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My breath caught in my lungs as I waited for him to come up front at the high stage set up for him. A serious looking man came up front and stood at attention besides the huge throne meant for the King, and not sooner King Zavian followed after him. I forgot to breathe entirely when I got the first look at the person I admired admired almost all my life. He was centuries old but did not look a day over his thirties. Bright honey eyes and hair darker than night itself. Every step he took was of confidence and his lips set in a straight line, every small action gave off a strong vibe of superiority. His presence demanded attention and respect. It said he was the king. His long velvet robe slid over the marble floor on his way to the throne and on the stage he gracefully sat on his rightful place. His golden, jewel embellished crown sat proudly on his head. With a simple flick of his hand the music started again and every man chose his partner on the dance floor. Some, like Hazel and I, chose not to indulge in dancing and stayed out if the way of those who were. It was amusing to see something like this, I did not have the privilege to see this and maybe it was my last chance to be a part of something so grand so I wanted to grab every little detail and store it all in my memory. "Don't you want to dance?" Hazel asked looking the the couples enjoying at the dance floor enviously. "Find yourself a gentleman, I don't mind staying here. I will be fine by myself." Hazel shook her head vigorously, "Nonsense, I can't leave you here." "Go ahead. You have many plans unlike me. I will have some more refreshments and enjoy myself." I gave her a light shove on the shoulder and urged her to dance. She was still hesitant so I gave her a small smile and nodded in reassurance. Finally, she squealed and hurried to I don't know where. I stayed in my place not moving a step in fear of anyone approaching me, I could have turned my back to the crowd if I could but that was taken as an action of offense to the people so I took small and big gulps of the beverage one after the other until I couldn't fill anymore of the delicious juice in my stomach. I grinned seeing Hazel finally reach the dance floor with a handsome man. Both looked happy dancing away with each other. My gaze shifted towards the stage where the King was seated. He was motionless as he watched everyone enjoy themselves. His magestic appearance was enough to shaken up any mind that thought of approaching him and hence he was there alone. As I observed him closely I recognised the same emotion in his eyes that I see everyday in the mirror, in my own eyes. The feeling of being bound and wanting to be free was pouring out of those honey eyes in desperate waves, did no one notice it? That he needed a break from his long reign? Loneliness and longing was another emotion that showed on his strong face, I had heard that his beloved had passed away in an attack almost a century ago. I cannot begin to imagine living alone for so many years knowing for sure that I would not be able to find another life partly to live my life with. No one to love me or for me to live. Humans could never be able to understand the true meaning of having a beloved. The depth of emotions they share was countless times stronger than worthless, fragile human made bonds. A beloved was a gift given to them, and they are expected to cherish each other for life. But our King had lost that chance just a day after he had found her. Her death had put the whole kingdom in mourn even though she was not introduced as his beloved. The hollow in his heart must have slowly but surely grown into a void. Being a king did not make him less of a being who needed love and support to survive. And he lost them in a single night, never to find it again. That sounded painful, and our king was living that life. He was surrounded by riches but the one thing needed to live had been snatched away from him at a very early stage. His love was not in his life anymore. My thoughts ran in a speed where I didn't know what I was thinking. Time sped up against my wish and soon the ball was at it's end hours. The man who had entered before the King stepped forward and grabbed the crowds attention. "I would like to thank each and everyone of you for attending the spring ball this year, this day is made special only because you are here. This year, our King has a special announcement to make. It will mark as the end of the spring ball this year." He announced loud and clear in a strong warrior voice. He didn't sound least bit thankful, rather disturbed but just because he was with the King the crowd nodded in agreement. They stopped dancing and stood idle where they were. King Zavian stood up from his throne and for the first time since my eyes found him, I saw him hesitate. It would be impossible to notice if I wasn't looking so closely. He stood at the very front and addressed the crowd confidently, the small breath of hesitation was almost missed. A strange uncomfortable sensation burst into my stomach. The kind when I knew something bad was going to happen. Nothing good happened when a King hesitated before his subjects. "As Fallon mentioned, I am very pleased to see all of my people gathered before me in a joyful manner. Happiness of my citizen has always been the utmost priority since I took hold of the administration of Tarnan and it will remain so until the end of my days," he paused and swept his eyes around the crowd that looked up at him expectantly. He closed his eyes for longer than a tick of clock and when he opened them, the emotions I had seen earlier were erased. "Today, however, may potentially be the last day I will be standing in front of you as your King." That one sentence caused hearts to stop and breaths to hitch. The happy atmosphere that was spread had vanished leaving a sheet of gloominess over us with that one sentence. My heart hurt for him because I somehow understand what was going in his mind. Understanding what he felt was so natural to me that it scared me. It was the most confusing thing for me because I had never met him, or spoken to him and maybe he didn't even see me in the crowd of so many but I still connected to him on so many levels that I could understand his emotions behind those words even if he tried so hard to conceal them. "My ministers did not agree with me, they wanted me to continue ruling but I couldn't. As a King, my responsibilities are what I live with. But as a Vampire by nature, this is how long I can rule alone. I could only go on living for so long. I wasn't weak, but I want a ruler for my people who is more efficient in his work than me. And braver than I." The crowd roared in protest. The gentlemen and ladies forgot the etiquettes of a ball and rained their opinions on the King. "You are the best ruler we can get!" "No one can be better than you, King Zavian!" "There must be another way!" Another hesitated breath later he said, "For every problem there are multiple solutions, we must chose the best one to overcome the problem. My ministers convinced me into giving this solution a benifit of a doubt and ask help of you. They believe that ending my life with a better successor for the kingdom isn't the best solution. But what they suggest was not what I truly agree with either. " But he didn't have a successor as far as anyone knew, he was always alone. Which was not something I think he fancied. Once again silence we as heard in the grand hall. It was defining silence that I wanted to get over soon or I would go mad. Everyone was waiting on their toes to know what the King needed to continue his life and reign. "A chosen beloved." He said slowly, washing his gaze over the multiple curious faces, "Someone who is willing to stay by my side and rule next to me and be my beloved." My mouth parted open. He wasn't suggesting that -! No! "Present here are some of the most noble gentlemen, ladies and the common people of our kingdom. No one is above the other in this hall. I am not asking anyone of you or your loved ones to sacrifice their life for me, I cannot ask for that and I respect all of you for standing your ground. But I had to give it a chance just so I can go in peace. That I would not be accused of not trying after I am gone." No one uttered a word. Everyone was stunned into silence from what the mighty King had proposed. This spring ball no one would forget the appeal of life the King asked his citizens and that no one stood up for him. A chosen beloved was nothing new in this world, but it wasn't common either. Vampires preferred their beloved that they were blessed with rather than chosen because they came with their own set of casualties. A chosen beloved was a rebound and hence was a target for everyone. A taint and is constant danger from the eyes of the people. Being a king's chosen would be a living hell for any maiden of the kingdom because with the King, everything he had would be her's. The riches and the enemies, the power and the curses. They would be the highest over everyone but face equal resentment for it. Since his beloved was killed by the enemies, there was a fear in everyone's heart that the chosen would not be spared. The danger of becoming King Zavian's beloved was as good as living with you life on open palms. It was easier to take down a rebound. When no one came forward King Zavian let out an inaudible, unnoticeable sigh of understanding. He was expecting that. He didn't look disappointed at all. No one was foolish enough to give up their life spontaneously. Or maybe there was. A foolish person who had nothing to loose anyway. The harm of giving her life for the king would be the best thing to happen in her simpleton life. I let my eyes meet with Hazel's who stood not very far away from me, still with that young man. She had tears in her eyes just like mine. I shook my head. He cannot die. Her eyes widen. She shook her head fast, telling me not to do anything rash that would cost me my everything. I ignored the clear warning and tore my eyes off her and started pushing around the gentlemen and their ladies to get to the front. I stood in front of everyone and when the King's surprised eyes found me, I looked him straight in the eyes and with all the confidence I had, I uttered the words that could change my life for the better or for the worse. "I will accept." -------------------------- Hey Beautiful Readers! October Updating schedule is posted on my insta @authorskylar01 I will be Updating according to that schedule from now on so you guys won't have to aimlessly wait for new Chapters ~ Have fun reading! Tell me what you think in the comments! Lots of love, Skylar XOXO
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