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SIX UNKNOWN PAST ******************************************************************* Sicily forced a smile as she walked into the alley of the house escorted by the two ladies in Kimonos. The elder had asked her to have dinner with him. She could see lots of yakuza were scattering all over the place and she even had a glimpse of the barracks where the clan’s self-defense forces were posting. “Why do you have this tight security here?” she asked one of the ladies in Kimono beside her. “We often have an attack here. We need to tighten our security to prevent infiltration of the other yakuza clan.” One of the girls answered politely. Although the island of Kyushu was isolated from any kind of attacks, they couldn’t just be complacent. “I wonder why do you have to fight... yakuza have the same purpose right? Mostly were illegal business deal outside the countries and-“ “That’s not it!” The blonde girl cut Sicily off as she shouted at her. “That’s why we don’t like people like you to be involved in here! You are one of those previous Anisans…illogical, judgmental, and a piece of s**t!” She then ran away leaving her and the other girl behind. Sicily gulped. Whoopsie....she wasn’t hitting the right tone again? “I’m sorry about her, Anisan.” The other lady apologetically bowed down on the floor. “I’ll make it sure for her punishment.” “No!” she frantically shook her head which stole the attention of the yakuza men nearby. “Er…I mean. It’s my bad. Don’t say a word about it, please.” The lady in the kimono blinked a couple of times before she timidly smiled. “Arigato Gosaimazo.” “Arigato...ah yes that means thank you, right? Nah, it’s fine.” Sicily gave her a reassuring smile before they proceeded to walk. ************************************************************************** The trap music resounded the whole corners of the club while the party-goers slowly danced to the slow beats. Despite the crowded dance floor, the club's bouncers made way for the yakuza boss as he pass through the VIP section. He silently stared at the elevated platform where the DJ rollicked with the mad bass. It wasn't supposed to be, but he made Indian beats sound erotic, or at least that was what was on Jin's mind when he saw the people digging the DJ's mixes. He let the moonshine touch his lips before downing the cold spirit. It created a numbing effect down his throat before it warmed his insides. Two women in scant clothing served him another shot of drink while one gave him the weed. After lighting it, he silently savors the smoke, closing his eyes. After a while, Carino, the club manager approached him. "Here it is, sir." he handed him the drug before Jin lazily scattered the powder in two lines. When he bent down to snort it, someone interrupted him, making him curse. "Oh, I'm sorry." Nabi mockingly said while lazily plopping himself down the couch. He gave a dismissing glance to the two women and the manager. They immediately scampered away knowing Nabi's temperance. "I think doing drugs isn't good." Jin smirked before reaching his glass of spirit while offering Nabi some weed. The latter looked at him in the eyes before accepting it. "You used to hate this stuff," Nabi muttered while eyeing the untouched h****n on the table. "You're done with disk jockeying?" Jin said while eyeing the drug in contemplation. "Seriously, Jin, stop doing this bullshit," Nabi said. Jin slumped on the chair blankly staring at nothing in particular but Nabi knew that his mind brought him once again on that painful memories...two years ago. One family from Jin's clan was brutally murdered. It was the family close to him. However, attacks were very prevalent that they hit the clan in various directions. As if looking for a way to injure the clan's strong defenses. It was too late when Jin reached the family together with his strong men. The house which was once so serene was a bath with so much blood. There he saw Lera, a seventeen-year-old daughter of Nagoya, dead with her eyes open. She was as if looking directly at him as if telling him the horrific tale behind the scene they were seeing. Since then, the clan's boss lost his will to lead in the right conduct. He was constantly unrestrained in doing unscrupulous things which sometimes dishonor the clan. He was sometimes caught high in drugs or deadbeat drunk. For two freaking years. Even the one only thing he treasured down his heart, he willingly threw away, saying it was pointless. Saying why hold on to some f*****g something which he knew won't come. But Nabi knew he was scared for that something or someone to witness such atrocity or to experience the gruesomeness of the life inside the clan. It couldn't be denied that the elders of the clan got alarmed at the great shift that Dragon turned out that they had counseled to make him marry someone to shift his focus. Lots of Nee-san came into the picture but all of them didn't last long. And then one came, a good girl in the name of Jandie to Dragon's life. She was supposed to change him for good but it was the opposite of it. She was willing to be dragged everywhere by Jin that it bored him. Nevertheless, he stayed with her because she came in handy in times of urgency of his release. Even when they played in bed, they played with hard spirits, weeds, drugs, and the list goes on. "These won't help solve your issue, man." Nabi supplied once again. Instead of replying, Jin leaned down to snort the powder down his nasal before he slammed himself on the soft couch. Nabi watched his friend get lost in his ecstatic state while closing his eyes. "Yeah but it's heaven," Jin replied grinning towards his friend in deadpan eyes. "You're f**k up," Nabi gave up while reaching his vodka. ************************************************************************ Sicily heaved a deep sigh staring at the neatly folded red Kimono in front of her. It has an intricate pattern of gold and the head of a dragon on the chest. The elder gave it to her during their dinner last night. He was informing her that his grandson was arriving today. So that explains all the preparation outside. She could even hear some unfamiliar voices usually conversing in Japanese. She could not understand a thing. Those people outside were here to witness the ritual between her and whoever was Dragon. Today was the day she will give her ought to the Oyabon or the family boss. The code of Jinge she will continually keep the rest of her life in which all loyalties and respect, she must give to Him. She still has her eyes on the kimono when the two of her mistresses entered her room. “Good morning,” Sicily greeted them and they bowed to her. She noticed the blonde girl was not meeting her eyes. Feeling the guilt, she immediately stood up and took her hand. “What’s your name?” she asked which caught the blonde girl surprised. She didn't even learn their names yet and it's rude. But well, blame it on the whole thing. One moment she was in Korea and the next one she was now in Japan without knowing their language first hand and much worst, any moment from now, she will meet her fiancé. “My name is Renei-chan,” she bowed but didn’t reciprocate her smiles and stayed cold. “We are not here to have some unnecessary chit chats. You must prepare yourself now, Nee-san. Master Dragon is on his way here in Kyushu.” “Hmm,” Sicily was disappointed with her attempt to befriend her and just resigned her thoughts on the things she must do during the ritual. “The ritual will commence after 4 hours. Everything is set already. The boss is just finishing up his business in Tokyo.” Renei-chan added. Sicily nodded hiding her nervousness. She will finally meet her fiancé and her face cringed on the thought that this particular Dragon will be exactly like the man in Lyka's sketch, full of tattoos, piercings, and most of all, having this big fat beer belly. Ekk! She had noticed most of the yakuza here were fond of drinking beers all night like there’s no tomorrow at all. And the smells of them with alcohol and cigarettes made her dizzy. She turned to her two mistresses and opened her mouth to ask something but she beat it instead. She might end up messing up again with these two. So she better keep those mind-bugging questions to herself. *************************************************************************** Tokyo, Japan “Boss, they got the cargo already.” One of his men Koshe approached JD who was silently sitting in his seat. Together with his trusted men, they were now boarded on the private plane the Yamaguchi owned. “Good,” he just nodded and threw a glance outside the plane seemingly forgetting all their encounters with the Tokyo police. They were able to extract the boss of the Takayama from the prison, sedate him before putting him on a cargo to avoid detection among the authorities. “And the money has been transferred to the account-.” “Peesh- get lost I want to doze off.” he dismissively shoo him away as the man bowed down before leaving He closed his eyes to ease down the throbbing pain in his head after last night in one of the clubs in Tokyo. They were able to close down the deal with their Chinese triads counterparts and they lost two men during the operation. But that was not the thing that was bothering him. The elder had summoned him to be in Kyushu to meet the new Anisan and today was the date where ‘she’ will give him the Ought. The Code of Jinge. The code which will bind them together forever. And that, he can’t allow. ************************************************************************* Sicily was silently staring at her reflection in the mirror, seeing no hints of emotions from her face while three elderly women fixed her hair and kimono. The feelings of running away were very tempting. However, those yakuza men outside and the mistresses in her room made her retreat from planning to do so. The atmosphere inside her room was quite suffocating. Gentleness among the elderly women was completely zero. They were very rough and tight. Not friendly and what was bothering her most was their large tattoos all over their body. They were women yes, and most probably a mother of children but they were so emotionally void. Detached even. She wondered if she too must undergo the painful process of having tattoos and be this hollowed being. She wouldn’t like that. Later on, those elderly women bowed down and left the room. She stared once again at the mirror and pressed her lips together noticing how much she had changed with the little makeup on her face. She looked gorgeous but something was in her which signifies supremacy among all women before her. Something she can’t understand which she didn't like. “Sicily! Just a little makeup will not harm your face! Besides, these are natural make-ups very soothing for all skin types!” Sicily remembered Jessica stomping and whining before her, persuading her to put on a little makeup on her birthday. “You know I can’t, Jess,” she would sternly refuse and the girl would just stop nagging her. “Hate you…”Jessica would pout on her and she'd laughed Sicily smiled at the thought of her best friend with teary eyes. Her fate suddenly change course and here she was, having her face touched with some makeup and dressed up weirdly like she will be offered to the cold demon. She’d been ordered to do this and that without any complaints from her for the last two days. She read the Japanese Codes and forcibly memorized those decalogues on Jinge's code. She bet she can surpass Jessica in memorizing codes of law. 'Why am I even doing this?' she would often think. 'Winona, Hashie, Kyukun, Suzy…' She would silently recite the names of those orphans in Busan. That’s right; she was doing this for her fellow orphans and her fellow scholars. She heaved a deep sigh oblivious to the eyes of her two mistresses. ************************************************************************** JD’s Pov We landed on the island of Kyushu at 11:35 am. Kinda exhausted when we reached the ‘old house’, but I still manage to be in Elder Tahil’s private area as he requested. I am so sick of his game and I’m not planning on making some unnecessary attachments to the girl he had chosen again. I am cutting this s**t now. “Sit down,” he greeted me with his authoritative voice the moment I entered his room. He was having his tea and motioned me to sit. “I still have my business in Hawaii old man, so let me get straight to the point. Stop wasting your time and end this crap already. I’m sick of this.” “Sit down Dragon.” he gave me a cup of tea. I didn’t accept it instead I stared at him with irritation. This old man was getting on my nerves already. “You know you will fail again and again old man so stop this piece of-" “I want you to see this, JD.” He put an envelope on the desk. I threw a questioning glance at him. “Open it.” I roughly reached for it and scanned whatever was inside it. I see pictures. Four women. I threw a tired glance at him. “What are these?” “Those ladies were the candidates. Beautiful, gorgeous, and smart…” “Well I don't give a f**k,” I throw back the envelope on the table. “I know.” he put down his cup of tea. “How about this?” he handed me another envelope. I was itching to kick this old man but I manage to suppress myself and pulled the single envelope from his hand. I was greeted with pictures of a girl wearing a pink cap. It was three pictures to be exact. One in her uniform attire, the other in her hooded jacket attire, and the other one was purely intended to be captured. She was smiling. Something in me was stirred by the familiarity of her face. “You can’t play on her, JD.” The old man calmly said as he noticed me staring at the picture intently. “Her name is Sicily Mondragon.” I don’t know when I regained my composure when he spoke again. “Not familiar?” Both of my arms hung limply on my sides as I slowly lifted my eyes towards him. “Why did you bring her here…” It was almost a whisper to me. “You make me,” He answered. “Damn you, old man! Why did you involve her in the clan again?!” I slammed the pictures on the floor. ************************************************************************* He stared at his grandson’s falling countenance, his eyes unfocused for a moment then it turn into tiny slits as he stormed near the table and flipped it without effort. He ignored his grandson's jeering. “Remember your promise to Thunder,” Elder Tahil calmly stood up and went to face the garden. “Shut the f**k up!” “You can’t escape now. Either fulfill your promise to him or withdraw from being the Clan’s head. If you can’t marry this Nee-san, you will be forced to step down from your position. That’s the words of Thunder and stop playing around now.” Referring to his unholy coping mechanism for the past two years. "I have Jandie...why can't you even allow her to be in the clan?" he asked in gritted teeth. Elder Tahil turned to him. "I have reasons-," “s**t!” he roughly let a groan escape from his throat."Get her out from here, old man." Elder Tahil picked up one of the girls' photos. It was Sunny-the real chosen one among the candidates; Beautiful and possibly tough to face JD's antics. But even if he brought the most sought-after women to his grandson to win his heart, he won't spare a glance to any of them. So he brought his ace through Sicily. "No." For a moment JD just stood there with Sicily’s photos while he darkly stared at them once again, cursing those under his breath. “Prepare to meet her in the ceremony, Dragon.” The elder tap his shoulder and left the room.
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