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NOVENA Zelus made good on his side of the deal, that’s for sure. In fact, he’s blown my mind with what he’s told me. I couldn’t have looked any more out of my depth than when I sat listening to Zelus, without asking a single question, without saying a single word. I simply stared at the ground, my lips torn and bitten until he finally had nothing more to say and I just… curled up into a ball and stared at the wall for hours until at some point I must have fallen asleep and that’s where Ive stayed, lost in my thoughts. The Magna Terra isn’t just untamed lands between countries. All my life I've known that it warps and wavers in time and space that’s beyond science and sense itself. As if it itself is alive. Or so the stories told by the gods go, repeated throughout the generations that followed. It’s part of the reason we don’t venture into it. That and because of the flesh-eating creatures that hunt in its enormity. No being I’ve ever met has known the size and the workings of the Magna Terra. Old tales tell that even the gods themselves exist at its discretion. I’m not so naïve as to think we were the only established country in the mass that makes up our world. The gods have been known to establish their regions of control. I just never thought one would be so close to ours, to the Continere. Another country sits next to the Continere to the East. Not just a wild, monster filled Magna Terra that I’ve grown up believing surrounded us. We humans have no idea, absolutely no idea what's truly going on around us. Except of course my father, but he’s dead now and he would have taken that knowledge to the grave with him. Vetus Vulglares. A country outside the Protective Barrier that cradles the Continere. Ruled by the Valglarians. A race of warrior women that used to be known to Humans as the Slave Makers. Emmaline is one of them. I want to scream. I’ve been dealt, blow after blow, and at some point I’m going to have to pick myself up. Just not right now. My father’s dead. One of the Dukes is a traitor to the crown, to me. My best friend isn’t even Human and from a country I didn’t even know existed. My soul has been assigned to my enemy’s crowned prince. And the winged boy from my dreams is real. At this point it’s safe to say I’ve reached rock bottom and the list doesn’t even included how I’m a prisoner of war, having to barter my body with my supposed mate for information that I can’t even use to benefit myself with unless I manage to escape and somehow use it to win back the throne. But then I still must win a war, which South Continere is currently losing. “Morning Princess.” Nina says cheerfully, having come through the door unbeknown to me. Her constant upbeat personality has such a draining effort at this present moment. Her layered hair is pulled back into its usual ponytail with strands hanging around her pale-skinned face. Light freckles dash across her nose and cheeks charmingly, giving her a sweet pretty look. But I can tell there’s much more to her than just a servant. “Prince Zelus is waiting for you to join him for breakfast in his suit. Would you like me to assist you in getting ready?” Please, he would prefer that I showed up in nothing. What does she honestly want to do? Dress me up with a bow? “Reschedule.” The blonde leans over, resting her hands on her knees as her face comes in line with mine. I frown at her antics. She’s such a weird person. “That would make him most upset.” She warns seriously, “Are you sure that you want to test his temper? Others have and have been sorry later.” “Yes.” I say stubbornly. He is not going to do anything to me. I’m certain about that. Not as long as he wants me to accept our bond and go through with our union. Nina smiles a weird sort of you can’t be serious and this might be fun to watch kind of smile. Straightening up, Nina makes for the door. “You should be expecting him soon, I would imagine. He doesn’t take well to being rejected. Don’t say I’m not helpful when it counts.” She calls from the door before disappearing past my viewpoint, leaving the door to swing shut. I consider her words for a moment. Locking the door probably wouldn’t help solve any of my problems but for the time being, it would certainly give me the time I need to gather my wits before having to face Zelus again. So, for the first time this morning, I lift myself from the bed and make my way across the large room to the double doors and flip the lock. I only just make it back to my blanketed bed when I hear the handle on the double doors jerk down. The doors rattle on their hinges at the second attempt at opening. “A coward, are you love?” Zelus voice calls mockingly. “Not at all, I’m simply not feeling myself and wish to reschedule for another time.” I hear the displeasure in his voice as he talks. “That’s not how deals work, Novena. You made your bed and now you must sleep in it, whether you want to or not.” I roll my eyes in distaste, “Oh I know where you want me sleeping and it’s not in my own bed.” “I don’t take kindly to such slights Novena. Remember this next time you want to bargain for something I have that you want.” He snarls from the other side of the door, “Like the identity of your Duke for instance or the life of your friend.” I fiddle with my hands in my lap, dread creeping into my mind. I gave him my word and yet, I am hesitant to move towards the door and fulfill my side of the bargain. What does my word mean if I don’t go through with this? As a princess, it means a lot. I can’t even cry that the information isn’t worth it. This information could win me the crown. Reluctantly I walk over to the tall doors and open it. Zelus is leaning against the polished solid wood, his large arms folded over his firm chest angrily. But his body lies. There’s no anger in his silver eyes. My status has never put me in a position where I’ve felt small, and the realization is a cold reminder of where I am and who I am here. The heat in his eyes is burning through my flesh as if he is searching my very soul. I can barely breath as I watch his handsome face smile mockingly in anticipation of what’s to come. Probably just to create doubt and hesitation in my change of mind. I turn, rising my head as I walk through the elegantly styled lounge suite towards his chambers, my heart beating against the cage that is my ribs. His doors are standing open, so I walk straight on in. Taking a deep breath, I turn to face him as he closes the room off for privacy. “I want to say I’m impressed but then,” He narrows beautiful eerie eyes at me, “I had to talk courage into you.” “Be that as it may, I am here, and I want to get this over with as soon as possible.” He smiles devilishly, “I never want our time here to end. Come with me.” He orders. I follow him cautiously into a spacious dark stoned bathroom and through into a cave-like room. My eyes wander the magnificent narrow cave that dips down into crystal clear water. Sunlight peaks into the cave at the far side of the pool of water. Through the arched glassless window, I catch sight of a large body of water glistering in the near distance. “Do you like it?” Zelus asks, taking a grape from the trays of fruit and treats set up in the pool cave and popping it into his mouth. “This is a very large bath.” I draw out. He shrugs, “I like a lot of space, Valour likes water as much as I do.” There’s that name again. Valour. My interest perches at the mention of the name. “Who is that? And don’t avoid the question this time. You like to do that.” I accuse. He c***s his head to the side, a wolfish smile turning his lips. “Another bargain already?” He asks. I seal my lips, pressing them together angrily and he laughs. The sound is full and warm and I find that I like it very much. He closes the distance between us, dipping his head so that our faces are inches apart. My gaze drops to those full red tinted lips in a single moment of weakness. I don’t jerk away from him although I know that I should. Instead, I find myself standing firm. I lift my gaze back to his eerily coloured eyes, my resolve set. He won’t intimidate me. “A kiss? And if it’s sweet enough, I’ll tell you.” I feel my heartbeat quickens as he searches my eyes, my chest rising and falling with conflicting emotions. He takes my silence as a yes, lowering his lips to mine. I shudder at their softness. He doesn’t touch me anywhere else, only his lips tear at my resolve. His breath is hot on my cheeks as he deeps our exchange. A bargain, that’s all this is. I tell myself as my head spins. I let my own lips follow suit, moulding them to his. He groans in his throat, the sound stirring some lower part of my stomach, making it tighten with anticipation. Then as if it were nothing, he breaks the connection. I blink rapidly, trying to gain control over myself in the sudden emptiness. “Valour is the wolf inside me.” His voice is clear and strong. I frown, “The wolf? Like you mean you guys are separate entities?” “Yes, if that makes it easier for you to understand. It's what makes my family so much more powerful than other Werewolves. Our wolves have a subconscious of their own. They are true magic.” “How is that even possible?!” I gape. He’s not just a shapeshifter, he literally shares his body with an actual wolf. “Don’t look so horrified,” He laughs darkly, the sound so sinful in its richness and temptation. It's the kind of sound that makes you want to do anything within your power to hear it again and again and again… “You’ll hurt my wolf’s feelings.” He gives me the most charming smile as he slips out of his white robe. My mouth falls open as my eyes fest on his perfect male body. He moves past me, giving me the most gracious view of his backside before he sinks into the clear water, driving below its steaming surface. The temptation to openly follow him in and allow my fingers the freedom to search his person is startling. Horrified by my secret desires, I feel the heat climbing into my cheeks as I watch Zelus stand in the abdomen deep water, his wet torso glistering in the reflective light. “You have to join me, Novena. That is what I want and that is our deal.” He commands. I blush profusely, “Turn around then.” He laughs, showing me his back, “Now this is just simply not fair.” He complains playfully. I remove my clothes as I watch him swim into the sunlit water until he reaches the end of the cave and lifts his arms to rest them on the edge of the pool sized bath, looking out at the body of water. “Is that a lake or the ocean?” I ask, hoping to keep his scrutiny elsewhere. “It’s Lake Swanton.” I lower my foot onto the first step, sighing with pleasure from the warmth of the water. When I’m partially in, Zelus turns around. I immediately cover my chest with my hands, frowning angrily at him. Zelus smiles innocently, before his eyes trail my body with appreciation at the sight. Swimming closer and closer until he is right in front of me, he stands, towering over my head. Few men can make me feel this small. I am a tall woman. But he can, easily. He seductively runs a finger from my throat down between hands covering the mounds on my chest and on to my stomach, stopping above the water that sits at my hips. My breath is catching in my throat as he starts making circles with his finger across my lower stomach. He leans in to press butterfly kisses on my shoulder. I touch him… shyly at first. Nervous to take my hands away from covering my chest, but the temptation is too much. I touch his chest with the tips of my fingers, running them over his ribs and over the claw marks that only add to his appeal. I watch his reaction under lowered lashes, feeling the moment his breath changes and becomes heavier. I notice my own deepening breath and the want boiling in my blood. I run my unworthy scared hands along his perfect chest as his arms circle around me, pulling me closer and closer, until not even the water can separate us. It's pure bliss I think, like I’ve just taken a hit and the effects are instant. His lips are on mine, moving against my mouth. I sigh into the kiss, feeling his demands to enter my mouth. I obey, parting my lips to greet his sinful tongue in its search to taste and consume. My skin is burning, like my blood is running on fire and I’m clinging to him as he groans into my mouth, pressing the shorter length of my body harder against his massive solid figure. He could drive me crazy. Make me lose all sense of who I am. I almost protest when he pulls away suddenly. "What's the matter?" I ask, beyond sense. “I knew what it would be like, what you would feel like.” He says, his voice thick. Then he presses his lips to mine quickly. The effect is drugging. “I’ve heard the effects a mate can have on a male, how females can drive the male wolf to take control and capture her. It’s all I want. This constant urge to loosen the reins and damn the consequences. It’s what my instinct is asking for, what my wolf is howling for.” He trails kisses over my neck as I sigh happily, only half listening, “My little mate,” he whispers against my skin softly, “let me have you.” He breaths. “Submit to me.” He says almost lovingly, but the command is there, laced in his words. His hands start to claim what he believes he is entailed to. His hand cups my bare breast and I sigh in pleasure, pressing my forehead to his wet shoulder. His clever hands don’t stop their drugging movements as they move under the water, one slipping between my thighs. “We shouldn't…” I say weakly, raising my head to look into his silver eyes. Grabbing his hand, I bring his attention back to me. He’s watching my face, teasing endlessly. He sees the moment I feel his fingers reach my warmth. My eyes shut, as I try to fight it, the intense pleasure. My mind explodes as his fingers begin to move and I’m lost to sensation, pressing my body harder against him. He sees the moment he has complete control, the moment he shatters my world. “That’s right, I could be yours…” He says seductively next to my ear, and the thought is truly tempting. Everything about him is…“We could be and feel like this forever.” The words slid off his lips, sweet as honey, “and it wouldn’t take much.” “What would it take?” I breathed, lost to him. He pressed his lips to my throat, “A little ritual and we would be like this forever, entangled in our own pleasure.” My mind is racing, I hesitate, forever with him, “What changes if I do?” He presses his advantage, moving faster against me, making my eyes flutter closed as my throat tightens on a moan. “Everything.” He says as he removes his wandering hands and leans back upon the stone cave wall. I want to cry as he ends it. I feel his retreat, like a drain of energy. “The bond is magical, despite what your family and scientists may believe. It connects the mated wolves’ spirits to each other, preceded by the marking which both mates do to accept the gift from the Gods and permanently connect themselves to each other’s minds. This is followed by the completion of the mating to connect their physical bodies as well. Lastly, there is a blood ritual.” He explains watching my reaction as he muses, “I have never heard of one of the moon children having a human mate before.” He says as he tucks my hair behind my ear, “I was completely thrown when I saw you. Honestly, I don’t know if it will work the same, but I don’t see why it should.” I wonder if that might disappoint him. He most likely won’t have a normal mating bond with me, a human mate. Shaking my head, I say, “You once told me that you couldn’t chose your fated mate, but that's not entirely true. You could have another mate." His gaze turns suspicious, "What are you getting at?" "You've marked me but if we don’t both mark each other it won’t be a permanent connection, right? Your bite marked me as your mate, but its temporally." I take the look on his face as confirmation. "That means we would be free to choose another more suitable partner if we desired, right?” And for just one moment my mind flickers to someone else. Someone slimmer and winged. It would be better for both of us, although the thought of him with anyone else feels damaging especially after what just happened, especially with my body is still burning for him. I can see he doesn’t like what I’ve just said either. His eyes have completely lost their warmth, turning black while his jaw clenches tightly in irritation. “And who would you have in my place?” He snaps, his canines suddenly very noticeable, “Some pathetically weak human?” Offended by his words, I retaliate in anger, “I am some pathetically weak human Zelus!” I shout, losing my temper. “You kidnapped me, stole me from my home! Why would I ever want you? Besides, wouldn’t you rather screw some animal instead of your most hated enemy?” I dont miss the abrupt hurt showing on his face. I know I’ve gone too far from the look of disgust on his face accompanied by a cruel smile playing on his lips as a result. “Didn’t you just almost screw an animal yourself, Princess?” Infuriated, I scrambled away from him and to the steps. As my wet feet touch the dry floor, I feel his arms pull me back against him. Flesh against flesh. Suddenly the cold stone wall is pressed against my front while Zelus lowers his face into the curve of my neck where his teeth are imprint in the form of scars against the rest of my smooth skin. He inhales, followed by a breathless groans that has my lower stomach muscles clenching in anticipation. His hot clever tongue touches his unerasable mark, and I can’t stop the gasp that escapes my mouth or the shiver that racks my treacherous body. He speaks against my skin in a whisper that could give the gods pause, “Shame the wolf that falls in love with a Mace.” I’m speechless as his presence withdraws and I watch him disappear into the joining bathroom.
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