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NOISY KITTEN “Hey Dragon! I want to go to Tokyo. NOW,” Sicily demanded, glaring at him at the same time.  It was past 10 p.m. and the boss was on the family meeting house with the yakuza officials and with the elder. Elder Tahil was so surprised to see the clan’s Nee-san barging so suddenly on the most important meeting in the house. Her mistresses were beyond shock at her sudden impulsiveness. “Nee-san, you’re not allowed here…” Kiko was yanking her away from the place. All officials were eyeing them seriously and JD was staring at the clan’s Nee-san with a void expression on the face, not even half amused. “Didn’t you hear me? I want to go to Tokyo,” she demanded more with her cute round eyes. “Come on.” JD on the other hand was trying to figure out what has gotten into her. She gave him the hateful look the last time then suddenly these cute round eyes… “Woman, go bang your crazy head on the wall somewhere else. Don’t poke your nose in our  business.” He snarled at her. She crossed her hands on her chest. “I don’t care about YOUR business… I just want to go to Tokyo. And you will accompany me,” she went near to him and poked her pointed finger on his chest. The elder cleared his throat and spoke. “Can we have it later after the meeting, Nee-san?” Sicily's eyes went to elder Tahil before stepping out of the room. “I’ll wait for that.” She smugly glanced at the boss, suppressing a playful smile. Mission complete! She just barged in into the officials' meeting acting like a total brat! Never mind if the agenda was all about the previous attack. She can't help but do this lame prank to that most despicable guy. It was almost midnight when the officials and boss' quorum ended. The elder approached his grandson, tapping his shoulder. “We will assign Jared  for this assignment and you will accompany the Nee-san in Tokyo.” “Of course,” he sarcastically agreed and grudgingly went to Sicily's room. Upon reaching her door, he could tell that Kiko and Renei were scolding the Nee-san but she was just giggling. “You’re HIGHNESS… we are good to go in your REQUESTED paradise.” He said in the least amused tone. Kiko and Renei immediately recognized the boss' presence and slightly bowed down. “Boss… with your permission, we would like to go with the clan’s Nee-san.” Kiko reverently asked JD. “Of course you can…I might escape and go my way back to Korea! You two can’t afford to lose both of fingers, right?” she said suddenly without waiting for the boss' answer while feigning a very innocent look. “You’ll be punished…Yubitsume style.” She grinned like it was an interesting thing to say. Kiko and Renei exchanged glances as they noticed JD’s jaw clenched while staring darkly at the Nee-san. Kiko was about to reprimand Sicily but both she and Renei were dragged out of the room with Sicily yanking them along the way outside where the cars that will transport them into the airport were waiting.“ Let’s go! Yay!!!” She was laughing like a maniac while marveling at the faces of her mistresses. “ Boss! You can’t delay my flight to my PARADISE… come on hop in! Pali!” She even waved at him, beckoning him to walk faster. He was beyond pissed and thanks to Sicily, Kiko and Renei were both praying so earnestly not to witness their boss s***h her neck. Kiko got a glimpse of the weapon their boss had brought with him. He had not been using it for a long time and they kinda shivered by the mere thought that he brought the weapon just to murder HER…like chopping the Nee-san for real. It only took thirty minutes to reach the airport and they immediately boarded the plane. The plane then started to ascend as they all took precautions in fastening their seat belts. “Boss…do we have malls there? If so, I want you to go with me. I wanna buy some clothes and stuff… you know some souvenirs for my beloved friends in Korea. And oh I love playing in the arcade, we should have a duel sometime.” Sicily started to blabber endlessly. It was all a lie. If Jessica heard it from her, she will faint. “Uhm… we will accompany you Nee-san. You see our boss is kind of busy.” Kiko was trying her luck to shut the noisy Nee-san while glancing in the JD’s direction. He had his eyes focusing on the empty sky but judging the way he held the samurai on his hand, he was itching to use it against Sicily right there, right on. “Shut. Your. Mouth.” Reinei was slowly mouthing every word to their Nee-san to send a threatening message to her. It dawned on both of the mistresses that their Nee-san was someone that needs her mouth to be duck taped. “ Oh… am I being noisy now?” She once again feigned an innocent look and glanced at JD.  “Boss? Am I being a nuisance now? Am I? Huh?Huh?” The mistresses facepalmed themselves. That’s right; they will have a dead woman in the plane any minute now. JD blew an irritated sighed and met her eyes, frowning. “As a matter of fact, you are…” he swallowed hard to send his annoyance down. He can’t afford to lose in her silly game of pissing the hell out of him. He can’t be the Yamaguchi Gumi’s Boss for nothing. Instead, he gave her his oh so sexy smirked, and pinched her nose. “…You are being cute…are you seducing me now? Wanna have a kiss from me?” he wiggled his brows more playfully as he leaned forward near her. Sicily on the other hand was speechless, gaping her mouth open while staring at his advances. JD’s face was an inch away from hers. She fluttered her eyes closed and waited for the big event. Kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JD let a small playful giggle on his throat as he stared at her face for a moment. She closed her eyes firmly to the point of endangering both from bursting from her socket. 'Kitten…you can’t play with the Dragon just yet.' He settled again to his seat as nothing happened and reached for his I-pod, put the earpieces on, and listened to his choice of music. Kiko and Renei can’t seem to find their composure just yet. 'Did they just hear him giggle?  The boss of their clan never once that playful before…and he never GIGGLED!' They averted their attention to their Nee-san who was now murdering their boss with her deadly glares. “PERVERT.” She mouthed on him as she punched the air. *** “This will be your room, Nee-san,” Kiko said presenting a very spacious room. It’s neat and well prepared like she was long been expected to arrive in Tokyo. Sicily nodded to both of the mistresses making a signature bratty smile. “Okay. You two go ahead. Shoo shoo.” Renei and Kiko left her on her own as they headed into their rooms. Soon as both of her mistresses were gone, Sicily’s playful grin was wiped off her face. The scared and anxious woman then replaced the spoiled and brat Nee-san. So everything was just a show for payback time. Now she has to suffer the consequences of her impulsiveness. Jared will not be coming for her aid. She had heard that her friend will be sent to one place for an assignment. She can’t expect her oh-so-loyal jerk p*****t good for nothing fiancé to accompany her. Like they can stand each other. It might be a bad idea to come here with him because she can't promise to suppress the strong urge to throttle him. She can't forget what happened to that boy who's gone under Yubitsume ritual. For days she can't eat properly without feeling to gag. She didn't tell Jared about her nightmares. “I’m so doom. Ottokae?” She roamed her gazed on the wholeness of the room. It was cozy with some small tables and some light originating from both of the lampshades and on the ceiling. She sat on the seeming study table and remembered all of her assignments that should be passed after the semester break and take notes, she haven’t touched it just yet. Great! Now her teachers will scold her for sure…so much for being in Japan. And to make it worst, being in Japan as the Yakuza’s Nee-san! Unperturbed by the coldness outside the room, someone was peeking through the small opening of the door, whispering a faint wish for the girl leaning her head on the table. Later that morning, Sicily was rubbing her eyes, stretching her arms widely on the air. “Morning room…” she grinned halfheartedly. She bolted up from her bed and went to the bathroom for her morning routine. When she decided to roam around the house, it was filled with silence.  She opened random doors and emptiness was there. It seems like she was all alone. Maybe they dropped her off at some of the hunted houses in Japan? She shouldn't have messed with him! This might be his payback time. By the mere thought of a ghost, she shivered at the instant, embracing herself tightly. “Kiko? Renei?” she called out as she paced farther from her room. 'How could a house be this large? And…quite?' She continued to open more rooms, nothing, no one was there. She heard faint voices from one room at the end of the hallway and decided to follow it. She hurriedly opened the particular door. *** “Yeah, she’s with me now-" JD’s words were cut off when someone opened the door. All of the people turned their heads to the door and saw a woman in PJs, who seemed so tired supported by how she was huffing to catch her breaths. “Boss!” Sicily was never been so happy to see somebody she knows. She was scared as hell thinking that she was abandoned alone. She ran near him just to be greeted with his nonchalant face. He was wearing a white t-shirt which allowed his tattoos to be flaunted before her eyes. The rest were very comfortable in their black attires.  “I thought you abandoned me…” JD raised his brow to her. “You just gave me the idea…maybe next time.” She pouted. “Yah! Is that how you greet 'good morning'?” He just shrugged his shoulder which annoyed her even more. “Pissed off! Hmph!!!” She spun around to leave the room and stuck her tongue to him oblivious of the prying eyes from the men. “The kitten has grown a lot.” One of the men stated which earned him a nod of agreement from the rest. “Secure the parameters of the whole vicinity," JD stood up and thrust his hands on his pocket “I’ll just go and feed the kitten.” “Kinisarenakutemo Oki Zukainako, boss…” (Rest assured, boss…) They all bowed down.
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