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NOVENA The tall white double doors to my bedroom open silently, revealing a casually dressed Zelus. His dark grey sweatpants hug his muscular legs perfectly as they rest on his narrow hips below a white tee. “I was told Nina tended you.” He says, “Are you sure you aren't still suffering from any lasting efforts? Would you prefer I call a doctor?” “I would prefer to be left alone, Zelus.” He moves in from the doorway, more hesitant than I would have expected from someone so used to getting his way, whenever and however he wants it. As he crosses the floor, the confidence returns with each step as if he has mentally restored his sureness from the door to his position right in front of me. He towers above me as I sit crossed legged on the bed watching his face. My neck bends to keep eye contact. He takes a deep breath before he seems to decide on something. “Your father committed suicide.” He says the words gently, watching me closely. Of all the things I expected to hear come out of his mouth, that wasn’t one of them. My voice is barely over a whisper, “He wouldn’t.” He wouldn’t. Why would he? Why would he kill himself and leave the war and running of the country in the hands of his children? Zelus must have done something! My father would never kill himself if he had been treated as I have, by Zelus anyway. Spending time with Pallas could drive a person to dark places. “Before the negotiations had failed. Before your letter even arrived,” Zelus’s voice brings me back, “your father knew I would try to negotiate an exchange. A king for a princess. I’m sure he must have believed that whatever became of the negotiations would not be favourable, for you or your country, whatever the decision. But he could never have known that a Duke of yours would come to me secretly.” He has my full attention. Every breath I take feel forced. I'm hanging on his words, trying to process exactly what he is saying. Someone has betrayed us. One of our own. “He wanted you out of the way and in exchange for giving us your housing location, he wanted protection and security for his family should this war swing our way indefinitely.” I breathe in sharply as Zelus continues, “It seems an unfortunate waste and an unnecessary one committed by your father, because I would never hurt you.” My heart pounds in my chest, “Why would you even trust a duke of ours?” “Because his motives were understandable. You had begun to threaten his plans and he wanted you out of the way. An ambitious man with grand plans is a formidable opponent. Such reasoning is always reliable.” “Who is he?” Zelus smiles down at me, cunningly. He lifts his hand to trace his long fingers over my cheek. A move that sends fire into my blood and a blush across my skin. I look away disgusted in myself and my reaction. “What would you exchange for that information?” He purrs. He’s closer now. I gape at him, “I have nothing to offer.” “Don’t you?” He asks, his eyes wandering provocatively over my length. My cheeks turn red at the thought of him touching me. I might be able to fool my mind and heart, but my body is a being all on its own and it stirs and sings at the very idea of Zelus. Still, even if he attracts me, I will never forget the one thing forever between us. Our feud. “I hate you. You disgust me.” I make it sound so simple and the words sound as they should. Cold and unfeeling. “You want to hate me, there’s a difference.” Zelus smoothly sits on the bed to face me, leaning back on his elbows and crossing his ankle over his knee. “Mates cannot hate each other.” He says as if it is common knowledge, as if it is fact. I allow my eyes to gaze over the expansion of his wide chest, if it isn’t hatred then what is it that I feel? When he isn’t close to me, when my own body doesn’t cloud my reason. How can it not be hatred? How can I not hate him? As if he could hear my thoughts, he says, “We are wired to desire and love each other. And you can lie to yourself, but the more time you spend with me the more it will become harder for you to resist. I am resigned to my fate, I will accept you if you decide the same.” “That very thought makes me sick!” I snap. Leaping from my sitting position to stand a distance from him, I try to clear my head. Trying to cool my temper. How dare he tell me how I am supposed to feel! After everything he has done to me. And my traitorous body! It’s enough to make me sick. “We are not the only ones in history to be mates that come from families that hate each other. But Werewolves know, without a shadow of a doubt that nothing stops the bond. It’s a force that cannot be undone or disrupted. It is final and it is inevitable what we will become.” Inevitable what we will become. Inevitably, I will be tied to the very person who has been the cause of my loved ones’ deaths. The thought doesn't repulse me as much as I wish it would. He continues driving his point home, further and further into any hopes I have of escaping him. “It’s decided by a being who is much more powerful and wiser than us.” He speaks with such certainty and belief, “So, fight it if you can, love.” He purrs, silver eyes sparkling with hunger, “Give it your best, soon you will be singing a different tune.” He stands, striding to meet me as I narrow my eyes at him. The arrogance on his sculptured face has me grinding my teeth. He lifts my hand from my side even as I pull back. He uncurls my fist to force my open palm against his heart, below his left lung. It’s beat vibrates through his flesh and skin. “It’s all yours. Whenever you are finished denying what you want.” He lowers his head, to whisper close to me, “I can hear your heartbeat. And I know it’s not beating that quickly because you are scared of being this close to me.” “You flatter yourself.” I tell him, terrified that he just might be right. I just might not hate him at all. I’ll make sure to bury that small voice trying to turn my thoughts. I’ll focus on the hate, on the rage and helplessness until all I see when I look at him is the monster that he is. With his warm breath brushing my skin, I feel the familiar sensations running through his touch, making my breath quicken and my brow break in sweat. His body is divine! His height. His arrogance. I could almost believe he is made for me. Almost. But I don’t worship his gods. Their plans and agendas don’t mean anything to me, even if I thought they honestly care enough to handpick mates. I snatch my hand back quickly. “I have another secret you might want to bargain for.” His voice dips deeply, the tilt of his head breaking my line of thought about gods and their meddling. I huff, “Your prices are too much.” He is mad if he thinks of going to bargain with myself and I consider telling him just that when he interrupts me. “Even if it’s about your dearest friend.” Dread fills me. “What about her?” I ask as plainly as I can. He tsks as if I had done something naughty. “I want my payment first. Haven’t you ever done a deal before?” I meet his silver eyes that swirl with mischief. This playful side to his personality makes me forget that he is not human. It's as dangerous as his wolf. “I don't make a habit of striking deals with devils!” I let out a confident laugh, “Perhaps I already know what you are going to tell me.” “Oh, I doubt it.” He assures me. “You would.” I take my time showing Zelus only mild curiosity. Doing my best to think quickly. I don't want to bargain with him. I don't want to pay his prices. But Emmaline has lied before and about a great many things. Could she have even more secrets? Do I care to find out? “What do you want for it?” I ask, sounding a lot surer of myself than I feel. I want to crawl and hide somewhere he will never find me but the temptation is too great. I need to know if Emmaline is still lying to me. I need to know if there is more that she has neglected to share after the last time I caught her lying. After everything we’ve been through, I need to know if she's on my side. If I can trust her. He grins beautifully, “An hour of your time, tomorrow morning, for whatever I want.” His words hold a promise almost too sinful to deny. “Is the information worth such an expense?” I tried to lace my words with repulsion, but the truth is that the idea of letting Zelus have his way with my body makes a small part of me want to hum and sing and dance. “Every second.” He promises in his deep voice. “My body is off the table, I will not bed you.” He seems disappointed. “Fine.” A look of irritation passes over his face, “Another time then.” “You will tell me first. Then if I decide that it’s worth the price you ask for, you’ll have a deal.” “No.” I look baffled, “No?” He raises a silver brow at me, “I tell you and then I get what I want. It's a risk you’ll have to take.” What could he supposedly have on Emmaline that he thinks I do not know? Why would she tell them when she won't tell me? It doesn't make sense. Is finding out worth giving into what Zelus wants? I chew my bottom lip as Zelus waits for my responses. Finally, I nod my head. Defeat is a bitter emotion to swallow. The smile that plays on his full coloured lips, speaks volumes for what I can expect in the morning. “Do you know what a Valglarian is?” The victory in his voice makes me think that I’d really rather not find out.
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