs shut. I felt cheap, disgusted, filthy, unworthy and lots of other shameful things that are hard to explain. There was not one reason I felt bad, there were plenty. I know who he is, what he is, what I am to him. But I took a decision, I promised something to myself. And because of having pleasure I almost broke all of them. Its true its not the first time it happened between us. But he took me as Sana, made it feel so cheap.    I was contemplating whether I should leave or stay till Lalita Didi comes. I went to the guest washroom, and boy, I took my decision the moment my eyes fell on the mirror. Well precisely on my own reflection. I have lots of hickeys on my neck. And f**k the summer season of this country. The day I decided to wear a sleveless top, this s**t happened. Now how the heck will I hide them. No no no, no one can see this. I need to leave. But how can I leave him alone. I was confused, but soon an idea popped in my head. I went to Aarsh's office, got a sticky note, scribbled a note to Lalita Didi, placed it on the fridge door, checked Aarsh one last time and finally made myself out of his house, promising myself am not coming back here alone before the wedding. It's still early in the morning. The sun has just started rising. I can't go home right now. I was out on the streets, with body full of hickeys which are quite hard to cover.     I didn't know what to do when all of a sudden a name came in my mind. Shagun. Yes. I reached her apartment, and called her on her phone. Well technically it's useless to ring the door bell as she is deep sleeper so calling her is the best option. It was almost going to end but she finally picked up the call. "Who is it?" She asked groggily. "Your best friend. Now open the damn door." "What the f**k are you doing outside my house? Did your parents kick you out? Have you become homeless? Have you finally decided to stay with me? What is the matter? Why aren't you answering?" She bombarded me with lot of questions. "Will you let me answer?" She became quite. "Good. Open the damn door b***h. I will answer everything." I said and cut the call.  Within seconds I heard running footsteps from the other side. "Finally." I said and entered the apartment. "Now will you please answer the questions and tell me why you are here?" She asked while rubbing her eyes and yawning. "Well, for the starters, no, I am not homeless, I am not kicked out of my house. I will still be living with my parents. The truth is, last night I stayed at Aarsh's house." I paused cause all the memories started hitting me hard. "So? What's new in that?" She asked breaking my trail of thoughts. "Do you have a hair tie?" She nodded. "Bring it." She scowled but brought it. I took it from her, tied my hair into a proper bun and looked at her. Well, it was a look worth watching.   Her lower jaw was about to hit the ground, her eyes were as big as ball, rather it was popped out. The sleep in her eyes, needless to say, were long gone. "Come on, ask me what's in your mind. I am at your house, at this ungodly hour, with these hickeys, I expect you to interrogate me." "First of all who did this? Please don't say the name I don't want to hear. Please Meera, please. Say that some one else has done this to you. But please don't utter his name." "Well, I think you understand who did this, but still its Aarsh's job, for your kind information." "Meera, since college am telling this to you, stay away from him, and you said you will. Then how the hell did you end up with him. And today, the limit has crossed. You are standing here, early morning, with these hickeys, god knows how deep it went and that too not even a week before his marriage. Why Meera, why? Please, I demand answers."   And need less to say, she got it. I explained her what happened last night. She made a disgusting face, but it was nothing compared to the face when I told its not the first time I bore his hickeys. She demanded to know when was the first time and told her about it. After I finished telling my good old stories, she was silent for a good minute. "Will you speak up?" I shouted as I couldn't bear her silence any more. "I don't know what to say. Don't know how to handle this matter." "Wait, wait, wait, wait. I haven't come here to get a solution. I came here to stay for a bit as I can't go home this early, secondly I need something, scarf or something like that sort. These hickeys are hard to cover. And thirdly, I was feeling heavy, I can't handle anymore, I had to pour my heart out somewhere, and what better place is there than you. So..." "You are an absolute b***h," she screamed and threw a plushie from the sofa to me. I caught that and said, "I know."    Being my best friend, she didn't throw me out, helped me with the hickeys and also made her famous coffee. It was almost 8 in the morning. I was thinking what should I do next when I heard her, "What will you do if he remembers everything?" "I don't know. May be beg him to forget and move on, just like the previous time. But I really hope he doesn't remember anything." "Well you can only pray for it. But how will you know if he will remember it or not." "Don't know. We will have to see. I just can't go and ask "Aarsh do you remember about the night you were having fever, I took care of you and ended up on your bed, making out with you?" I can't do that right." "Well, you can do anything. I have trust issues with you right from today." "Bitch." "Speak for yourself, bitch." I know somewhere she is worried for me. But that isn't helping at all. Its good if he forgets, but if he doesn't, I won't have any clue of it, and better to say I am doomed. Why do I always get weak when he touches me? Just why?
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