Chapter 5

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Lorenzo "I'm not going to Russia just to give her a ring ,Mamma. You are expecting to much from me."I stalked the length of my mother's impossibly ornate living room, my frustration growing with each stride. "It's archaic, Mamma," I declared, throwing my hands up in exasperation. "Why can't you just send the ring with a courier? " "Lorenzo, darling, sit down. You're making me dizzy."My mother said calmly. I stopped pacing and sent her a withering look. "I will not calm down. This is ridiculous. I'm expected to barge into this woman's life, shove a family heirloom on her finger, and pretend it's some kind of romantic gesture?" "It's not barging Lorenzo,it's a formal introduction " My mother corrected, her tone clipped. "And it's a gesture of respect, of tradition Lorenzo." I ran a hand through my hair, the weight of my family's legacy suddenly heavier than usual. I knew arguing was waste of time; my mother had a will of iron. I slumped onto the plush sofa opposite her, defeated. "Fine," I conceded. "I'll do it. But I'm not pretending it's romantic. I'll deliver the ring, we'll be civil. My mother smiled, a flicker of genuine warmth softening my expression. "That's all I ask, Lorenzo. And who knows," she added, her voice laced with a hint of mischief,"perhaps you might even find you enjoy the girl's company." I let out a humorless chuckle. _____ I was currently in my office demanding what task are to be completed by my men in my absence here in Italy. "But Capo (Boss) this is impossible how do we do it in such a sho.. " I do not let him complete his sentence as he gets shot by me in between his eyes. All my other men stare at the lifeless body in shock afraid of opening their mouths to question me further. "If you're not f*****g capable of completing this task in the given time you are not fit to stay in my Mafia.You f*****g understand that!" I shouted at them expecting an answer . Immediately I get a loud response "yes Capo.We understand ." " Get the f**k out of my office now taking his body" I ordered gesturing at the dead man in my front of my desk. "Also send the cleanup team for clearing this mess"My younger brother Dante chirps in pointing at the blood of the floor. He is my right hand man ,two years younger than me.And the complete opposite of what I am. "Why are you so agitated today.Even I got scared of you for a second"He asks sitting on the couch in my office. "Why are you here Dante?Just f**k off"I say moving my hand through my hair. "Are you angry because you are going to Russia to meet my beautiful sister in law?" He asks mischief lingering in his tone. I give him a deadly glare making him understand not to mess with me right now.He takes the signal and gets up from the couch."Ok fine!I'm not messing with you right now. Bye then. I'll get going. Enjoy" he says getting to the door , giving me a wink and getting out of my office. Every since the death of my elder sister i have been the ruthless and cold devil that everybody calls me. My heart turned into ice. I don't feel love or happiness or care or any emotions.Except for my family. They are all i lived for since her traumatizing death. But ever since i met my blue eyed innocent little arranged fiancé on the dinner my heart skipped for a bit. The way she felt intimidated and nervous under me, the way a blush always crept her cheeks when she looked at me, the way she carried herself, the way she talked, the ways sh..STOP!Fanculo [f**k]i don't know what's happening. I am 'The Snake' that everybody says I am. I shouldn't feel this things for anybody. I composed myself and got ready to go to her . I arrived at my private jet.The Pilot ready for the flight. It would take me four hours to land in Russia. Its currently 3 am so I'll be reaching at hers at almost 7 . I planned on sleeping for this four hours but my nightmares decided against it. So i got only two hours of sleep as i landed in Russia. _____ Currently I'm standing in front of the Ivanova's estate,their house surrounded by his men. As they let me in I went to the doorstep ringing the bell. The door swung open,revealing Mrs Ivanova ,a look in her face because unfortunately I forgot to inform them that I would be visiting them. "Lorenzo!Come in, Come in!"She ushered me inside,the scent of freshly baked bread enveloping me. The house though smaller and less imposing than thmy family's estate it exuded a cozy charm. "I'm sorry but Alexander and Ivan are out for work"she apologize "Actually I here to meet Eva"I managed, with a stern facade. "Oh !Okay.Don't just stand there, dear," Mrs Ivanova chided gently. "Come, sit, have some refreshments.Ill call Eva" "Eva Darling! You are needed downstairs come fast! "Mrs Ivanova shouted from the base of stairs. As I settled into a plush armchair and accepted a cup of steaming tea from her. "She's a bit of a night owl," she explained as she bustled out of the room, leaving me alone with the awkward silence . And then she walked in. My breath hitched.It was her... attire. Sleep-mussed hair, her cheeks flushed with sleep, her lips slightly parted. She wore a silk camisole and matching shorts.  Sleepwear, my brain registered belatedly, but the fabric clung to her curves in a way that sent a jolt straight to my groin. My pulse hammered in my ears. She froze in the doorway,her eyes widening as she registered my presence. For a heartbeat, we just stared at each other. "Lorenzo?" she finally breathed, her voice thick with sleep. I cleared my throat, the sound absurdly loud in the sudden quiet. "Eva."I acknowledged my voice sounded strained even to my own ears.Gods help me. I retrieved the velvet box from my pocket. Her eyes widened slightly as she took in the box, her gaze flickering up to mine. "Lorenzo, this isn't..." "It's a token," I interrupted, "A symbol of my commitment to... to us and also a tradition that my mother wanted me to follow. That's the only reason I'm here"I say coldly.A flicker of hurt passed through her eyes but she was quick to hide it. I opened the box, revealing the sparkling diamond ring nestled in its velvet cradle. Eva, however, surprised me. She didn't reach for the ring. Didn't shy away either. She simply continued to study me, her gaze unwavering. "You are expected to wear this heirloom all the time"I say sternly. Not letting her study what's going on in my mind. "Okay"she said still staring at me. I kept the box on the table besides me."I'll be leaving now"I say turning around and leaving out of the door not waiting for her answer leaving her alone with her thoughts.
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