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I ignored the clear warning and tore my eyes off her and pushed around the people to get to the front. I stood in front of everyone and when the King's eyes found me I looked him straight in the eyes. "I accept." ---------- My breathing came out in short pants, the breath that was held in my lungs was released with too much force. The surprise cleared from the King's eyes and he was once again serious. "Can we have a talk? If you do not mind." King Zavian asked addressing me directly in front of everyone and gestured for me to follow. The man who stood before the King earlier, Fallon, led the way and the King followed behind him towards a door on the side of the grand hall. It was unsaid but everyone knew that the ball was now over. No one was going to sing or dance anymore, not today at the least. I stood there catching my breath for a moment, listening in to the whispers surrounding me like winter fog. It was uncomfortable and chilling to the bone. I hurried behind them and exited the ball. I saw him entering into a room and followed after him. It looked like a study with dark theme wooden table and chairs and a very uncomfortable looking carpet. I had seen the similar decoration in Hazel's house so I know it is expensive. Nothing less can be expected of a King. He deserves the luxury. The door closed behind me and I flinched a little, but didn't let my confidence waver. I was in front of King Zavian, the man I looked up to since I was a child and today I had taken the biggest chance of my life to be next to him for life. I can not afford to be weak, I had to show him that I was capable and could be trusted. Why did I take such a big risk? Simply because I want him to live and rule over the kingdom like he had been doing for past centuries, loosing him will be the biggest loss for everyone. "May I know your name, Miss?" He said from his big chair. I was so consumed in my inner thoughts that I didn't realise when he moved, with his hand he pointed to the chair opposite to him on the other side of the table. Quickly I sat on the comfortable chair, straight and confident. "Davina Taylor." I said in a solid voice, at least I thought it was. It would have come out in a squeak and I wouldn't admit. King Zavian leaned forward on the table, his hands joined in front of him and a puzzled expression on his beautiful face. "Miss Taylor, Is there a problem that you are facing?" He asked seriously. "No My King, in your rule every is happy." I answered with a small smile. His frown deepened. "Then why?" "Why?" I repeated as confuse as him, what did he mean by that? I had no clue what was going on, is this an interrogation for being his beloved that he had prepared? Or a protocol? "Why did you come forward? What made you do that?" Realisation dawned on me and I shook my head in denial. It was better not to have any misunderstandings from the beginning. He had to know that nothing forced me. "It was solely my choice, I wished to accept the chance." "You aren't forced into it, are you? You can tell me if that is the case. I will help you." He promised kindly and I would have told him if there was any pressure on me, I trusted him to help anyone in need but that wasn't it for me. I wasn't a damsel here, and neither was he a knight. We were both just desperate to get out of our current situations. He was gaining benifit out of this arrangement just as much as I was. He didn't have to leave what he loved most and I didn't have to run away forever like I had planned earlier. Father couldn't marry me off to a stranger if he knew I was already with King Zavian. I wasn't a saint, I never claimed to be, I was just as human as any other and I needed saving. A saving that this ball brought me. I saw this as an opportunity for both of us to help each other, I didn't have to do what I had originally planned to get out of the wedding arrangement that my father had fixed and King Zavian didn't have to lose his throne. It was better that way. "Not at all." I replied truthfully. He didn't look convinced but he didn't have to be as long as he didn't object to my decision and accepted me. "I want you to think about your decision, Miss Taylor. Spending your life as my Queen is not an easy feat. You are human, there is a big difference between our races even after we chose to ignore it. Stay here for a few days and reflect on it if you want. A decision made in haste can be a source of regret later. You can come to me anytime you have your answer." He explained, he was not wrong in his place. There was indeed a big gap between our races and no matter how much we try to reduce it, it would keep apart. I had taken the chance in a hast, a decision made in the spur of the moment. Yet, I knew if I thought about it, the outcome would not change. It would still be him over anyone else, I would still chose him. "If you say so, My King." I said politely respecting his thoughts, since he was only being considerate towards me. He tapped the bell on his table and not a second later the door of the room opened and Fallon came in. "Yes, your majesty." "Prepare a bed chamber for Miss Taylor and arrange for her to stay comfortably for a few days. Details of our arrangements should not leak to anyone but the three of us." He ordered strongly. Fallon nodded understanding-ly and left the room right after the orders were given. "Miss Taylor, I must say I was impressed and a little surprised to see you come up ahead. Life as a Queen may look delightful but it's far from reality. It takes a lot to be a Queen and that's also an aspect you should think about." He advised. "I understand, and I agree with you that I was too fast on taking decisions. I will give you a proper answer soon enough and I hope you will respect it." I bowed. "Be rest assured I will." A knocking sound came from the door followed by it opening and Fallon came in. He bowed and looked at King Zavian. "Everything is prepared, My King." "That was fast." I complimented, occasionally if I was fast enough it took me around an hour to clean our house dust free. The rooms in this palace were equivalent to if not bigger than our house, I cannot imagine the staff working so efficiently. "Indeed, our staff is quiet efficient." King Zavian mused and nodded, "You can follow Fallon to your chamber. Dinner will be served in a few hours, I will see you then, Miss Taylor." "Of course. Thank you." I bid my goodbye with my heart on my sleeves and followed behind Fallon who walked too fast for me to catch up. His long legs were taking big steps while my short ones were lacking and the dress was not helping. I couldn't afford to dirty it or haven forbid, for it get a rip on it. I don't have that kind of money to pay lady Samantha the full cost of this dress. "Excuse me, can you walk a little slower?" I asked him. Without looking back at me he slowed his speed and guided me up the grand stairs. The hall was now empty, there was no way anyone could say there was a ball held here, he place was spotless and so clean. "You may rest here, a maid will be here to inform you and guide you to the dining hall for dinner in a few hours." Fallon informed and gave me a big nod then left without another word. Did I do something to offend him? I don't recall even speaking to him while I was in the ball and neither did I meet him in all twenty years of my life. Why was he so cold to me? The door was third on the left up the stairs, it was all white with gold patterns drawn on the corners of it and a gold holder. I opened it and went inside, immediately the flowery scents overwhelmed my senses and the beautiful interior took my heart away. The walls were covered in a rich blue paint, the floor covered in rugs and a poster bed placed in the middle of the room. There was a seperate bath and a small balcony oposite to the bed. The luxury was present in every corner and the air that I breathe. More or less, the room looked like a place where a princess would like to live. The room was lit with colourful candles that gave off the sweet scent. I fell in love with the place, now what were the odds? ------------ Quick Question : Are any of you interested in a little Q&A? (On i********: or f*******:) Tell me in the comments if you are! Lots of love, Skylar XOXO
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