Story Time

956 Words
Star's POV After my training session with Selene, I went to go find Andrew and see how his day went. My wolf picked up his scent and led me outside to the meadows. When I approached him, he had a very confused expression plastered on that handsome face of his. I sit down beside him and grab his hand. "Hey, what happened? Did you find Zola?" I feel his hand that I'm holding begin to shake a little bit. "Andrew, are you okay?!" He was beginning to worry me now. "I have two things to tell you, but I need you to promise me something first. Okay?" I looked at him skeptically, and waited for him to continue. "It's about Zola. I need you to promise me you won't kill her after what I tell you. Promise?" This has me and my wolf on edge, but I give him my promise. He takes a deep breath before telling me anything. "I found Zola and talked to her. I told her that she is family to us and that you and I will always be here for us." Mate is so sweet. My wolf purrs in my head. "Okay, go on." "I- I don't know why, but she threw herself on top of me and kissed me." That's it. She's dead. My wolf is growling in my head and all I see is red. "Star, please calm down. You know I love you and only you." "This is unacceptable. I need to have a little chat with her." I go to stand, but Andrew pulls my arm. "Wait, I'm not finished." Urg. My heart drops at the thought of what else could have possibly happened. "I tossed her off me and yelled at her. She started cursing at me and saying things that made me realize why she behaved the way she did." I stand with my arms crossed. "Elaborate." I coldly state. "She said that once you become the Moon Goddess, that you will eventually have no time for me and I'll be left feeling neglected and heart broken." My face begins to soften. "Andrew." I call his name softly as I cup his face. "You know that will never happen, right?" I search his eyes for any doubt. Leaning in, he kisses me sweetly. "I know that, my love." "So, you're trying to tell me that Zola feels neglected by Selene?" I ask, trying to figure this woman out. "Yes, but there's a huge reason why it bothers her so much." Andrew looks like he is extremely eager to tell me whatever it is he knows. "Star. Zola is Selene's daughter." Okay, definitely did not see that coming. I open and shut my mouth, unable to form any words. I knew Zola looked familiar, but now that I think about it, I only see a little bit of Selene in her. She must have gotten most of her looks from her father. Wait. "Did she mention who her father is?" Andrew shakes his head is disappointment. "Okay. Listen. This stays between you and me. I highly doubt she wanted me to know. She was angry and upset, so I don't think she meant to say that." "I promise." I assure my gorgeous mate. "We should head back inside. I need a shower, but just wanted to see you first." He gives me a sexy smirk, and makes me shriek in surprise when he lifts me up. "You're not going anywhere quite yet." *Later that night* It's been a long day and I can't get the new piece of information out of my head. Now that I know the truth, I feel bad for Zola. Why would her own mother want to leave her? I understand why Zola was upset this morning at the announcement. Hell, I would be too. Then again, it is kind of like my own situation. I had to leave my family behind, but it wasn't by choice. Selene has a choice, and didn't both to ask or talk to Zola about how this would affect her. I want to talk to them both, but it's not my place and not my knowledge to know. Urg! "Stop overthinking. Everything will work out the way it's meant to be." Andrew runs his fingers through my hair as he snuggles closer to me in bed. I sigh, but know he's right. There's probably a lot more to their story that I don't know about. Oh, story! "Hey! I thought you were going to read me a bedtime story as you tuck me into bed?" I grin at my mate, causing him to chuckle. "You're right! How could I have forgotten?" Jumping out of bed, he grabs the book out of my bag on the dresser. "You ready?" I nod my head in excitement, but I also feel rather nervous. What the hell? After hours and hours of reading, we finally reach the last few pages of this man's book. A lot of the information is stuff I already knew, but I wasn't ready for the words that Andrew just spoke. "Wait. What?" I grab the book from his hands to be sure he read it correctly. Yep. He sure did and now I NEED to talk to Selene in the morning. I won't be able to sleep tonight. This is a lot to take in. "Star?" Andrew brings me back out of my thoughts. "We can talk to him about it next month at Princess Nova's birthday party. Okay?" I nod my head, but get lost in thoughts again. Does he even know? That's why Zola looks so familiar! I rub my hands over my face in frustration. I should have realized this sooner.
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