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“Hey… you should not feel bad about the earlier event. The boss was just protecting you, neh?” They were heading towards Jared’s car. He explained that he had arrived from his travel and heard that she was in Tokyo. So he ended up walking around to see some good stuff to give to her. Accidentally, maybe fate brought him there, he saw Sicily standing alone amids the four thugs while he obviously read JD’s tensed face. If possible the boss will gun down the four and bring their heads a little higher from the ground. But JD knew well. That area was another clan’s territory. Wrong move, the shootouts will then took place. And Jared knew well that’s the last thing the boss wanted to happen. “He’s protecting me? You kidding? He practically denied that I am his fiancee and the clan’s Nee-san!” She angrily retorted. “I’ll explain to you later.”Jared ruffled her hair instead. “Did you bring some four wheels?I'm suddenly tired.” Sicily asked after slapping his hands off her head. She had her back pack with her souvenirs inside. “Yeah it’s right ther-“Jared halted from pacing and grabbed Sicily's arm and yanked her near him. She looked up to him and saw the playfulness eyes was replaced with alertness. “Did I hear it right, the tourist girl is the Yamaguchi Gumi’s Nee-san? Wohoo! This is a bonus.” One of the thugs beamed. His eyes were blazed with mischief as well as the other thugs behind him. “Stay behind me.” Jared whispered. Sicily began to panic when she recognized the four thugs earlier with men on the same clothing with them. “What do they want? What do they want? Eottoke?” Sicily clutched Jared ’s clothes in panic. “She has nothing to do with this.” Jared tried to dominate the situation but the thugs suddenly attacked them. He instantly pushed Sicily behind and began to retaliate on every blow he received. He stayed in front of her, protecting her from someone who will try to grab her. 'I've left that gun on my car!' Jared shouted at the back of his mind while trying to dodge off the blows of six men kicking and punching his body. At first he could really beat them but someone gave him bat blows on his head which send him straight to the ground “Jared!” Sicily ran to help him up but someone yanked her hair upward and she winced in pain. “Let her go.”Jared pushed himself up but someone kicked him and beat him with a baseball bat again. “Jared! Please stop! Help! Anyone!” She screamed even harder but somehow, the circumstance was really not on their side. There seemed to be no one that could help them. There was not even a single passersby who can report to the police. “Come here!”She wiggled free, kicking aimlessly to the one grabbing her and tried to run to Jared who was beat up into a pulp. She was yanked and dragged again by two more men,her heart made wild thrash off her chest and felt the vomit rising on her throat. When they brought her into the corner of the building.She was slammed hard against the hard wall that she could swore to hear the cracking on her skull by the impact. Her vision blurred and the thugs standing in front became a dancing vague shadows on her eyes. “And now.” the man held his a wakishazi, a short edge samurai. Sicily gulped in fear as she anticipated the next thing that will happen. She could almost tasted her own blood right at the tip of her tongue.It's happening.They were killing them. Jared was beaten so badly, and these men were plotting to kill her now. She was alone…and the feelings were dreadful. Her guru was right, being here alone facing the danger was beyond traumatic. Sicily was firmly pinned downed on the ground and a earsplitting scream could be heard from her when the one holding the samurai, carefully and slowly cut the flesh in her right arm like he was drawing something in there using the sharp edge of the weapon. She wailed in pain more,wanting to be freed by the steel grips from two guys. Her feet kicking in the attempt but another guy held it down rather firmly. "It hurts! Please!" Sicily couldn't believe her own ears. She sounded like an animal in slaughterhouse. But they seem taking pleasures in her agony and laughed at her tear stricken face. They spilled something on her wounded right arm and she cried even more for the unimaginable pain it brought to her. The bloods and the ink being poured on her shoulder got mixed up and the pain it brought to her was very unbearable that her eyes were clouded with much darkness. Too much darkness. Her visions blurred however the smell of copper filled her nose and realized that it was the smell of her own blood. Her head weakly tilted into Jared's lying form on the ground. She didn’t want to know if he was dead now because she had this premonition that she too will soon be. As if feeling all the weird tingling on her body, Sicily was never been so welcoming for her coming great divide. As soon as she closed her eyes, there was chaotic gun shooting and men grunting before falling into the ground. "I found her!" One men, Koshe shouted after seeing the horror of the clan's nee-san and the lawyer's condition. One man, Lax, came running to him. "s**t! Hospital now!" they immediately brought them to the car instead of waiting for an ambulance. "Lax, call the dragon," Koshe said, focusing of holding Sicily carefully while Jared was catered under the care of one of his men. "I'd rather be shoot alive than to inform him of his Nee'san’s state."Lax said. "Me too,"Jun immediately said when Koshe looked at him. "I'm driving right now,"Roo defended. "You're all f*****g useless," Koshe said. "Says someone who's shaking right now." Lax countered. Koshe wanted to smack all of them. "I am the leader her-," his phone was ringing and JD's number registered on the screen. "Oh boy...please someone shoot me now." *** Both Renei and Kiko bolted a ran when they arrived at the hospital where Jared and Sicily was brought by Koshe's men. CL, Mia as well as Jandie were immediately sent to their homes to avoid further casualties after they heard the news of the attack. When they were nearing the emergency complex, they noticed the nurses and doctors were scampering away from the particular hallway. Their feet skidded into a stop when Lax, Jun and Roo literally had their bodies mopped the hallway after the furious boss was beating them. Koshe also had his share of beating when JD lifted him off he floor while gripping his collar. "You have one f*****g job. Protect her at all cost." JD hissed dangerously. "No scratch, not a single strand of her hair falling." Koshe repeatedly asked for forgiveness of his failure but the young boss didn't hear any of it when he slammed another solid punch on his face. Lax and Roo bolted up when they saw their leader lost consciousness but was still being beaten by the clan's boss. They attempted to stop the raging dragon but they were thrown away with his precise kicks instead. They wanted to ran as far away from him as they could but the unconscious Koshe would be the next outlet of JD's unsatiate blood lust. Lax was so sure to taste another beatings and the hellish pain predicated it when the doctor inside the emergency room where Sicily was, came out. The physician was taken aback by the commotion outside. Kiko and Renei bravely ignored the chaotic thrashing of their boss as they went to the doctor. "How is she, doctor?" JD might heard them when his attention turned to their direction. The doctor got nervous all of the sudden. "She lost so much blood but she's out of critical condition. We'll just have her under observation- sir, you're not allowed inside the operating room." the doctor tried to stop JD but the two mistresses held him firm. "We don't want any doctor on the list to be beaten into pulp by the dragon. Just let him be." Kiko said into which the doctor understood and nodded. He ordered his intern to clear the hallway of the badly bruised men and had them treated. While Lax, Roo and Koshe were ushered by the medical team, Kiko and Renei were befuddled of the clan's boss violence towards his men. Both of the mistresses had their mouth gaped opened when they saw the dragon gently caressed the nee-san's cheek while saying words muted by the thick glass of the emergency operating room. Later that night, Sicily was transferred into a private room while Jared was put under intensive care because of the severity of the blows on his head. JD left the hospital after making sure that Sicily was out of danger. He received a call from Ted talking about certain thugs involved in the attack. "Call me if something happens," Kiko and Renei respectfully bowed to him, ignoring how his eyes lingered to Sicily's unconsciousness before he left.. It was at dawn when Kiko and Renei noticed Sicily had woken up. She immediately asked for Jared and they assured her that he was okay. It was only five minutes when Sicily lost her consciousness again. "Her body is still recuperating. Don't worry, she may gain her health in few days from now. " the doctor reassured. After the doctor left, Kiko finally voiced out something on her mind when Renei settled down beside her after fixing Sicily's blanket. "The boss was acting strange," Kiko started. "You noticed too, huh?" Renei smirked. "After Yubitsume, he wasn't doing his cruel pranks in driving the nee-san away. The elder favored Sicily more than the other nee-sans." "And I've heard from CL and Mia that JD was hinting to Ms. Kim about breaking up." Renei added in low voice. "Really? That's not possible." Kiko exclaimed rather in low voice. "Well, it's not like our boss courted Ms. Kim, right? She approached him first and pushed a deal that our boss should marry her if he wont fall in love when he's over 19..." Renei trailed off realizing something. "Do you think...he's in love with her?" "To whom?" Kiko asked. "To our nee-san." Renei faced her friend as if they're talking in silence. "Ey...that's impossible. She hadn't been in here for long to illicit such emotion from the unfeeling dragon of the clan." Kiko disagreed. "I don't know...I feel like we have our last nee-san." Renei said watching in contemplation to the woman in bed.

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