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"Can we talk after breakfast?" I asked after King Zavian took his seat on his chair. My hands were tightly clenched under the table as I waited for his answer. "Yes." He replied simply, his eyes lingering on me for a moment longer than it should have. Thinking back on the conversation I had with myself back in my bed chamber, I was much more nervous than I should be. I had enough confidence behind the closed doors to think of an answer and say it out loud, yet now I was preparing my voice to come out normally. I was never like this. The Davina that lived with her father in a small town was confident and stood up for herself. She didn't have to prepare herself to answer someone. And here I was, being an entirely different person in front of the one I had admired for a small age. My nerves were in a bundle as I pushed around the food in the plate in front of me. "Is something wrong Miss Taylor?" He asked out of the blue, I jumped a little on my seat and shook my head. "No, why would you think that?" "You are not eating." "Oh, I usually don't have an appetite in the morning." I lied smoothly. Only I know how hungry I am on a daily basis when I wake up, this morning was just different and nerve wrecking. I would rather save myself from eating than bringing it back up when talking to him. What was wrong with me? Davina, this isn't you. Get a hold of yourself. I told myself. During the span of thirty minutes, I had sneaked thousand glances at him and attempted to eat about twenty times until I gave up on both. Once he was done eating we both went to the same room where he had taken me on the day of the ball. It was the same again, he was seated on the same chair with me opposite to him, the same questions and the same answer. But everything would change after this. "Have you thought about your decision already?" "Yes, it was not that difficult." "What is your conclusion? Should I ask Fallon to get you a carriage to take you back to your home?" He asked, his fingers already reaching for the little bell on his desk. "That would only only cause inconvenience," I said, "I have heard that bonding ceremonies are held right after the beloved is found. Or in our case, as soon as you are available." He frowned lightly, "Are you saying that.... Miss Taylor, have you a really thought this through?" "Yes, I have calculated every aspect of my life, which aren't many for a fact. I find that my ordinary life would serve a purpose this way. I don't have any demands in life." I answered strongly. I was firm on my decision, it was better for both of us this way. "Let me be blunt on this. I don't love you, Miss Taylor, and I don't think I can ever come to love you." He said with no hint of remorse. The truth hit me right where it should have and crush the foundation where there was a possibility to have hope. What he said jerked my heart, a hard push he gave me as a sign to come back to reality from the clouds. A clear warning to not expect things and certainly not the feelings. His stone hard expression did not settle well in me, for a split second a ridiculous thought passed my mind, that he didn't want me to accept this arrangement. That I wasn't welcomed. I composed myself and gave a half smile, "It doesn't matter as long as we both can lead a happy life on our own. You as the King you are and consider me as a helper who will be there to carry the load." "Very well, but you shouldn't expect anything else from this arrangement. It's a bonding of convenience, not of love. Let us respect each other's boundries." I pushed a smile on my lips, "Yes, I am glad we are clear on the objectives." ---------------- *At the bonding ceremony.* I knew it was a bad idea. Bonding with a Vampire King wasn't good in any way, it could only lead to a life that was messed up in all angles. But I was here now, staying in his palace like a Queen that I was about to be. We rarely talked after the meeting in his study, most of my time was spend with Victori or the other gouse staff whom I grew closer with. Elizabeth was one of the head staff of the palace who managed the others and a mother figure I found in this place full of loneliness. For the last few days, one week to be precise I had seen King Zavian only twice a day. And that too was during meals. I didn't ask where he was or what he was doing, I wasn't in the position to ask. And that silence will have to continue for a long time. He didn't want me here, he didn't ask me to accept the arrangement so it was only fair that I did not interfere in his daily life. Like he suddenly gain a wife he did not want. As I took slow steps down the grand stairs and clutched onto Elizabeth's hand tightly my eyes started pooling with unshred tears. Father was here, and so was Hazel. I couldn't see them but their gazes were hard enough to bare on me. In the crowd of elite members of royal family of King Zavian, my family was lost somewhere. "My Lady." Elizabeth whispered next to me and patted my back once as a signal to go ahead on the stage towards him. Steady steps and head up I approached him and stood next to him, a step back. The pastor came ahead and started speaking to the crowd, I did not listen to him because I had gone through this more than enough times. I was given a good training for this day so i don't mess up, on my request of course. The house staff were good enough to help me in King Zavian's absense. Beside me King Zavian stood straight as a rod, not looking at me. I was glad for my dark veil that covered my face and the silent tears that flowed my emotions. I never imagined my life would turn out to be like this. It was wrong for me to feel like this after I chose for it to be like this but I cannot help but think if I was wrong. I had always believed in live because my mother gave me abundance of it to last a lifetime, the reason I never complained to my father but was it possible to live in a married life without loving the other? Was it possible to stay under the same roof like strangers? That thought didn't do well with my heart, I had loved him for such a long time and I was not having a bonding ceremony with him but he didn't love me. Nothing was right in this arrangement, it was all kinds of bad for me. But somewhere in my heart I knew things would turn out to be better. Just like the night fades away and the morning comes inevitably, these dark days of loneliness would disappear and my days would shine. "It is time for the Miss Davina to take the oath." The pastor announced, I came back to the reality and took a discreet deep breath. I took a step forward, standing next of King Zavian and the pastor brought me a small parchment. "Repeat the words after me," he said and turned to the crowd who were waiting with anticipation for me to read the vow of a Queen. "I, Davina Taylor, take this oath to bind myself to the Kingdom of Tarnan and King Zavian Julian Percival for as long as I live." "I, Davina Taylor, bind myself to the life of my King as a partner and be a shield to our kingdom in the times necessary. To be the Queen and the bridge for the people of Tarnan." "I, Davina Tayor, take the sacred oath of Tarnan and abide will by it for the rest of my life." I repeated after him with utmost sincerity and promise. My eyes swept over the crowd who were looking up at me with various emotions shining in their eyes. But the one that mattered the most were icy cold and hard. My King was not the most welcoming for his Queen after all. I could live with it, maybe if I did my best he would see the truth behind my words. From this day onwards, my duties as a Queen starts and I plan to do everything I took an oath to do. ---------------------- For those who don't know - I'm following a schedule to update my stories~ Vampire king's Second Chance will be updated every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Comment how you are liking the story so far! :) Lot's of Love, Skylar XOXO
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