
1985 Words
FIVE WELCOMING ******************************************************************* They reached Kyusu just 30 minutes ago and she was instantly welcomed by several people already. Mostly composed of the male population, with some sort of samurai and some visible tattoos on their bodies. Among the population, she was nervous as hell guessing who might be Dragon among those men who seemed to have an identical bunch of scary faces and large tattoos. The fact that she was actually in front of the real yakuza men was robbing every last thread of her sanity. The sweats were racing on her forehead and her body suddenly felt clammy. She never noticed her restless fidgeting hands and the edgy tapping on her feet when the elder leaned down to her ears. "Relax, child." "I can't," She said in hushed while biting her lower lip. "Maybe I should go back to the car and-" “Welcome home, Anisan!” they all shouted vigorously while bowing a perfect ninety degrees. ‘-that scared me!’ she thought while clutching her chest. “As of now, we give ought to uphold the Code of Jinge in your regard, Anisan,” one of the men approached her and handed her something-a book. He was tall and sporting raven hair. Wearing a Kimono like the rest of the men, he bowed to her. She confirmed that he wasn't the person she’s marrying for he called her ‘Anisan’. “Thank you,” Sicily reluctantly received the gift before smiling at the man which made him look away. And she was then accompanied in her room by the two Japanese girls wearing a traditional kimono with their hair carefully dressed. One girl had blonde hair and the other a gray one. They were very much alike to the Sojo anime that she had watched. Upon reaching her room, she was fascinated with the sliding door made up of wood and paper. “What do you call this one?” she asked while trying to slide open and slide close the door. “It’s Fusuma, Anisan.” The girl in her gray hair answered while slightly bowing. She nodded and went to open the other Fusuma in her room revealing the garden outside. Sicily saw the traditional and classical landscape. Although she wasn't familiar with Japanese traditions, she can appreciate the panoramic view of everything she laid eyes into. Her room was fortunately neat and cozy. The typical interior design was the same as what she saw once in the book. The room, the bed, the floor, and the door…she was awed by the fact that her door was tapped by some Japanese materials. “We will prepare your dinner, anisan. Please make yourself at home,” The two ladies in kimono bowed before leaving the room. Sicily was left alone observing the details of her room while trying not to deal with the solitary effect of the silence around. She sat on the futon on the floor and placed the hard-covered book on the table. Her fingers traced the gold lettering on the cover and the clan's insignia. It says Japanese Code. It smells of old paper just like the untouched sets of books in the library. She remembered one time she visited that place to get references for her research, the librarian together with all the working students assigned there were making an inventory of all the books. Books like encyclopedias, world almanacs, even fictional novels, and the rest of the books were being sold for a very cheap price to the students. Some bought them but the rest of the books in heavy volumes were left to be discarded into the garbage. So to save them, Sicily harassed Luhan and Jessica to buy them. Luhan got five boxes of books, Jess had seven while she had six. All unrelated to their studies. The technologies had their pros and cons. Books nowadays can be purchased online as e-books. References were made through Wikipedia. Those hard-bound books in every library were not far from becoming relics. So her armies, namely Luhan and Jess created a club- a book club that fosters the students' interest in reading books unrelated to their course at least once a day. The small club would have a monthly announcement for the winners for Book Marathon Reading. The price wasn't t much but the recognition throughout the school was something you can add up in your credentials in the future. “So…you’re here.” Sicily spun around suddenly to the one speaking. She stood up immediately when she saw a woman on the door, a hot chic wearing her high stiletto hills. The chic walked near her, giving her a conforming look. “You’re not that much as expected for some ‘ordinary’ maiden in the society.” She clicked her tongue, mocking Sicily’s physical features. Sicily's shuffled under her feet, looking down while biting her lower lip before the prying eyes of the blonde girl who was scrutinizing her. “Cynthia,” a deep voice suddenly interjected. “What?” she smirked. “Your disrespectful attitude will not go unnoticed by the elder. She’s one of the family already,” he held her in place with his penetrating gaze but the feisty little one won't budge. She scoffed. “Jandie Kim is much more eligible than her, Jared. I mean look at her,” she shook her head. “A babe doesn't belong here.” “Shut it, Cynthia Lee!” he boomed but the latter didn’t even blink. "Whatever," instead, she threw Sicily a scornful smirk before leaving the room. Sicily's attention then went to the guy who had his chest heaved up and down while his eyes were on the empty door. His black hair neatly raked backward but a few black fibers fell on his wide forehead. If she could be standing side by side with him, she guessed that guy's height stretched a little higher than Luhan. "Thank you," she said in while. “I’m sorry for her attitude, Anisan,” he bowed apologetically. “I’m Sicily, you are?" she smiled at him and nodded slightly. “Choi Jared, Anisan.” He bowed even more. He can’t even meet her eyes. “Hello, Jared,” that warmed his heart hearing her sweet voice. “I must attend an important business, Anisan. I must go first.” He abruptly went to the door, hiding the red flush on his face. “Wait!” she caught him before he can exit. “Who…who is Jandie Kim?” He momentarily stared at her curious face. “Well, she is… Dragon’s woman.” “Oh.” Her eyes rounded as she nodded at the same time. What the hell? If this Dragon has a girlfriend already, why bother getting her here in the first place? That way she won't have to go through all the troubles. "Then why am I here for?" Sicily saw that Jared has the same question as she was the way he fell silent. "Does it mean I can go home? Dragon has a girlfriend, right? Let them marry each other.” Sicily's successive litany could almost be made him say yes and sent her back to Korea. Her eyes burned with hope and excitement. "Nee-san-," "Oh right," Sicily clapped her hands. " I still have to finish college. I want to become a Chemist. I can't be in here. That gal while ago is right, I don't belong here." "You can't...go home," and he hated to see the eagerness on her eyes drift slowly into apathy. The happiness from the corners of her lips disappeared. "I'm so sorry." Sicily let a shaky breath before returning to the futon, not speaking any words again. Jared decided to let her be and left the room. ************************************************************************* Shanghai, China The Yamaguchi-Gumi boss together with the Italian mafia, Del Famiglia, was having a meeting with their counterparts in China. The current chief of Takayama was arrested in Japan. He was a very important man for Italian and Chinese triads and they wanted to regain him back through the help of their alliance in Japan.- the Yamaguchi Gumi. But the job comes with a hefty price. “Name it,” one man, Nurzo, from the Del Famiglia spoke. The black suit and neatly shaved hair made him and the rest from the Del famiglia wearing the same, looked like a traditional English gangster. “Billion-dollar,” The YG boss lifted his feet onto the table not minding any prominence in front of those mafias. He differed a lot from them and the excessive accessories of various kinds made him look like a thug rather than a boss. This was the way he dressed in Japan. All yakuza can be recognized even by those ordinary citizens because of their tattoos and their obvious way of clothing. Unlike in China and Italy, Yakuza as Japan's mafia was not a secret society at all. The Italian men as well as the Chinese were having a little conversation regarding the price and hesitated for quite some time however if they lose the chief of Takayama, the losses will be beyond redeemable. “It’s a deal.” Jin then smirked as the negotiation was closed. He wasn't after with the money at all. It was the excitement of endangering his life that kept him from boredom. Surely, the police repression will be increased once again as he would direct another criminal activity sooner. “Expect him in three days. We will put him on a cargo truck.” he then left that conference hall together with his men who bore large tattoos on their bodies. All the mafias were awed by Japan's boss. So confident and young yet he will surely keep his words. He will not be chosen as the fifth leader of the most dominant yakuza group in Japan if he wasn't capable of handling the Yamaguchi-Gumi. The cabal of Yakuza was walking along the corridor of that hotel towards the elevator. Jin had his hands inside his pocket while he stepped in lazy strides. The rest of his men were behind him. “Boss…the elder has called,” Ted informed him. JD nonchalantly looked at him. “What does he want?” “The Anisan has arrived in Kyusu.” He just snorted and didn’t say a word. Instead, he got on the elevator followed by his men down to the garage. He got on his car and started the engine. “We will have our business in Tokyo. Let’s move our asses," JD ordered to them. “Yes boss!” they all bowed before they mounted on their bikes. “Anisan, huh?” JD smirked. “Let’s see how far can you go…” he said coldly. This wasn’t new to him anymore. Many times the elder would try to make this kind of arrangement and fail. Hell would be the true definition of his kind of life and yeah a f**k up life in a lifetime. He won't want someone he had to console when something is going to f**k up in the clan. When he said f**k up, that means death...strings of death before a goal has to be reached. But if he was forced to produce a little underling to take over him in the future, it's better to have it done with someone who won't flinch when s**t happens. The only available will be that woman, Jandie Kim. She was willing to bid on his every command even on his bed. A submissive good girl who turned a b***h after meeting him. But the elder was against the two of them being together for unknown reasons. That's why the old man was playing stupid matchmaker since that day...two years ago. And he wondered who will it be this time. “This will be fun,” he said to himself wearing an evil grin.
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