
2014 Words
The sun rays hits Sicily’s flushed face which made her wrinkled her nose lightly. She yawned; eyes closed and rolled on her stomach. She still felt sleepy and wasn't planning to get up when a voice made her eyes plopped opened. “I guess you need to make successive push-ups until twelve.” She immediately bolted up upon recognition of that chic voice and spun around. “Boss!” She fixed her disarrayed hair and stood up straight like an obedient soldier. “I’m ready!” He sarcastically smirked at her and observed the disarrayed hair of the woman.”You should…since it’s already 10 am and you’re still on your pillow.” It then dawned her that she was in her room. She scratched her head in confusions. Her thoughts were sure she walked through the Dojo but how come she was still in her room? Maybe she was dreaming? “But I’m… here…how…? “Follow me,”JD stood up from the couch then went outside her room and gone straight to the direction of his room instead. She followed not bothering to do the usual morning rituals. “Are we training today?” she asked sheepishly, trying to study if the kid was in the mood. Heck when did he ever in the mood anyway? He was always pissed on her face. Yeah right… her face, to him was hell, it gives him hell. Sicily pouted by the thought. He glanced at her and found her pouting, fiddling onto her clothes. Both of them made it to the space of his room.“Sit down.” He ordered to her. She looked up to him when they were in front of the table…with some foods in it. She blinked at the table then to him who had sat on the futon in front of it. 'Are we having breakfast…together?' “Are you some kind of a retard? I said sit down,” He barked at her. “Aish…grumpy, ”She mumbled in Korean and sat in front of him just across the table. JD began to fill his bowl with Japanese delicacies. Sicily watched him very closely and he noticed it. “Don’t you know how to use chopsticks? Should I include that in your training?” He sarcastically hissed. “Aish! Why are you so cranky?”she shot him. “Then why are you staring like a retard?” he snarled. Sicily shoot him deadly glares but she was defeated with his cold eyes. “Fine! I will not stare at you. Happy?” “Eat.” “Fine! I’ll eat! Is that even a problem?” she mumbled more in Korean language and carelessly thrust some rice on her mouth followed by some fried eggs and some leafy veggies. “Nowondersheleftyou…” She talked mouth full. “What did you say?” his eyes became sharp. “Huh?”Sicily innocently looked at him with her mouth full. She was cussing herself silently upon blurting out those words. She reached for the water to prevent her from choking. “N-nothing… I'm just hungry. Hehe...”Sicily was so thankful when the boss averted his attention back in eating his breakfast. *** “Seriously? We're going shopping?!” Sicily felt elated the moment Kiko and Renei came to her room and gave her the good news. “JD is coming,right?”she asked. Kiko shook her head. “He has something important to attend today.” “Okay… so it’s the three of us then? Yay!”she jumped happily and went running to her room from the house garden. “I’ll go get change. I love you girls! Muahhhh!!!!”she gave them a loud flying kiss which made the two chuckled.They saw her boredom since she arrived in the place that was why they proposed to the Oyabun to let them tour the Nee-san around Tokyo in which JD reluctantly agreed. The three ladies were ushered by one of the YG cars to the central Tokyo. “Oh my! This is so cute! How much is this?”Sicily asked the seller and smiled sweetly which earned her an item of cheap price. “Domo arigato!” she bowed to her with folded hands on her tummy. The seller laughed at her gesture. She was so alive like a bird being freed from her cage. Renei and Kiko were wearing ordinary clothes just like Sicily. There were also some yakuza members assigned by JD to watch them closely in case of emergency. They were lurking somewhere in secret corners on every places the girls were going. “My friends would be so stoke with souvenirs.”She said happily to the girls. They were resting on one of the benches of the park and got themselves full after finishing their cup of apple puddings, ready to walk around again. “Done resting! Okay…whereto?” Sicily tapped her chin for a while then dragged the two mistresses along. Kiko and Renei had bought nothing and just let their Nee-san had her shopping extravaganza for this day. They weren't usually fond of walking around the city like this, window shopping, bargaining on the street sellers and the like. But it was surprisingly fun when they did it with Sicily. She laughed a lot and smiles a lot even to strangers and her energetic aura was quite contagious. Both of the mistresses had stomach cramps laughing so hard when Sicily challenged them in a duel-knock as many moles as possible. “You can do it!”Sicily cheered for the both of them. Kiko gave her final blow to the last mole and raised her hands up in victory against Renei. “I won!” Kiko faced her contender, Renei. “Yeah...yeah…” Renei sneered. “Loser.” Kiko teased her which infuriates Renei and acted to smack her. But Sicily adequately placed herself in between them before fight ensued the place. “Truce ladies…I’ll buy you an ice cream this time. Let’s go,”she then dragged the two with her outside the game zone. Outside, Sicily, Renei and Kiko were taken aback when they saw JD… with Mia, CL and Jandie Kim. Jandie and Sicily exchanged glances as Mia and CL were eyeing the latter with scrutinizing stares. “Hello,” Sicily greeted the girl. Jandie just let a small nod. “Go back home. You are not allowed in this place.” JD suddenly gave her chills when he glared at her. He turned to Renei and Kiko. “You two…what were you thinking of bringing her here!?” He snapped in low possible voice. Sicily frowned. 'Why can’t she roam this place while HE can…with his girl?' “I got them, JD…” “Shut up woman and go back to the house.” He scowled at her in threatening voice. “Miss Mondragon. I think JD’s right. Go home now.” Jandie inserted while clutching JD’s jacket. For unknown reason, Sicily felt her pride was trampled down to the ground. You see she was rudely ordered to go home by some freaking teenagers? Can’t you believe that? “What if I refuse?” she challenged them, JD in particular. She crossed her arms, lifting her chin up. “Must you be stubborn? Go back to your cage.” CL was angry now. Sicily felt Kiko and Renei were gently pulling her. “Let’s go back now,”Kiko whispered, her eyes on the ground afraid to meet JD’s furious ones, making Renei winced in fear. Sicily dejectedly sighed and complied. She sourly passed by them first with her mistresses tailing her. But four intimidating men approached their way and stopped her from advancing her tracks. “f**k…”Sicily heard JD cursed under his breath while protectively hid Jandie at his back. “Hey boss…oh, so you’re with your girl.”the seemingly leader of the group greeted JD. “Do you know her, sir?” One of the men asked JD. Sicily glanced at JD who looked at her with impassive face. He shook his head without hesitation. That pricked Sicily’s pride and feelings. 'I’m your fiancee! Can’t you even introduce me even as your acquaintance?' The thugs looked at Sicily for a moment. JD clenched his jaw upon seeing the menacing eyes those thugs were throwing at her. He knew those looks and it alarmed him. His fists clenching so hard underneath his jacket's pockets. YG’s men were around everywhere, concealed in the crowds. One order from him and these four were done. But he can’t allow a fight to break. Not if Sicily’s around. Not in the area where his rival clan is dominant. And it would be too obvious that he was protecting her. Once these men from the Somiyoshi-Kai's clan knew that she’s the Nee-san, they will go after her. Jandie noticed JD’s unfocused eyes while glaring at those men. She squeezed JD’s arms to remind him to calm his nerves. He should not be too obvious in front of these men. Sicily didn’t felt right about the matter and suddenly no one was behind her anymore. She found out that Renei and Kiko was on CL and Mia’s side. “Say... you’re a cute chica…you can come with us.”one of the men spoke. His breath smelled a heavy scent of cigars which almost suffocated Sicily. “Don’t touch me,”she said in a strained voice. Kiko and Renei bowed even more. They can’t help her. These men know them to be JD’s family members. Once they found out that Sicily was a Nee-san, that will start a riot. They will try to use her against the clan. “Let her go… she’s just a tourist here and we don’t want to shoo away tourist people by scaring them off, right?” JD calmly said, focusing solely on making his face as monotone as his voice. The men looked at him. "Besides, it wont be good if the Korean embassy will be involved here." The leader momentarily considered that as his eyes went to the whimpering Korean girl who tried her best to be brave by herself. “Jagiya(honey)…I’ve been looking for you. Is everything okay here?” Sicily looked up and saw Jared was behind her, bringing her against his chest. “I’m sorry, did my girlfriend do something wrong?”he asked the four thugs. “I’m sorry I’ll pay for the damages. Shall we head to the nearest police station?” “That’s not necessary!” the thugs chorused which made Jared secretly smirked. 'Refuse bastards if you don’t want the police to catch you in your illegal business.' “Are you sure?” Jared asked again. “You…you can go now.” one of the thugs said. Jared secretly glanced at JD’s direction and into the girl behind her. CL, Mia and the mistresses were on the boss side too. He then wrapped her arms around Sicily’s waist. “Gwaenchanh-a, jagiya?”he gently brought her into his side, walking far from that place. Sicily nodded acting her way out from the edge of trouble. They began to converse in Korean and Sicily’s strangled voice made JD flinched. 'Kitten…' “Let’s leave.” JD headed on the opposite direction with the girls tugging along with them. With clenched teeth, he immediately called his men to follow Jared and Sicily through the phone. Unknown to JD, one of the men was just silently watching the whole event and he caught the Yamaguchi Gumi boss anxious eyes when they were dealing with the said 'tourist girl'. And those two girls worriedly glanced at the same tourist girl before they left the place . “Hey, I think we need to check on the tourist girl…I feel something was up.” He grinned. “You think so too huh?” the second man butted in. “Call the men on the next section area…tell them to get her. She might be of use for us.”
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