Intensive Investigation

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"Where have you been this morning?!" asked of king Haruri in an authoritative manner to prince Hayisha. He seemed so worried, serious and he is very agitative. His right hand is holding the right side of his hip, then his another left hand is holding his forehead. "Oh my son... prince Hayisha, we are very worried about you, because you didn't come home last night up to this morning. Is it true? Are you aware on what's going on here? Huh?!" asked of his mother queen Divina. She comes toward the prince and she hugs him tightly. "Huh? What are you talking about? You looked so nervous and I don't have an idea on what's going on here..." prince Hayisha replied and he makes a wierd facial expression infront of them to express his huge devastation. "Stop acting that you haven't care about this and can you please make it a serious talk? This trouble that they are accusing you is very serious and it is dragging our reputation into a huge destruction. Have you aware about that?" king Haruri asking the prince again. He blows his slightly irritation to him. " Ok ok.. so... can you please explain it to me on what is all about? Please... my royal father, " prince Hayisha's humbled response. "Was it true that, you went into a bar last night in Harakata town?" interrogated question of the king. "Yes, my royal father. I asked your permission last night before I go remember? I said that, I was invited by General Garunda for his simple occasion together of his few friends but, I didn't know at first that they were going through that small town. I was started to be aware when we were already there," prince Hayisha replied. "Are you telling the truth?" King Haruri's additional interrogation of question to him for seeking a validation. "Oh my highness king, you should have be known more the prince more than the other enchanters here because he is our son. Am I right? We know both of us that, he is very a kind hearted man. He loves our kingdom and he doesn't want to hurt them that much. Am I right my loving son? " interrupted of queen Divina on their discussion, then she turns her attention to his worried son. "What do you mean my royal mother?" "There was an incident of attack that happened inside the bar last night. All the witnesses there, are accusing you through the same place. As of the report, you'd threatened to kill them.... Ok.. so I've sense a huge set up and a seed plant against you about the incidence. I will going to investigate it deeply to know the whole truth. I just wanted you to know that, I've called an emergency meeting after lunch this day to start a huge investigation about the incident. You should have to stay here in your room for awhile. Let's wait the heat of the situation to be evaporated before letting you go at the outside again," king Haruri explained everything to him about the shameful incidence. "There is another thing that I wanted you to know..... after I woke up this morning, I found myself inside the human world and I was healed when I found the other magical portal to get back here in our kingdom again. Aside from that, I was very devastated and very wounded. I just helped myself to heal deeply. I didn't know why. It's just like, I'd been forgotten all the memories that I had last night. The last memory I've regained was that, we were happily drinking a liqiour and then, I became so lethargic in a long run, then I passed out. That's all I know...." prince Hayisha explained it in a devastated mode. "Ohhh... just wait my royal father, have you talk already to the General? I must have to see him now... why was that they left me? Or should I say that.... we seperated apart after I'd been got my loss of memory last night," prince Hayisha asked to king Haruri. "My advice now for you is that, you just have to avoid to come near to him nor to talk to him either. I would let the investigators to do their job. It is safe for you to stay here for now. And then, just keep away to talk to anybody to keep less the trouble for you," king Haruri's last advice for him. After of their serious conversation, the king and queen go back to their own room. The prince has left inside of his room with a deep sense of horrible feeling for himself. The time has come for the emergency meeting. King Haruri expressed his humbled side about the situation and he also expressed his humbled apology that has been brought of the scandal to their palace for peace and unity. On the other side, he has given his assurance to them that, he will be going to handle the investigation with fair and with a right of justice. If the result would be turned out that, the prince might be proven guilty about the accusation against him, he will be going to punish him for a fair of justice. On the other side, he asks the help of his top genuis investigators to start the intensive comprehension of investigation. He will be going to give them a 1 week to accumulate all the evidences that they need for the final evaluation with the help of all the members of the subordinates of the palace. After one week, all the top genius investigators will be going to present their accumulated evidences infront of the king and queen together of all the subordinates of the palace by the help of General Gaksino. General Gaksino is the one who will be going to present all the gained evidences. After the span of one week, the awaited time has come for the presentation.... "Have a great day to all of you, specially to our respected king Haruri and queen Divina... I will going to present the final result of evidences that we have gained by our top genius investigators," General Gaksino reported for his opening remarks. All of them are at the justice room inside the palace. "All the possible criminals that found to be suspected in related to the case of threatening or provoking for killing, and damaging of properties are General Garunda, Captain Niro, Surgeant Frimon, Surgeant, Casper and our royal highness prince Hayisha," General Gaksino added. "Through the toughest investigation in related to General Garunda, he was at the palace when the incident happened. He was not leaving the area together of the other three mentioned soldiers and it has been proven by the cctv records that we had collected in support of the given statement from their colleages inside the area.There was an evidence that has been found at the cctv footage, that the prince was captured leaving the hallway of the palace by using of his teleportation power. He talked to somebody first to say good bye before he left. On the other hand, when he reached the controversial bar that was located at the Harakata town, they've found him entering the area by himself only without the accompany of anyone from the other involved suspects. He was drinking a liqiour by himself only and in a span of time, he started to make a commosion inside the bar, until he desrupted all the things inside. Then after that, he left the bar with a huge of created damage. Those such statements were came from all the witnesses at the bar including the owner of the bar. For all the keeping records, you can watch and review all these video records at our magnifying magic ball," General Gaksino reported for his final presentation. All the evidences that they served, is telling that the real criminal is prince Hayisha. After the intensive presentation, king Haruri gets shocked and he is still not convincing through the presented evidences. Queen Divina is starting to panic and crying after she heard it. On the other hand, beyond the awareness of all, General Garunda has already manipulated all the situation. He has an another accomplice of higher hybrid enchanter that supports him through out his plan which is one of the members of the subordinates of the palace aside from Chikiriraya. He has alot of connections. Before the day of the incident, the mentioned accomplice named Boss Takiri has the ability to make a clone, with resemblance of power like to prince Hayisha. He took their DNA to make their clone, to play a role of disguising as them. While they were playing a role of working inside the palace as the real they were, that was the moment that they went to the bar together of the prince to accomplish their plan of sabotaging him. It was just happened during the day of the incident. Aside from that, the general was removed already the memories of all the witnesses at the incident... then, he imprinted of so much fake scenario inside their memory to throw all the chaos to the prince. He has done it smoothly.
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