CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: of my bodyguard

1415 Words
            Never have I comforted like this.             Never have I been hugged like this.             Never have I felt protected like this.             Never have I felt safe like this.             Ava thought. Her body stiffened as she was suddenly gathered by Zephyr in his arms. One protective hand was secured around her back, the other was on the back of her head, running its fingers comfortingly through her hair. Eyes slightly widened because of the sudden action, she hesitantly lifted her shaking hands and slowly laid them flat on the middle of his back. She was so stunned and almost absentmindedly, she slowly leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. As she did, the tears finally rolled down her cheeks.             This is too much comfort. Too nice. Too warm.             The feeling was too good to be true that Ava found herself snuggling closer to his neck and clutched the leather of his jacket as she silently broke down.             “It’s okay. He’s not here now.” Zephyr whispered soothingly.             Zephyr was trying… trying his very best to comfort Ava and he hoped his warmth was helping. The woman was so broken and he wasn’t really sure what to do to ease her down. He just felt something when he saw her eyes, filled with so emotions he could not bear to stare at for too long. She disliked her father for looking down on him. She hated it and somehow, his heart felt something. But, he could not be sure yet.             If she scared for him…             Then this is dangerous. I’ve been for her in less than twenty-four hours and I am already feeling weird things.             Zephyr thought as his long fingers continued to run through her soft black hair. His eyes were just staring into space as he felt her arms tightened around him and clutching his leather jacket.             "I was mad. I was mad at him for judging you right away... for belittling you just like that. He thinks all men in Armani suit are rich nice. I f*****g hate his mindset. He is so manipulative, controlling me like a freak. I'm really sorry for dragging you into this."                   Her words kept ringing in his head, but he was calm. Somehow, he liked the feeling of her soft flesh pressed against his hard muscles. He felt her tears through his shirt, but he did not mind it all. He felt her hot breath on the skin of his neck. It tickled him, but it was a good kind of tingling sensation.                 “You don’t have to feel about it. I did not mind it… honestly. I am used to people judging me.” He started. His voice was intentionally soft. “I don’t see as a problem because it is not my problem, but their. Please don’t worry about me, Ava.” He whispered.                 This is the second time he said my name.                 And it feels so good.                 Ava suddenly did not want to get off his arms anymore. It was too good to let go of him. She felt the nice warmth and security of his arms around her. She wanted him to hold her a little bit tighter. She was already wetting his white shirt with her tears. She felt bad about it, but she did not want to let go of him yet. He was telling her that he did not care if her father looked down on him, but Ava was still worried he was emotionally hurt.                 “I forgot to warn you about him. I felt bad that you had to meet him like that. I… I just did not expect to see him just earlier. I’m really sorry.” She softly said.                 “Can you stop that?” Zephyr chuckled, not sounding like he was ‘emotionally hurt’ at all.                 “With what?”  She asked, confused. She still had her cheek laid on his chest, just under his neck.                 Zephyr’s lips twitched up in a small smile and absentmindedly laid his chin on top of her head. “With saying you’re sorry.”                 “Oh, sorry.”                 “Oh, God.” Zephyr closed his eyes, but instead of getting annoyed, he was just smiling.                 This woman is so vulnerable and I feel like not letting go of her too soon.                 Minutes have gone by and the two seemed to forget what they were actually doing. Forgotten were all the promises, letting their emotions overflow. They savored the moment, taking advantage of it. It was too good, they said. Too warm. But what about their promise, not to teach others, but to themselves?                 This is wrong. So wrong.                 Ava was the first one to realize that. What was so wrong?                 What am I doing? What are we doing?                 Ava’s eyes finally opened in realization, but she kept her position in his arms.                 I don’t want to let go soon.                 She closed her eyes again, not because of the goodness of being in his arms but because of frustration.                 I need to let go.                 Let go.                 I can’t.                 “Are we just going to stay like this forever?”                 It was Zephyr. He was just confused about why neither of them refused to let go yet. The response he got made him want to shake his head when Ava clutched his leather jacket tighter. He felt her pulling onto it as if it was her lifesaver.                 “I don’t know.” She finally answered. “Do you want to stay like this?”                 “Are you okay now?” He asked instead. It was because he was not really sure how to answer the question.                 “Why?”                 What kind of question is that?                 Zephyr thought. “Coz if you are… I might have to let go of you now.”                 “What if I’m not?”                 He heard her whisper.                 Why did it sound like she did not want him to let go of her yet?                 “How will I know that?” Zephyr whispered back.                 To his surprise, she suddenly lifted her head off his shoulder and looked up at him with eyes filled with emotions. She was bare and he could read almost everything Sadness. Worry and something he could really not decipher. Her eyes were almost lifeless.                 “Can you read me now?”                             “Why are you sad?” He asked as his hand was itching to raise and cup her cheek. He took a deep breath and swallowed when unintentionally took a glance at her lips. Or maybe, he meant to do that.                 “Coz of my father.” She answered, voice clearly showing her reason. Her eyes were so trained on him and it was starting to scare him out.                 Don’t look at me like that.                 He wanted to tell her that, but his voice was stuck up in his throat. They were literally just inches apart and all the expressions on her face were screaming at him to do something. Something dangerous. Something which he knew would change his life forever. He resisted, doing his best not to break his promise or else, all hell would break loose.                 “He’s still your father.” He said.                 “I know. I’m really sorry about earlier. I wished I spoke u-”                 He shut her up by swiftly putting his index finger over her lips. Her mouth was slightly opened and he could feel the moisture on his skin from his lips. Eyes locked with each other, they surely knew what they were thinking. Their eyes held something. They could deny that. How long could they resist?                 “Can I make up for what my father said?” Ava whispered.                 What do you mean?                 Zephyr was confused as to what she exactly meant until she tiptoed and slowly started leaning in.                 This is so wrong.                 Zephyr finally realized.                 But why am I not stopping her?                 A little more closer and their lips would finally touch when the door suddenly opened and they came flying away from each other as Mason walked in, saying. “Oh! Oh, God. Sorry for the disturbance. You may continue now. I’ll just go back later. Bye!”                 Ava was just about to call out for Mason and tell him he could stay when the door slammed closed and silence filled the room in just seconds.                 This is going to be awkward.                 Ava shook her head in disappointment and walked to her chair by her desk.                    
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