
2540 Words
“Onitan!” Sicily straightened up from reading the book of Japanese Code upon hearing someone shouting someone’s name. She wasn't even sure if it was a name. “Onitan!” a girl called again. Renei and Kiko went to the door to check the person running in the hallway of the house. “Renei-chan! Kiko chan!” the girl squeaked upon seeing both of them and hugged them. Sicily curiously went beside Renei and stared at the short-haired girl with cute cheeky eyes. The girl wore a high school uniform. Seemingly noticing her presence, the girl in her uniform blankly threw her a look but then smiled at both of Sicily’s mistresses. They began to speak in Japanese and they glanced at her. Kiko then introduced the girl to Sicily. “Nee-san, this is Mia, the Oyabun’s little sister. Sicily bowed as a tradition for respect but Mia gave her a scrutinizing look. “You’re old…” she suddenly blurted out. “What?” Sicily was taken aback by the sudden commentary. “Onitan is still on his 19. What’s your age by the way?” She cockily asked Sicily. She cleared her throat. “I am running 21.” “Thought so… you are not suited to my Onitan…” “Onitan?” “Duh…my big brother.” Mia rolled her eyes at her. “By the way Kiko, Renei, where is he?” she turned to the two mistresses, intentionally disregarding her presence and walking past by her. “The Oyabun is out for something,” Kiko answered. Mia comfortably sat on the futon that Sicily was once seated before she came. The two mistresses were too hospitable to her as proven by how they got themselves in the house kitchen to prepare something for her to eat. Sicily and Mia were left behind in her room. Mia was openly observing her physical features and then snorted. Sicily could feel the annoyance that was starting to build up inside her but she tried to push it down while trying to pick up where she left off on the book. “CL’s right about you. How come you were chosen as Nee-san?" She looked at her from head to toe. “You’re not even beautiful. At least the former nee-sans were a little bit okay compared to you.” She shook her head. "You ain't got nothing. Not even a swag." Sicily wanted to clobber this cute high school girl with the book of code to just make her stop talking. Somehow, this place was making her always on the edge. And not all women in the clan were very welcoming to her. She was now thinking of Jared who gave her nothing but pure comfort. 'Where are you now?' *** Sicily’s POV Maybe I should undergo rigid education on Niponggo. I’ll have Jared as my teacher…I thought oblivious of Mia still gawking at me. “Jandie Kim is a lot better than you, old lady,” she said. Old lady? She must be referring to someone else, yes? To confirm it, I tentatively search for the old lady the girl was talking about around the room. When I can’t see someone else, I landed my eyes on the girl who was seemingly mocking me. Oh geez, why of all times must I dazed like that. But certainly, I am not old. “Excuse me Mia but I am still young,” I corrected smiling. “Yeah right…” I scoffed while fighting the urge not to smack this kid. She got the attitude from his effing brother. Not so long, Kiko and Renei came with snacks on the tray. They placed it on the table. And when I reached to taste a portion of their snacks I was stopped by Mia’s glares. “Oi…you can’t share with my snack, go find your snack somewhere.” “Aish! This kid.” I tried to reach for a snack again but she brought the tray behind her back. With a few more futile attempts, I decided to sulk in the corner and ended up drooling over her snacks. I doubt if my mistresses were loyal to me. They just let me have my mouth flooded with saliva. Not being able to contain it, I stood up and stomp outside that room. “I’ll go find my snack, hmp!” I marched towards the kitchen with a clouded mind. Not in a great distance, I saw two figures coming in my direction. I halted once I recognized the boss among those two figures. I don’t know but suddenly I feel lighter when I saw the Jerk. I was about to call him but when I saw the girl beside him, I thought otherwise. I should be hiding for now just like on the TV series but I decided not to and waited for them instead. Because why should I hide in the first place? Silly me. I noted how he was giving her a gentle smile when he said something to her ear. Then they laughed together. They both stopped conversing soon as they saw me. JD's smile faded. The girl beside him gave me her innocent look. She got cute facial features and round eyes. Her beauty was quite mesmerizing and she definitely owned the word 'stunning'. Her cream-white skin radiated even when she wasn't directly hit by the sun's rays. She wore a simple above-the-knee dress, paired with leather boots. Sicily likes the color of her lips. If Jessica was with her now, she would ask the 'stunning woman' what color of lipstick she was wearing right now. It looked pale pink which added to her youthful look. I bowed to them, smiling. “ Anyeoung…aish, I mean good afternoon.” The girl just nodded politely while the boss just gave me his nonchalant look. What’s wrong with him? Anyway, that was the least of my problem…I was to get something to eat for myself. So I excused myself from them and headed towards the kitchen. I heard the girl ask something from him in Japanese which was being answered by his nod. I glanced back to them and our eyes met. Did I say she was cute and innocent? Oh no, scratch that. Because she didn't look all cute and innocent to me after she mockingly scrutinized me. Did the boss know that a little hell's underling was clinging to him right now? Oh well. *** “Onitan!” Mia could almost throw her cookies in mid-air, seeing her brother step inside the room with Jandie. She hugged him tightly. “I miss you. You're always away." JD just patted her head while Jandie was standing beside him. “Jan! How are you?” “I’m fine." Jandie flashed her sweetest smile to her which could always fool someone into thinking she was an angel. Mia just adores Jandie Kim. She looked up to her so much all the time that was why she never favor any Nee-sans for her older brother. She wanted Jandie to be the clan’s nee-san and no other else. But her grandfather won't let it happen. They all settled down in their futons. “I saw a girl outside…is she the Nee-san?” Jandie politely asked Kiko. “The fugly old lady? Yes…she’s the Nee-san for now…”Mia answered instead-but Jandie just smile sadly. “Don’t worry, she’ll be going home like the rest of the Nee-sans.” She grinned evilly. Kiko and Renei exchanged glances as they knew the next thing will happen when Mia spoke up. She can be the school terror for nothing. In her sweet fifteen, she had played pranks not only on the students she disliked in school but also on the rest of the previous Nee-sans. On the other side of the house, Sicily was nibbling a cookie on her mouth while having its jar carefully tuck in on her side. She was heading to the huge black gate of the house. She wondered what was behind that black gate. She pressed her ears on the cold thing and heard nothing. She was imagining a market behind it… with lots of kind old folks selling their goods. By the mere thought of goods, she pictured out Jared smiling at her warmly, the only person who has a genuine concern for her. Now she was hoping that somehow, Jared was just beside her, teaching her those Japanese words. No one in the house seemed to care so much whether her nose would bleed with those hateful Japanese terms. Even her mistresses weren't helping at all. They just made her do things like reading and reviewing the Jap Code. Sometimes she felt like they were just with her because they were ordered to. She didn't want that. She hung her head low and paced around the wholeness of the garden hoping that she might be entertained with the view. She looked up and saw the sky was darker than the time of the days. Winter was fast approaching. She dug more cookies and went walking aimlessly around the house again. *** After talking about some random things, JD straightened up upon noticing that Sicily was not back yet, and to add up, they were hanging out in her room. He stepped outside and began to search for her nearby. He wore a frown a bit when he didn’t find her. “Where is she?” he snapped on the two mistresses. Kiko and Renei forgot about the Nee-san and were in panic mode when they saw JD a little bit mad. “She’s old, Onitan… she would be back anytime soon.” Mia coldly said. JD rubbed his forehead and frowned. “You should go home…you too, Jan.” The girl just nodded obediently and nudged Mia to do the same. With a sigh, Mia stood up and followed her. “We will leave now.” Jandie smiled at him after giving a lingering kiss on the lips. JD grudgingly nodded as he snatched his phone from his pocket and called his men surrounding the whole vicinity. “Search for her.” He barked on the phone. Jandie and Mia were escorted by JD's men as ordered to their house. *** Sicily was enjoying every photo on the Oyabun’s desk. She accidentally went to JD’s room and found herself being nosy about his things. She held up the picture framed by JD with a girl beside him. She saw her not a while back in the house hallway. She bet the girl to be Jandie Kim. The rumor was right; she was beautiful. She put the picture down and went on his bed. She kinda felt heavy on her chest upon the knowledge that she was running in between two people in love although she felt like something was amiss with her-like a two-faced woman. She laid down on the bed and find it very comforting and warm, she never thought that a Yakuza leader could smell like this…clean and peaceful. She let a yawn, feeling her eyelids becoming heavy, she decided to stand up and better yet sleep in her room. She can’t be in the Oyabun’s room. Besides it’s so inappropriate, she doesn’t want to piss him…at least not now. She picked up the half-filled cookie jar and went to the door. She was yawning when she got out of the room. “What are you doing in my room?” Sicily spun around just to see JD who looked scandalous upon her trespassing in his private place. “Oh… boss. Don’t worry I was leaving,” she simply said and headed in the direction of her room. “What did you see in there?” he asked as Sicily stopped from her tracks, battling whether to shut her mouth or something.“Nothing, just random pictures. “ “What pictures?” now his voice was laced with panic as he towered over her. Sicily blinked at him, wondering why he was suddenly hyped on the matter. “Your picture with Kim… friends and I assume your family?” She answered. JD silently sighed in relief. She was talking about the photos on his desk only. “Anything you want to ask?” JD studied her and caught a glimpse of the jar she was holding. He frowned a bit “You can’t have too many sweets,” He flicked his finger against her forehead. “Yah! That hurts you kiddo!” she whined nursing her forehead. Kiddo… He frowned at her, seemingly displeased. “What did you just call me? Kiddo?” “Neh, kiddo…”She ruffled his hair but failed otherwise when her hands were being slapped away from him. “ Aish! Such cute kid...” “Don’t call me a kid!” “Funny isn’t it? I am engaged to a teenager?” She was amused now not noticing JD’s dark aura. “So… I must go. You’re gonna will go, neh?” She even patted his cheeks cheerfully, giggling. It was troublesome to be the villain between the two lovers and ended up being engaged with total badass kiddo. She even remembered the moment she saw him, she tagged him as one hot guy with some extreme bling… do you get the point? She thought him to be a man, not a kiddo. JD on the other hand was so tempted to kick Sicily’s ass for calling him some freaking kind of a teenage kid. “I’m not a kid anymore…” He cursed under his breath and went inside his room after informing his other men that the Nee-san was now in her room. “Continue to secure the whole place, Ted.” He ordered once again and put his phone down on his desk. He unlocked his drawer and picked a single photo of a girl in her high school uniform. It was sent to him by the anonymous sender through a mail that had no return address. It was during his 15th birthday that the mail arrived in front of his room. He had no idea if the picture was meant to make him happy or to torment him knowing that she can't be found anywhere. No matter how hard he tried to look for her together with his friend Nabi. It was only two years ago that he decided to let go of his old young flame after all the fruitless search and the growing threats the clan was facing every day. He realized that YG wasn't a good place for her after all. No matter how much his chest would clench in so much longing to his unreachable desire, still, he can't do anything to appease it even a little. He busied himself with almost everything. Sleep was like an alien to him because even in the middle of slumber, the clan's rival families would attack them. All through those years after Thunder was killed, the enemy thought that YG would be easily penetrated by countless attacks. They thought wrong. JD's eyes once again went to the smiling face of the girl then to the silver pendant she wore. "Don’t call me a kid, you kitten…"
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