Spells and Doubts

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Chapter 2 - Samuel The Elder wolf finally agreed that I could go to Harley's house alone, without his help, even if it had taken me half an hour to convince him... I didn't want to have to think about the whole trip I was going to take alone with him to Kristian's family home that lived far away from their Pack lands, besides the fact that he would probably insist on picking me up later too when I had to return to my temporary home in there. "Is it that bad to allow him to bring you here?" Harley asked me as soon as he opened the door. He and the other members of his family with Witch's blood in them, always said that my aura was extremely powerful, so it wasn't strange that he knew it was me even before he saw it was me. "As long as he continues with this idea that I'm his mate, yes, it's pretty bad," I answered him as I entered the living room that was always a cozy place to me to be... Even if I don't understand why. The whole house was large, with the master suite and an office on the first floor, plus three bedrooms on the second, ideal for their family, even if I didn't know if he and his wife had already bought the place in this way, or if it had built to their needs, after all, Mingan had a builder company too, and it was one of the facts I had learned in my short stay in here about this pack that was apparently a little bigger than others. "You know he can be right, don't you?" He kept mentioning, opening his office door where we usually studied in here while more practical things were done in the Pack's lands. "I don't believe in that. My soul mate is dead, Harley. You would understand if you had ever felt it before." Words came out of my mouth quickly before I could stop myself as I was sitting before him. "... Sorry, Harley... I-I didn't mean it." 'It's ok, don't worry." He spoke to me without even blinking, turning to his bookshelf, not allowing me to see his expression, even though his aura gave away that what happened to him years ago, was yet haunting him, no mattering that the cause was already dead. "Well, I think we should try to use this one today." He mentioned returning to look at me, an old book in his hands that made me wonder if it had always belonged to him, or if it had been a gift from another Witch... Harley might not look a day older than forty, but Mingan's Alphas had told me that he had lost his fiancee to her a little after World War II, which puzzled me about his true age, though I never asked him about that... "Can you see anything?" My fingers traced the names written in the book for about half-hour now when he asked me. "Not at all," A frustrating sigh leaving my lips as I closed the yellowed pages before me. "I don't understand why can you make it look so simple while I can't see anything when it's not hers?" "Maybe because you both are connected by blood?" Harley asked me rhetorically, knowing I didn't like it when people said she was my mother. "Besides, you, like everyone else that is no a Witch didn't even know it was possible, so it's normal that it'll take a little longer for you to master this kind of spell." He tried to comfort me, but I knew something must be wrong with me since I couldn't do such a simple thing like that, while it was so natural to other Witches. "Cool, so the only spells that I can learn in this way are curses," I said, rubbing both hands across my face in frustration. "That's not true, Samuel." He kept trying to comfort me, calling me by my name, being the only one who didn't call me Sam in there yet. ... Harley and Andrés always said that names were powerful things, even if the older brother didn't follow his own words like the young one, they would make sure I remember that, although I couldn't understand yet how it could be so powerful, even if somehow, I knew that it was why her powers had been passed to me on that day... "Of course it is, Harley. You and Andrés told me it would be the fastest way I could learn to do spells, but the only books that I can read beyond the lines are hers, which are full of curses since the first page." The old books, or 'Name books' as Harley and his brother called them, were much more than just pages with names written on them as other supernatural beings believed... Everything written on those sheets carried the memories of their authors, from their owners, from every single one who wrote in there. This was one of the first things I learned when the Warlock brothers started helping me, just after I finally woke up, they helped me stabilize my powers temporarily initially before asking me about my book, about the notebook where I wrote down the spells I had done before, and I must say it was even funny to see their reaction when I mentioned not knowing what they were talking about. In that evening, my father told us that as a child, after starting to develop my powers, I had the routine of jotting down random things in some pieces of paper after I levitated, moved an object or lit a candle using my 'magic', but in most of the days, I would always be the one who threw everything away or lost them before the habit finally died. "Perhaps because most of the spells he did were for survival, he unwittingly didn't want to keep their memories alive in any possible way." This was Andrés'conclusion after hearing my father's story, saying that it was common for children to throw the papers away, only keeping them seriously when they become teenagers or something like that. They also believed this was also the reason why even her oldest book was full of curses, as the first one, the one she used in her past life, should have been destroyed in an attempt to forget about the memories of everything she no longer possessed... ... And a life she could no longer have back... It was strange to think that my life was more broken than I imagined, that even simple things which should have been natural to me, were not, and that even the dumbest spells that all the children with Witch's blood could do, I couldn't... I knew how to escape, to hide, to survive in their words used to describe all the spells I had always done so far, after seeing everything in my memories, something I never even imagined was possible. I was learning yet...  Of course. But not at the same pace as my powers were naturally stabilizing inside me, making me even more powerful than I or anyone else could imagine with each passing day by, creating a new fear in my heart... And if I become like her? Would it be possible for her powers to make me become like her? Crazy for an act of nonexistent revenge while I would destroy the lives of others around me?  And if so, who would be the one able to stop me? ... There was no one else who could do that, our lineage ended in me... Will they kill me if they notice that I could become a threat? Or I'll be the one to destroy the world in her place?
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