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I was done with this dinner as soon as it started. Dining with King Zavian couldn't be anymore bland. As far as the food goes, it was delicious, better than anything I had eaten through the twenty years of my life. It was the atmosphere that had me choking every few minutes. "Is there a problem Miss Taylor?" He had asked, so composed and proper. I didn't know how to respond to that without lying so I just offered a small crooked smile and shook my head. At least the food was good. Was it necessary to keep so quiet while eating? Back home I ate alone but it never felt this lonely before, today I truly felt alone. Absence of my Father didn't affect me as much as the present heard of house staff did. Precisely after a couple hours of relaxing in the balcony a maid made an appearance asking me to join the King for dinner down in the dining room. Dining hall was just as impressive as the rest of the palace, sleek and spoke formal in big letters. A long white mahogany table was placed in the middle of the room with 12 matching white chairs standing proudly next to it like comrades. Beautiful gold patterns were drawn on them as well, just like the other wooden furniture that I had seen. He didn't talk while eating and it was a good habit but I didn't appreciate it then. He was silent and un-bothered and it was fine. However, what made things unbearable was the presence of us two on the table and the line of house staff standing right in front of us as we ate. "They are here to serve Miss Taylor, ask if you need anything." He had said when I asked what they were standing there for. With every sip of my soup I gulped down the stares that were burning into my soul. King Zavian did not look affected at the least, seemed like he was used to it. I was more than happy to leave the dining hall and go back to the bed chamber. I fell backwards on the cloud like bed and sighed in content. "If it is going to be like this, I would rather skip my evening meal!" My hair was let loose and the strings of my dress were freed. It helped me take a much needed breath as I remember about my father back home. My original plan of running away seemed much better now, I wouldn't have to face him after leaving. If King Zavian agreed to my choice then the bonding ceremony had to be done soon, and the whole kingdom would know, and so would my father. "It's done now Davina. You have to remain strong on your decision." I said to myself, I was the only encouragement to myself. Alone with no one to second guess for me, no advisor like Hazel or a protester like my father. I was on my own in this unknown place, in the presence of unknown people. Just before I decided to retire for the night a young maid came knocking on the door with a neatly folded night gown in her hands. "I was asked to deliver this to you, please change into this and have a good night." She said and ran away like I had asked for her family property. I nodded to no one and closed the door. The dress was a silk night gown, a comforting and loose gown that was sure to bring me nightmares. So I changed into it and neatly placed the gown I was wearing earlier in the large closet, it was precious to me and soon I had to return it to lady Samantha. "Good night Davina, tomorrow will be a good day." I reassured and closed my eyes. ------------------- Morning came earlier than I anticipated. I was used to wake up early in the morning, however, the softness of the bed urged me to sleep on it longer. I had to give into the temptations and snug into the sheets like a child! It was just so comforting, light sunrays warmed the chamber and me from the cold that the night had left behind. A hint of flowery scent from the candles were still there and the soft sound of birds singing far away reached to me in beautiful waves. Then reality struck like a lightning. My house did not offer these facilities, mornings were like stale bread and spoilt milk; overall unpleasant. When the balcony and the decorated room came into my view I woke up and sat up straight as a rod. My head turned towards the big clock hanging on one of the walls to see it was past seven in the morning. I had no idea when or how mornings were scheduled in the king's palace, so I had to go by speculation. I jumped into action by washing and cleaning up. I wore the same dress I had worn yesterday because I didn't have any other dress at the moment and attempted to make myself presentable. Without Hazel, tying my blonde hair was difficult. I couldn't see what was going on behind my head and how it looked when I tied it in an unknown and random way. Thankfully, a few ladies products were kept next to the mirror table so I did not have to look around for it. Once I looked good enough to show my face to King Zavian without looking like I just woke up, I left the room and started looking for someone to guide me where to go. One turn around the corridor and I found a girl dusting the window, "Excuse me." "Yes? Do you need something my Lady?" She asked setting the rug down. She had a chubby face, like a child. Her contagious smile brought a smile on my face too. "I'm not sure where to go, did King Zavian already have his breakfast?" She shook her head, "Oh no, he is in the training room. Do you want to have breakfast? I can ask the cook to serve it for you." "Please, no. Don't bother. Thank you." She looked around for a few times and came closer to me, "I can guide you to he training room if you like." Her bright green eyes sparkled mischievously. "Um, I'm not sure if I should -" "King Zavian usually train's until now. He should be almost done." "Okay, if it's not too much to ask." I replied hesitantly. "Of course not! Let me show you the way." She replied enthusiastically and gestured with her hand to follow after her. We took a few turns and a flight down the back stairs that I didn't know existed, but then I didn't know most of the places here. We entered a large dark room with a few more doors, the grey stone walls were creeping me and the two dark wooden doors didn't look like I should go inside either of them, it had everything to do with the little red stain of blood on one of them. A distant sound of something crashing and breaking was heard, I took the girl's hand and pulled her behind me. "What was that? Are you sure it's safe to go ahead?" I asked, my mind was on alert instantly. She giggled quietly, "Yes, it's just our King breaking yet another equipment. It happens daily." "Breaking-?" "Fallon! Get Mr. Demothy to fix the sword rack." King Zavian's voice boomed in the place shaking me to the core. The sound came from the door right in front of us and it seem to be coming closer. "I think we should wait for him outside. Let us not disturb him." I suggested and turned to leave the dark place and headed back up the stairs and into the lightened corridors of the palace. I took a few deep breaths and hit my chest slowly to calm my racing heart down before someone saw me in this state. "My Lady! Why did you run -?" "Miss Taylor?" I whirled around to face both of them. The girl looked back to King Zavian and stepped to the side to let him through. She discreetly blinked at me in confusion, asking me why I ran away. While King Zavian looked clueless of what was happening. He was dressed in his training gear, which according to me was a little too tight to wear. I forced my eyes to look on the floor to avoid the strange feelings from arising within me. His sweaty body was so close to mine, I found it hard to breathe. His breath came in small puffs from the intense training, my breathing pattern changed to match his, as a result I had to hold my breath. "Yes, Your majesty." I struggled to say. "You are up early, give me a moment and I will join you for breakfast." He said, I nodded in reply not trusting my voice in his presence anymore. The girl was still standing at the side observing the situation that we landed ourselves in, so I hurriedly took her hand and left the corridor, leaving King Zavian standing there. "That was -" "Don't ever mention that again, please." "Were you choking?" That question was so innocent and so embarrassing at the same time. "I don't know." I answered, "Let's have breakfast. Have you eaten?" "The house staff usually has breakfast early morning. King Zavian's schedule is not fixed for meals so he ordered that we eat early." She explained, I was just following her as she was a step ahead of me. Her waist length silk like brown hair swayed with every step she took. I nodded, "How considerate of him." "He's a good person." She turned to show me her charming smile. "I can see." I smiled, "Oh how rude of me! I didn't even ask for you name!" "I am Victori, I am the cook's daughter. I help here occasionally." She introduced herself. Victori, that's a nice name. Looks like I found a friend here! "Oh really? That's wonderful, we should meet and chat often. It can get really boring staying alone in such a big place." "Sure, My lady." "Consider me a friend and drop the honourific. I'm Davina."
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