Chapter 6

1440 Words
Eva I came out of my washroom after drying my hair as I had a long ass cold shower to keep my mind at ease. Before I know 'the' day is here. 'My Wedding Day' Even after a month of chaos and preparation happening I don't believe I'm getting married. I feel all possible emotions right now. Naming them all into nervousness. It's just all to much to take in. The door to my room swung open revealing my Mama and two other women who i guess are my hairstylist and makeup artist. "Darling! " My Mama's voice echoed through the room laced with excitement. "Are you ready to be transformed into a bride? That too a beautiful one? " "Ah, our beautiful bride! Like a delicate flower waiting to bloom"The hairstylist Katherine declared with her charming russian accent. I blushed at their response. I met my eyes with the makeup artist Svetlana. Her smile gentle and reassuring"Don't you worry Dushenka(Darling).We will make you a vision to adore"she said with her smooth voice. She was carrying a case which i guess had all the makeup. "Come, come Darlings .Let's not waste any time. We have a master piece to create"My Mama chirped in ushering the ladies my room. My Mama might not be showing it but i knew she was sad. It was just that she was too good at hiding it with her facade of happiness. Around me, my bedroom thrummed with a frenetic yet focused energy. All the makeup and hair products sprawled on my dressing table. It smelled faintly of roses and hairspray, a strangely comforting combination. ______ "Beautiful," my mother breathed sitting on the bed, where she’d been overseeing the entire process with keen eye "Absolutely beautiful, Eva."She cooed. I tried to smile back, but a nervous tremor ran through me. Beautiful, yes, but was I ready? I don't know. My Makeup and hair styling was done. I had glittery nude eye makeup with nude face makeup and nude lipstick. I don't like a lot of makeup on me. So i had informed Svetlana to do the least. My hair was put up in a beautiful big bun and some flings on my face. With pearls on it. I look beautiful. "Okay!So now you put on the dress we will be outside.Da?[Yes]"Katherine said as she and Svetlana packed everything up. I nodded. They left the room closing the door behind them leaving my mama in the room with me. I turned to my dress. Mama helped me put it on. And Ohh myy god!My breath caught as Mama finished buttoning the back of the gown .It was everything I ever dreamt of.  It was a ball gown. The weight of the fabric, heavy with intricate beading and embroidery, settled around me like a comforting embrace. “Turn around, darling,” Mama whispered, her eyes shining with a mixture of pride and barely concealed tears. Slowly, I turned, the silk whispering against the hardwood floor. The dress moved with me, a liquid cascade of light and shadow. Looking in the full-length mirror, I could barely breathe. You are breathtaking, Eva,” Mama whispered, her hand trembling slightly as she adjusted my veil, a delicate cloud of tulle that seemed to shimmer in the air. Tears pricked at the back of my eyes, threatening to spill. It wasn't the overwhelming joy I’d always imagined feeling on my wedding day. It was something else. A strange mix of nerves. Or was it simply the fear of the unknown, the daunting realization that my life, as I knew it, was about to change forever? "Come, my love," Mama said gently, taking my hand in hers. "It's time." Her touch, usually so firm and reassuring, felt strangely unsteady. Looking into her eyes, I saw a reflection of my own anxieties mirrored back at me.I hugged my mom feeling safe in her embrace. I felt her sob on my shoulders my tears dangerously threatening to fall. She pulled back. Taking a deep breath she said,"I'll miss you so much my daughter " her eyes gloomy. "I'll be back very soon Mama just to see you"i assured her. "Come on. We should leave now". She said putting a smile on her face. As we opened the door of my room to exit,Svetlana and Katherine were on the door. "Wowww"they both cooed"You are most beautiful bride we've ever seen "the former said,the latter agreeing with her. I thanked then both and moved down stairs. Papa and Ivan were ready in their suit. As their eyes fell on me my brother awed at me and tears filling by fathers eyes. I've never seen him cry before. "Ohh! My beautiful daughter. "He said hugging and kissing my forehead. "You look Amazing Ev."Ivan said "Thanks Ivy". We came out of the house a black limo standing in front. I look one last time at my childhood home and get inside the limo. Ivan helped me with my dress.After me my family sat in the limo making the driver drive to the destination. The Wedding would be held in a church. The limo glided to a stop, the quiet purr of the engine dying down to be replaced by the murmur of the waiting crowd. My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the silence inside the car. The driver opened the door.We got down. Taking a deep breath, I tried to steady myself, smoothing down the non-existent wrinkles on my dress. “Ready, Eva?” Papa's voice, wavered slightly. I swallowed, forcing a smile. "Yes Papa." We walked to the other door of the church from wear I'll enter.Whereas mom and Ivy went into the church. We were now in front of the door waiting for it to open. A soft music could be heard from the inside. As I took my father's arm, the weight of my family's expectations heavy on my shoulders, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was walking towards an uncertain future. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes, letting their words wash over me. I might not be marrying for love, not yet at least. But I was marrying into a new life, a new family, a new chance to forge my own path. The heavy wooden doors of the church open, revealing a breathtaking spectacle of grandeur. The air thrummed with the hushed whispers of the assembled guests, the scent of lilies and incense hanging heavy in the air. My hand trembled on Papa's arm , the weight of hundreds of gazes suddenly pressing down on me. I could feel Lorenzo's eyes across the aisle of the church, his expression unreadable. He looked impossibly handsome, every inch the powerful Capo everyone expected him to be. His tailored tuxedo fit him like a second skin, emphasizing his broad shoulders and lean physique. His dark hair was slicked back, revealing the hard lines of his face, the piercing green of his eyes. “Shall we, Eva,” Papa murmured, his voice low and urgent, barely audible above the swell of music that signaled the start of my procession. I nodded. Taking a deep breath, I straightened my spine, lifting my chin. Faces swam into view,but nobody that i knew. I guess they were all from other mafias gangs or maybe business associates. And then, finally, our eyes met. Lorenzo's gaze, unwavering and intense, seemed to pierce through the veil, through the carefully constructed facade of composure I'd built around myself. I saw of something in those depths, something akin to admiration, perhaps even a begrudging respect. But it was not love. My dad lightly sqeezed my hand as we reached the altar. He put my hands in Lorenzo's. After kissing my forehead once he left the altar. And now i was left with him. His grip tight on my hands. The priest started with the ceremony. _____ My own vows felt hollow as I echoed them back. "I, Eva Ivanova," my voice wavered, barely a whisper, "take you, Lorenzo......till death do us apart." He also chants his vows""I, Lorenzo De Luca , take you, Eva......till death do us apart."His vows, were delivered with the same measured precision that characterized his every action. Then the priest asks"Do you Eva, take Lorenzo as your lawfully wedded husband?" Not getting my answer Lorenzo's fingers tightened around mine making me say "I do" lower than a whisper. "Do you Lorenzo , take Eva as your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do"he says sternly. "With the power vested in me I now pronounce you both husband and wife .You may now kiss the bride."
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