
1497 Words
*Levi* "No." I protest sharply, as James continues to stare at me, a smirk gracing his face. "Absolutely not." He leans back in his seat, looking up at me as I leave the edge of his desk and start pacing back and forth. "What's the problem, Levi?" I stop, turning towards him, and shrugging my shoulders. "I didn't sign up for babysitting duty, that's all." "Quit being dramatic, Levi." Gabe pipes up, shooting me a glance, "We can go out and have a good time, just like the old days." I make a face at him, "Yea, ok. You're going to be with your mate, so that's where your attention is going to be. I'm the one that's going to have to keep her entertained." James rolls his eyes, sighing loudly, "You act like you've never talked to a woman before. It's really not that hard, Levi." "Well, then you f*****g do it." I reply, gesturing towards him. "I have a mate. I'm not going on a date with another woman." he protests, looking incredulous. "Im sure Abbi wouldn't mind if you went out with some friends. She doesn't seem like the insecure type to me." I smirk at him, crinkling up my nose. Of course, I know he can't really go and I don't expect him too, but if I can give him a hard time, I will. Especially since he has no problem treating me like a boyfriend for hire. There's no escort service in this packhouse. "She's not the insecure type, but I'm not going to find out either way, because I'm not asking her." James says, glaring at me. I stretch a wide smile across my face, not bothering to move as James crumbles up a piece of paper and throws it at me, hitting me smack in the forehead. "What's the problem?" Matthew asks, as he opens the door and sails into the room. James updates him on our conversation with Gabe and Gia before pointing his finger at me. "And this asshole over here can't just agree to go and has to be difficult.... No surprise though, I guess- " Matthew shoots me a glare, obviously still irritated about the comments I made earlier. That's good. I've pissed off two brothers in under an hour. I consider that a victory... two points for me, zero for them. "It won't kill you to go, Levi." Matthew insists. "Yeaaaa.... that's basically what James said too, but I don't see either of you volunteering to do it." I return, with a shake of my head. "We all have mates. You're the only single one out of us, so it makes a lot more sense for you to go than one of us." Matt replies, a pissed off expression crossing his face. I smile to myself, wondering how much more I want to poke this little bear... or should I say wolf? 'Don't get punched in the face.' my wolf, Tyson, whispers in my head. 'It's my face. I'll get punched if I want to.' I taunt him back. I look at Matt, before looking up at the ceiling, back down at the floor, and then all around. "I'm so confused." I drawl, after I stop and look at him again. "Do you even live here anymore?" I ask as I point towards the ground and purse my lips thoughtfully "I don't think so. I'm pretty sure your packhouse is that way." I inform him, turning my finger towards the right. "And I think your opinion should stay there, too." Matthew opens his mouth, staring at me for a moment before he laughs, "Keep it up, little brother... I'm really starting to hope that Abbi turns you into a burnt shrimp biscuit... keep pissing me off and I'll even pay her to do it." "Hmmmm..." I roll my eyes at him, but I'm slightly curious. First, he warned me about being turned into a charred chicken... now a burnt shrimp biscuit. I'm not sure what that's about, but I may have to find out... and soon. I like to know what I'm dealing with. I look over as I hear the door click. My mother walks in, a smile on her face, and a warning look in her eyes. "Gia, dear." she says, giving Gia a kiss on the cheek as Gia stands up to greet her. "and Gabe... its nice to see you both, but why don't you give me a minute with my sons?... Actually, you two can go work on your end of things and I'll work on mine, if that's OK with you?" "Sounds good." Gia replies, briefly hugging my mother before she turns to me and waves. "I hope to see you later, Levi." I smile and nod politely without giving away anything else. I'm not agreeing to anything unless I decide to. Peer pressure doesn't work on me. My mother waits until the door closes before she puts her hands on her hips, c*****g her head at me. "Why does everything have to be such a battle with you, Levi?" "Mom." I reply, exasperated, "What are you mad at me for? You should be mad at James for trying to pimp me out... and for free! I think I'm worth more than that." I watch as she drops her hands from her hips, almost doubling over as she laughs, "Pimp you out? Really? I see your flair for being dramatic hasn't gone anywhere over the last year." I cross my arms, "I just don't see why I have to play the knight in shining armor. I want to hunt down vampires with the big Dawgs." "Okkkk..." she starts, "Well, no one is doing anything with vampires today so there's no reason why you can't go out with Gabe and Gia tonight and have a good time. You've been on plenty of dates before... this isn't any different. It's one night. That's all." I sigh, lifting my hand and rubbing it down my face. "It is different. I don't know her and she's..." "She's what?" Mom prompts, waiting for me to continue. "She's human." I whisper, but of course she hears me. That damn werewolf hearing never fails. "Levi Queens... so what if she's human? I know you're not telling me you have something against humans because you surely weren't raised that way." she hisses. "No." I assure her, dropping my hand and meeting her eyes. "But... humans are... different." "Different how, Levi? They are people just like us." she claims, a clear warning tone underlying her voice. A tone I've heard way too many times during my life. "Yea, they are people... but it's still different than going out with a she-wolf." I insist, looking down at the ground in an effort to avoid those eyes. "How so?" she sighs heavily, before rolling her eyes and shaking her head at me. "Mom." I return, holding up a finger, "For one, I haven't dated that many she-wolves either... but at least with them, they know what to expect... they know not to take anything seriously because it's going to be done and over with as soon as they find their mates. We live by certain rules that humans know nothing about. They don't even have mates." "Oh my Goddess, Levi." she huffs "It's a date, not a marriage proposal. It's not that serious." "But-" I hesitate before continuing, "What if she likes me or something?" I turn, shooting my brother a deadly look, as Matthew starts laughing. "Don't worry about that, Levi. Even if she likes you, I'm sure that won't last long." James chuckles too and I give him a dirty look as well as his eyes glaze over. A moment later, they clear and he looks up at me, humor shining in them. "Gabe said Mariah just got out of a sticky situation not that long ago and that she isn't really rushing to get into another relationship. Sooo, I think you'll be alright." I glare at him for another moment before I swing my eyes over to my giggling mother. She lifts her hand up, smacking it lightly off my chest. "You'll be just fine, Levi. Just don't lay the charm on too thick and you'll be just fine... maybe you'll even make a new friend." She stops and looks between my brothers and I. "That settles it, right?" she says, before staring at me and waiting for confirmation. "Yea." I reply, nodding reluctantly "Great." she smiles brightly before turning and walking towards the door. I make sure she's crossed the threshold and started down the hallway before I jerk my head towards James, pointing at him accusingly. "You little snitch." I hiss at him. He throws his head back and laughs as I stalk toward the door. I stop before leaving, "I'll make sure I pay you back for that one." He smirks at me, his eyes lighting up. "I look forward to it, baby brother."
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