
1898 Words
*Mariah* "Mariah." I hear Gia calling my name, as she swings the front door of the shop open, with Gabe following close behind her. She has a smile on her face and looks better than she did earlier. Which I'm relieved to see... I'm still worried and stressed out about recent events but I hate when other people are. I feel like my best friend and I can't both be upset at the same time, especially if I'm the cause of it. I smile at both of them, watching Gia as she leans against the top of the glass counter... the one I've cleaned 3 times already tonight. "Gabe and I are going to an art exhibit across town..." she starts, looking at me in a way that instantly let's me know that she's up to no good. "Ohhhh, that sounds like a lot of fun." I reply, stretching a wide smile across my face as I wait for the other shoe to drop. I know it's coming. "Yeaaa, but the thing is..." she begins, using her most persuasive voice. Another hint that she's up to something. "No." I shake my head "You already know how I feel about being the 3rd wheel." "But you won't be." she protests immediately. "In fact, one of Gabe's best friends is in town... and he's going to come, too. Sooooo-" she draws the word out before looking at me innocently. "It only makes sense for me to bring a friend, too." I groan, "God, is that the point in life where you think I'm at? Blind dates? Really?" She giggles, "It's not really a blind date, Mariah. It's just a... social gathering among friends." I shake my head again, smirking at her. "I don't want friends.... that's why I only have one. Friends are as overrated as boyfriends are so if you ask me... a social gathering is just as bad as a date." Although, I have to admit that I've found myself wishing I could find a man like Gabe several times, but I really believe that he is one of a kind. The odds of finding another one are probably pretty slim. "Mariah." Gia prompts, bringing my attention back to her, "Just one night? Please?" I sigh, knowing it's hard for me to tell Gia no. It's rare that she asks me for anything, so when she does, I try to follow through. "Levi's a nice guy." Gabe adds, shooting me a wink. "He doesn't bite... and you've met two of his brothers before." I wrinkle up my face, trying to remember but nothing is standing out to me. "They were with me when I came in the first time." Gabe reminds me, "The day I met Gia." I raise an eyebrow as the memory pops into my head. I do vaguely remember them... two tall, dark haired pieces of eye candy. "Does he look like his brothers?" I ask curiously. "Yea, somewhat. All of the Queens' Brothers share some similar features." he replies, shooting me a smile. He's just as bad as Gia when it comes to playing Mr. Innocent. "That's probably not a good thing." I muse, "I'd be happier if he weren't attractive." God knows I don't need to get excited about any more pretty faces. That was my downfall the last time... not that I have anything against attractive men, but in my experience, the inside is rarely as nice as the outside. "Well, Mariah." Gabe chuckles, "There's not really much I can do about that." "You could let me skip the art exhibit without the guilt trip." I said, shooting them my most winning smile. They glance at each other and then back at me, making no effort to actually do what I requested. I sigh again, rolling my eyes dramatically. "Ok. Whatever. I'll go, but this is definitely a one and done." "Of course!" Gia exclaims, her face lighting up as she smiles. "When are we leaving?" I ask, quickly putting the last few trays away. Gabe looks at his watch. "As soon as Levi gets here... should be any time now." *Levi* "What are you doing?" Matthew asks, as he flings my bedroom door open and lets himself in. "Do you know how to knock?" I reply, swinging around to glare at him as he walks across the room and flops his ass down on my bed. "Sorry." he shrugs, "That's a skill I never acquired.... besides, I tried to mindlink you but you must have a block up." I look at him, confused. "I don't have a block up." "Well, I couldn't get through." Matt insists. "So, something is up." I think about it for a moment, frowning. "Maybe it's because I've been gone for awhile. I don't know." Matthew gets up, walking over, and sniffing the air around me. He gets closer, inhaling deeply, before I push him away from me. "You're in my bubble, which means your too damn close, bro. Back up." "Shut the hell up." he chuckles, "I'm trying to see if I can smell your pack link." Each wolf has their own scent but we also carry a pack scent. If you are familiar with other packs and their pack scents, then you can determine which pack they belong to that way. The wolves that aren't part of a pack carry their own scent, which identifies them as rogues. He sniffs again. "You don't smell like Golden Moon... but you don't smell like a rogue, either." "I'm not really worried about it." I inform him, "I never felt the pack link break. It's probably just because I haven't been around our pack for awhile. I'm sure it will be fine." Although, even if it isn't, I'll be leaving again soon. I can't mindlink pack members from that far away anyways so it doesn't really matter. "Whatever." Matthew says, shooting me a disappointed look. I know my brothers don't want me to leave again, even if they won't come out and say it... but there isn't anything keeping me here. I love my family but it's not my job to lead the pack and it never will be. I could easily take a warrior position or something but why settle down if I don't have to? That's another reason why I'm not in a rush to find my mate. It has nothing to do with any other female. I have no real desire to be a player, either. I just don't know if I want to be like the rest of the pack wolves, who get married super young and start popping out pups. Maybe that life isn't for me... and if it is, I'm not ready for it yet. "How do I look?" I ask Matt, trying to change the subject before he has a chance to lecture me. "What do you care? You didn't even want to go!" he exclaims, smirking at me. "I don't really care about going. Not anymore anyways. I just don't appreciate James volunteering me to do s**t whenever he feels like it... and then ratting me out to my mother when I won't do what he wants me to." I narrow my eyes at my brother, "Although I'm sure he wasn't in it by himself... you two want to throw me under the bus and tell my mommy like I'm five years old again." I scoff. Matthew smiles, "But it worked, didn't it?" "Shut up." I reply, before walking towards the mirror and checking myself over. I have on black jeans and a black button down shirt. Just something simple. I have no idea where we are going or what the dress code should be but this works for me "I don't know where to go." I start, as the thought hits me. "I guess I'll have to call Gabe." "I already talked to him. He was trying to link you too and couldn't get through. He said just to meet him at the jewerly store in the human town. They are waiting for you there." he replies. "So, obviously they got her to agree." I muse. Damn. I had been hoping she wouldn't and then I would still have an opportunity to get out of this crap. "Well, actually he said they were still working on it but he's confident they can get her to agree so you can head over when you're ready." I groan and then turn towards the door. I glance behind me as he follows, letting him know. "I'm not doing this s**t again so don't get any more bright ideas, asshole." He smirks, completely ignoring me, as we leave the room and head down the steps. "Have fun." he waves as I leave, standing on the porch like someone's proud parent. "Do me a favor and go jump off a bridge, Matt." I reply, flicking him off as I walk. "No, thank you. I'll happily push you off one, though." He yells before I jump in one of the pack SUVs and drive off. It doesn't take long for me to get to the human town. I drive through the streets, turning and parking in front of the jewerly store. Gabe opens the door and steps outside as I get out of the SUV and close the door. "I'm happy to see that you actually came." he says, with a smile. "Yea, well it turns out that I didn't have as much of a choice in the matter as I thought." I reply, smirking at him. "Good Ole Mama Clara wasn't taking no for answer, huh?" he responds, throwing back his head and laughing. "Yea, something like that." I scowl, before storming towards the door to the jewerly shop. "But can we just get this over with?" I almost make it to the door when I pick up on the most incredible scent. I turn, looking around, and scanning the area around me. "Did they put in a new spot lately?" I question as the smell of strawberry milkshakes starts to take over my senses. Gabe looks at me curiously, "No, just the same ones. You know the closest restaurant is about two blocks away." he replies, gesturing down the street with his hand. "Why?" I shake my head, a little confused as that delicious scent continues to assault my nose. "I don't know. I just... just thought I could smell milkshakes... or ice cream maybe. You don't smell that?" Gabe c***s his head, looking at me closely. "I don't smell anything like that, Levi." 'We need to hunt down a milkshake shop after we get done. There has to be something around here.' Tyson whispers in my head. "Definitely.' I respond. "Levi...." Gabe asks, "Are you ok?" "Yea, I'm fine." I shrug, with a sigh, "It's been a long day. Maybe I'm losing it. I just need a good night sleep tonight." I turn towards the door again, putting my hand on the knob once I get closer. I open the door, hesitating slightly as that scent gets stronger, almost smacking me in the face as I move through the doorway. "Hi, Gia..." I start, trailing off as I catch sight of the blonde behind the counter. My breath hitches in my throat and I almost forget what it means to breathe as she looks up and locks her beautiful eyes with mine.
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