Chapter 7

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Lorenzo "With the power vested in me I now pronounce you both husband and wife .You may now kiss the bride." The silence in the basilica pressed down, heavy with expectation. My gaze remained fixed on Eva. Moments ago when the door to the church swung open framing her like a masterpiece her dress clinging to her curves perfectly and moving along her gracefully, her chin lifted and spine straight looking breathtakingly gorgeous f*****g stole my breath. Our eyes subtly met blurred by her veil. A slight tremor in her hands when they were handed to me by her father.I unknowingly tightened my finger around her hands to stop that tremor. The silence in the basilica pressed down, heavy with expectation.Her eyes were squeezed shut, the thick lashes like strokes of ink against her skin of cheeks. I lifted her veil up fixing it behind her. Her face was now revealed to me without any filter. Her eyes still closed. Subtle makeup applied to her face enhancing her beauty. But she couldn't hide the tremor that ran through her. It sparked something unexpected in my chest - not warmth, not yet, but a flicker of acknowledgment. She was afraid. Of f*****g me. The realization wasn't a surprise.Lorenzo De Luca was not known for tenderness. I slowly glided my hands around her waist gripping her hips bringing her closer to me,her hands automatically moving to my arm to put distance between us. The subtle fear in her posture, the way her fingers clutched my arms tightly as if it were a lifeline, sparked a different instinct. Instead of closing the distance between us, I leaned closer, my voice barely a murmur, reaching only her ears. "Eyes open, Eva," I commanded, but there was no force in it, no threat. Her eyelids fluttered open, her remarkable eyes wide , the color of sky, that seemed to reflect every flickering candle in the basilica. Ignoring the audience, the murmur of anticipation that rippled through the church, I inclined my head,her chest heaving with heavy breathing, my gaze never leaving hers. My lips brushed just besides her lips, a whisper of touch, a promise, and a warning all in one. "Not here, Amore[love]," I murmured, my voice low enough for only her to hear. "Not like this." Her eyes widened, surprise chasing away the fear. Just then the crowd started cheering and celebrating with a loud applause. Withdrawing our bodies from each other. Eva's body relaxed her hand wrapping around my arm as we both moved to the door of the church walking through the aisle.Some faces cheering us with happiness whereas some angry, sad and jealous. This was not just a arrangement for us but a way for both Italian and Russian mafia to conquer the world. As we exited the church door there was a Black Mercedes-Maybach S-Class standing for us. Now we had to go to the reception hall for reception and then we would be done with this wedding s**t. Huff.. Eva We were now settled in this luxurious car moving to our reception destination.Awkward silence consuming the car. My eyes darted to Lorenzo, taking in the sharp line of his jaw, the way his hand rested on his thigh. He was a mystery to me, this man who was now my husband. . The ruthless Lorenzo De Luca. I sat in silence, my hand fidgeting with each other. After somewhat five minutes suddenly he turned his head to me"Can you f*****g stop that, its irritating "He seethed he gaze moving to my hands which immediately stopping my fidgeting . "I apologize ",I mumbled staring at my lap tears gathering in my eyes threatening to fall. I turned my gaze at the window so that he doesn't get to see me with tears thinking l am weak. The whole ride I had my hands clasped tightly in my lap so that i don't start fidgeting again. My wedding ring cold against my skin, I prayed for the strength to face the lifetime that stretched before me, a lifetime where silence and fear seemed destined to be my only companions. _____ "Cara mia[My darling]," Maria murmured, her voice a low, melodic caress. "You look absolutely radiant. Lorenzo is a lucky man." I felt a blush creep up my neck.Lorenzo, standing beside me, remained impassive, but I noticed the subtle shift in his posture, a barely perceptible loosening of his shoulders. Mr Giovanni De Luca, beamed down at me with an unexpected twinkle in his eye. "Maria is right, my dear," he boomed, his voice surprisingly strong for a man his age. I stammered out a thank you.My heart lightening for the first time since the ceremony. We moved on to greet so many people tonight, my head dizzy remembering them all.Lorenzo was doing all the talking part so that was good enough for me. After talking and greeting everyone it was time to cut the cake. So all the people gathered around us. A huge on the table in front of us. As we were about to cut the cake Lorenzo received a call excusing himself. After a bit as he came back he seemed very tense his perfect hair disheveled by i guess running his fingers through them. He went to his Mr. De Luca whispering something to him making him frown and his body tense too. His father nodded to him. He then came to me grabbing my hand ,his grip tight and taking me to the side."We are leaving for Italy now. You have two f*****g minutes to say goodbye to your family.Make it as fast as you can.Our families will handle the situation here. " he says his voice deep and irritated. My breath got caught in my throat hearing this. Before i could get to my family they came to me, my mothers eyes filled with tears as she looked at me making the tears gathered in my eyes fall one after the another . "I'm s-sorry mama, I-Ihave to go now " I said sobbing heavily. "I miss you so much luybov' moya[my love]."She said hugging me. I pulled back looking at my father. He pulled me into a hug before saying "I'm proud of you Eva". I smiled at him as a tear slipped through my eyes. It was then my brother waiting for his turn to say goodbye to me. His eyes holding unshed tears as he cupped my cheek putting his forehead on mine." Ill miss you moy malen'kiy demon [my little demon ]. " He says, the unshed tear rolling down his cheek. "If that bastard trys anything with you, you give a one call and I'll be there.You understand that, da?" He questions before glaring at Lorenzo. "Da,i will Ivy"I say kissing his cheek. He kisses me back on my forehead taking me back to where Lorenzo had moved to give us some privacy. Ivan shakes Lorenzo's hand whispering something to him that only those two could hear making Lorenzo give a deadly glare to Ivan, Ivan reciprocating it back. After the goodbyes Lorenzo grabbed my hand pulling me out to the same car we earlier came from making me sit in it as the driver started driving. AND NOW WE WERE OFF TO ITALY. 'MY NEW HOME'
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