Huge Rally

1474 Words
Prince Hayisha POV I've got mesmirize by this blessing. Oh, our Lord... how am I got into this place? In this such a wonderful world, you brought me through that goddess woman that I've met earlier. How did it happen? I have no idea, not only that, but I am very confusing right now. I am in a deep wondering while I am talking to myself and continously walking towards the middle of the beautiful forest. Yeah... I am not still leaving this such a beautiful world because it has brought my huge curiosity to enjoy more myself in this unexpected momentum. It is my first time to see the magical place of a human world. It's so beautiful. My long walking has brought me up to the clear and very tidy lake of the forest. When I've reached the crystal water of that lake, I've faced into the water. I got shock after I've seen myself that is very wasted.. I am very horrible... very messy.. very gross and I have a lot of scars of a dried wound on my face even on the other parts of my body. I've noticed that, I have so many dried blood on my upper body. "What happened to me last night? Did I go on a battle field? Why can't I remember it? Where is my other companion? Where is the general?" Those such of a bunch of questions that inserted inside my head is stressing my sanity and I still trying to search an answer from all these chaos. I jumped into the water to wash myself thoroughly. And then, after I've cleaned up myself.... I used my power to heal myself. Finally, I am back to my normal appearance again. Then I make of another cloth to wear. Upon my wondering, I've got sense an unexpected message from my kingdom. I've sense the height of danger and seriousness on his delivered energy. "Prince.... prince.... prince.... where are you? Just come here immediately... there is an EMERGENCY." I recieved the telepathy message of my father's apprentice named Garuchi. After I've understand the delivered message, I've searched fastly the magical portal around the forest for me to get back inside of the Marohiko Kingdom. ON THE OTHER SIDE.. "King Haruri... King Haruri... there is an emergency and it is very serious. You have to know it," shouting of the apprentice named Garuchi while he is running towards the huge hallway of our palace. His heart is pumping so hard due to his huge nervousness. He is catching his breathe so hard while keep running. He is approaching the thrown of the king on a huge room and it is in front of him. After he opened the huge door of the king's room... "Where is prince Hayisha? Is he come back already?" King Haruri asked his apprentice surprisedly. He seemed so bothered and irritated. He knows it already the exploitation of the huge scandal in related to prince Hayisha. "My highness king, did you know it already? There is a huge strikers at the outside of our palace. They are rallying and throwing such a lot of disgusted things at our huge gate. There is a huge commosion. All they want is the prince.," Garuchi reported to him. "Yeah... I know so that I need to talk to the prince immediately. Where the hell is he?!" "Ok my king... I will going to contact him as much as I can right away," Garuchi said. "By the way... where is General Gaksino? I wanted to talk to him right now?!" King Haruri commanded an order to Garuchi. "My royal king, General Gaksino is already handling the situation at the outside of our palace by the help of our soldiers. They are suddenly controlling the massive commosion. There is a huge rebellion and those rebels are trying to attack the soldiers," Garuchi added. "We should have to make a huge investigation about this crazy scandal that they accusing to the prince. Please call out all of our subordinates and top genius investigators, then you should have to set up a meeting later. Maybe, after lunch... just call out their attention for that emergency meeting, is it clear?" King Haruri commanded. "Copy my royal king," responded shortly of Garuchi then he goes at the outside of the king's room. In the middle of the commosion at the outside of the palace, King Haruri is suddened observing from his huge window. A bunch of rebellion is opposing and striking the soldiers that shielding the entrance of the palace. Eventhough, there is a magical shield that surrounds all over the palace, the military still insists to cover the entrance of the palace. "Hey you! just bring your f*****g monster prince here! He should pay all his damage that he brought to us!" shouted of the commoner from the group of strikers. They are still trying to oppose and pushing their heat of avenge against the present administration. "Boooo! Boooo! Boooo! You're f*****g prince is a huge lier! A deciever! A fake royal enchanter! From his imposing of good image, there is a hidden monster behind his mask! He's a great deciever!" shouted of another rebel enchanter. They are continously putting of disgrace to the respected name of the prince. "We are here for avenge! Your prince of destroyer should get be paid all his created damages in my bar! He ruined my bar last night! Is that the prince that you are praising guys huh?! He was just attacked all my innocent customers there! Did you know that? He tried to kill us last night?! That f*****g prince of yours!" shouted of Nahido which is the own of the bar. He comes together of the other strikers to promote a rally. He blows his blast of anger to all the soldiers infront of them. "Hey! All of you, just calm down for now. If all your saying are true, we have a right justice for that. We need to let the Justice to do their job. We are promoting here of a right and fair actions so just please calm down yourself," General Gaksino said. He is promoting a peace sense of talk to them, while he is still trying to protect the welfare of the palace against the strikers. "Just bring the criminal here! We need to see him for a justice! He is not fit to be the next king after the administration of his father! He is a huge shamer!" Another blast of anger of the agitated striker. On the other side, while the rebellion is going on... Surgeant Frimon and Surgeant Casper are suddenly present to the group of the soldiers that are shielding the entrance of the palace. They are secretly rejoicing in their mind because of the good outcome of their plan. They are enjoying the commosion of the citizen against the respected prince. In a meanwhile, General Garunda is absent. On the other hand, prince Hayisha is already back at the Marohiko Kingdom, then he used his teleportation power to get back fastly inside of his own room inside the palace. While he is there, it is still all the same as normal in his own eyes, because it is very quiet inside of his place. While he is trying to look around of his room, his eyes have turned into his huge window. A bunch of enchanters got his attention and he has noticed that they are rallying at the outside of the palace. He got shock when he heard that, they are shouting his name and saying such a brutal words against him. He has sense the height of their anger for him. It has brought a huge confusion on him and asking himself, why they are having a huge hatred for him.... so he's trying to comprehend on what did he do wrong to them. In the middle of his wondering, he suddenly recieved of an unexpected message coming from Garuchi again. "Hey prince.... prince.... where are you? Your father wants to talk to you right now... please respond to my message." "Hey Garuchi.... I am already here inside my room. I am suddenly observing the happenings at the outside of our palace. It seemed that, there is a huge rally there, would you tell me what's going on here?" prince replied to him and he is sending a message in a telepathy way. After awhile, he doesn't recieve of any of response from Garuchi, until there are a big knocks that he heard from the outside of his door. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! When he is about to walk towards his door, it has opened surprisedly, then he sees king Haruri and queen Divina that are coming towards him after they've entered his room.
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