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            Zephyr’s eyes penetrated through the cold blue eyes of someone he was very familiar with. But, the man was only staring at his daughter. It seemed like the man had not recognized his presence yet. Was he invisible to him? Zephyr wondered if he knew he was with his daughter and was actually standing beside Ava Lauren. Adam O’Kelly was just focused on his daughter, his eyes clearly letting him know that he was not that welcoming of a person. Zephyr took his time to study his appearance. Blue eyes as his daughter. They were a resemblance, except that his hair was greying in color and his face was starting to wrinkle already. He could even see some grey hair on his brows and beard from afar. An old man, he was. Probably in his middle or late fifties, Zephyr thought.              “What time is it?”             Even the tone of his voice is as deep as his mystery. And isn't he wearing a Rolex? Why is he asking for the time?             Zephyr thought. Beside him, he watched Ava looked down at the time on her wristwatch. He frowned when he saw her hands shaking. He saw it. She was trembling. He saw how she was trying not to freak out and it confused him a lot.              What is going on between these two?             “Damn it. It’s weak.”             He heard her mumble, sounding so nervous. At first, he did not have any idea what she was talking about until he saw her watch not workings so well. She put her hand down and stared up at him with worried and scared eyes. He felt a pang in his chest when he stared back into her blue orbs. It clenched his heart. He wished he could wrap his arms around her, to give her comfort and warmth or better pull her away from her father.              What is she doing to me?             He seemed to have gotten the realization that she did not have a good relationship with her father and he wondered why. She saw his own father as a terror and he was dying to know what could be the reason for that.              “1:21.” He whispered, without taking his eyes off her. He wasn’t sure if it was exactly the time. He was just guessing but hoping he was right.              With that, Ava hesitantly faced ahead and looked at his father. “It’s 1:26, father.” She said and then cleared her throat.             Father? Does she even call him 'Dad'?             Zephyr almost refused to look away from her face, but he had to and face ahead to see Adam O’Kelly just done confirming the time that Ava told him in his gold-plated wristwatch. Rich bastard.              “Twenty-six minutes late.” Adam coldly confirmed.             So what, old man?             It was funny how they were physically far from Adam. It was about three meters apart. Not even a smile or even just a greeting.              Who the heck is this man, really?             Zephyr pursed his lips, getting bored at Adam. Why couldn’t he more straightforward and tell her daughter right away that she was wasting time again? It was that easy. Zephyr wanted to punch his face for making Ava feeling so uneasy. She was fidgeting and he wondered if she was always like this when her father was around. Coward bastard.              “Enjoying your time with this guy? Who is this bad boy? Your boyfriend?” Adam asked. Now, he had a curious look. And was that a look of disgust on his face? Zephyr squinted his eyes at him. Where is he going with this? “I never imagined you prefer men dressed that way. What is he? Construction worker? A machinist? A laborer? Waiter? Janitor? Vendor? Taxi driver?”             Oh, he thinks so lowly of me. Easy to judge a person, I see?             Zephyr completely understood that there were judgemental people in this world. It could not be denied. There were those kinds of people everywhere. The saying, 'Don't judge the book by its cover.' come into the picture. But Adam O'Kelly seemed to have not heard about that famous quote. Well... most rich people act that way. It was fortunate when somebody was rich, polite, and humble. It was rare nowadays.              “A model. A supermodel.” Ava said with so much bravery in her voice.             Zephyr’s eyes slightly widened as he turned his head to look at her.             What the f**k, Ava Lauren?             Zephyr looked away and let out a breath of disbelief. His mouth slightly opened, shocked by her. What the heck has gotten into this woman's mind? He wanted to laugh, hoping she was just kidding around, but Ava sounded so f*****g serious. Model? What was she even talking about?             Do I even look like a model?             Zephyr thought, confused, mad, and slightly nervous at the same time. He needed to know what this woman was talking about or else he’d drag her away from his father and have a word with her alone.              Wait. Maybe she just thinks I’m so hot and handsome that’s why she’s saying things like I’m a model which I’m not? Or was she just so freaked out in front of her father that non-sense things came out of her mouth?              That could be.              “A model?” Adam squinted his eyes at Zephyr in a mocking stare.              Zephyr faced ahead and matched Adam’s stare. His chin was up, showing the old man that he was not intimidated at all by him. He was just an O'Kelly but was a Hernandez.              “You’re a model.” Adam slightly tilted his head to the side and then lifted his chin up, studying him intently. The look of disgust was still on his face. So full of himself.              “I am, Sir.” Zephyr had no choice but to say that. Actually, he did not know why he even said that. Perhaps, fr Ava's sake. He felt like he had to go along with her.              “I met up with him and we would be filming now if you would excuse us,” Ava said, sounding like she wanted to get from her father as soon a possible.              Filming?             Zephyr’s head was going crazy, thinking about what they were going to film?             If it’s a movie, I think I can do that? A movie with love scenes? I’ll back out. What else? Perhaps, a model for their company? A commercial shoot? Advertising campaign?             He did not know. He just hoped it wasn’t porn.             “Excuse us? Are you trying to get away from me? Oh, you just did. You walked out on me. How could I forget?”             What is he talking about?             Ava cast her head down when her father said that. She hated herself that afternoon when she left them. It must have been a great disrespect and disappointment to her father. She felt ashamed. “I’m sorry.” She said, loud enough for her father to hear.             From her peripheral vision, she could feel Zephyr staring at her. She honestly felt bad that she had dragged him into the situation. She was left with no choice and she felt bad about it. She could have just admitted that Zephyr was her bodyguard, but when she heard her father addressed Zephyr as a ‘bad boy’, she hesitated and came up with saying he was a model instead. Well, she thought she was some sort of a supermodel when she first bumped into him. Zephyr had the body, the looks, the poise, and everything. He perfectly fit as a model. Also, Ava thought that if her father thought that she had finally found someone… for the commercial, his disappointment would be subdued. That was what she thought, though.             “Fine. Prepare now. I expect it to be done before Wednesday. Everything must be polished on that day. Got it?”             “Yes,” Ava mumbled.              “Yes, what?”             “Yes, father.”             “Father? I’m not a priest, Lauren.” Adam shook his head as he let out a sarcastic chuckle.             Zephyr, on the other hand, could not help the snort. Adam turned to look at him, so he cleared his throat and straightened up.             “Yes, Dad.” Ava softly, just loud enough for his father to her.              Without saying anything and with a glare at Zephyr. Adam left and walked past them and into the elevator. The two turned around, just in time the elevator doors closed and Zephyr did not miss the curious look of Adam O’Kelly as he stared at him.             First meeting.             Zephyr thought.             Not that bad. In fact, interesting.              “A model, huh? What the heck are you talking about?” He finally boomed when they were left alone in the hallway. His voice was low, but it was sure as hell that he was annoyed. He needed to know what the heck was she talking about.              Ava avoided his stare and started walking back towards her office. Her chest felt so tight. She was holding it back, the tears. Whereas, Zephyr was so curious as bit his bottom lip and shook his head before following her inside.              "I'm sorry. I freaked out." She rasped.              Zephyr's eyes softened when she said that in a shaky voice. Her back was to him and they were a meter apart.              "I was mad. I was mad at him for judging you right away... for belittling you just like that. He thinks all men in Armani suit are rich nice. I f*****g hate his mindset. He is so manipulative, controlling me like a freak. I'm really sorry for dragging you into this."             Zephyr did not know what to say. She moved his heart, that was for sure. Shocked, he was... after hearing all those things from her. Did it mean she cared? This woman was so pure and innocent. She just defended him from her father. She stood up for him which was not even necessary. It was not actually defending. She just wanted him not to feel so sad about it. He was not even sad about it.              Damn it. What is this woman doing to me?             That same question that he wanted an answer to kept running in his mind, confusing him even more. So just when she was turning around to face him and he saw her wet eyes, his hand shot up, held her arm, and pulled her to his chest.              
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