CHAPTER THIRTY (Part II): who makes me wild

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                Ava was so quick to respond to the kiss, snaking his arms around his neck as Zephyr had his hands on her back. Their lips moved in perfect sync. Zephyr was a good kisser, she thought. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. He suddenly bit her bottom lip, making Ava moan and that was when Zephyr pulled away.                 “Why did you stop?” She asked, frustrated.                 “I’m afraid I won’t be able to control myself this time.” He whispered, leaning his forehead against hers. He was already breathing hard. The moan she made sounded so sexy and he almost lost it there.                 “Then don’t.”                 “f**k it.” He rasped, taking her lips once again in a bruising kiss.                 Ava was on fire, kissing Zephyr back with the same passion and fervor. She was so turned on, boldly slipping her tongue out and slipped it into his mouth. She heard a sound coming from Zephyr. He just moaned. She explored his mouth. It was hot as his tongue fought hers for dominance. She was not losing. She won this time and when she thought she needed some air, she pulled away but Zephyr did not stop. She felt his lips on her neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses. She liked it. A lot.                 She was not sure what came to her mind when she suddenly held his necktie and pulled him down with her on the bed. Now, they laid across the bed with Zephyr hovering her.                 “Just now. Let’s get lost and celebrate.” She whispered. She wasn’t herself. She wanted him. So bad.                 “We’re making a really dangerous decision,” Zephyr whispered.                 “I know. We’re good. We’re just going to forget about it after.”                 “Promise?”                 “Promise.”                 Kicking whatever that wasn’t needed on the bed, Ava pulled him closer by his necktie and claimed his lips.                 Zephyr had lost it. With one arm, he lifted her up and laid her head on the pillow without breaking the kiss. Ava worked on his tie, ruining what she just did and loosened it around his neck. It made Zephyr chuckle and whisper in her ear, “I’m sorry about that.”                 “I’ll do it again later.” She rasped, now working on the buttons of his shirt.                 “Do you know how fast I buttoned it down earlier?”                 “Just shut up and kiss me.”                 “Gladly.” He obliged, smashing his lips down on hers as Ava pushed his shirt off his shoulders. She was running his hands all over his body, feeling all the hardness of his muscles. Yup, hard? Was it hard down there? She was yet to know. “Take it off.” She whispered in his ear. “Do whatever you want to want to do with me.” “No strings attached.”                 “No strings attached.” She confirmed, taking his hands and put them on her breasts. “No emotions. Just us.”                 “Just us.”                 Ava’s mouth slightly opened when Zephyr started doing wonders on her breasts. They kept their eyes on each other as he palmed them, giving each a sensual massage and pinch on the n****e. Ava closed her eyes. Her chest heaved up and down. She was wet there. She just knew it. He was laying on top of her and she could feel his hard-on pressing against her belly.                 Zephyr lost control. His hands moved away from her breasts and reached behind to unzip her back and kissed her shoulders. Not so long after, her dress was out of the way and she was left in her white lacy pair of lingerie.                 “Divine.”                 Ava laughed as Zephyr could not take his eyes off her. She was not sure why, but she felt comfortable around him. She did not even feel embarrassed or insecure about her body, especially when Zephyr was making her feel beautiful with the way he was looking at her.                 “Come and get me.” She smirked, motioning for him to come.                 “Surely will.” He shook his head, smiling, and lifted her up.                 Ava straddled him, letting Zephyr kiss her neck and leave soft bites on it.                 “Don’t leave a mark.”                 “I’ll try my best.” He whispered, licking her skin like a hungry wolf.                 "Please-ahhh...Yes..." Ava moaned when Zephyr suddenly suck on her skin. "idiot."                 "I guess I can't try my best," Zephyr smirked before holding the back of her head and kissed her hard.                  Ava was out of control and she did not care anymore. Her body was responding to him like she knew exactly what she was doing. Their lips moved together in sync bad before Ava could stop herself from getting wilder, she started rocking her hips against his. That made Zephy pull away and just stared into her eyes as he let her ride his hard-on.                  f**k. What is she doing?                 Zephyr closed his eyes, planting his palms flat on the mattress as he let Ava ride him to hell. Yup, hell.                         This is a sin.                  He bit his lip, just watching her. She was so hot and she didn't know that. She was fire and she burned him. He let her do her thing as he threw his head back when she touched his stomach. He was not sure where it was leading them. He did not give a f**k at the moment. He was taking advantage of her. No, they were taking advantage of each other.                  They promised. No strings attached. No emotions. Just them. It was only about how good they make each other feel through their touch and kisses. It was all that.                  Hopefully.                  "Fuck." He breathed hard, feeling it tightening and even harder.                 He was not ready so he pushed her down the bed and hovered on top of her.                  "My turn..." He whispered and started torturing his neck leaving wet kisses, soft nibbles, and licks. Ava was just calm underneath her, letting him do whatever he wanted to do with her. He had so many things in mind but he did not want to go so fast. They had the time at the moment and he wanted to make use of it. There was no turning back now.                  When Ava let out a sexy moan, she almost lost it. He moved to her lobe and bit it lightly, making Ava pull at his hair. It felt so nice, Zephyr thought. This woman was so wild.                  "I can feel it," Ava muttered, scarlet-faced.                  Zephyr's problem—an urgent, not to say ‘pressing’ problem—was obvious. He was very aroused, and so was Ava, the hidden places of her body softening and moistening in preparation for his possession.             Zephyr gave her anther heart-shaking smile. “That,” he said, a touch of lazy ruefulness in his tone, “is a response, not a problem.”             Ava opened her mouth, but before she could formulate at a tart answer, he wound his hands in the tumbled dark hair around her shoulders and kissed the words from her lips.             It was an oddly tender kiss, as was the one that followed, and the one after that—sweet and hungry, yet leashed by his will. Unsatisfied, Ava lifted her head and opened her eyes, almost flinching away when she the hint of laughter still lurking in the gleaming hazelnut depths of his eyes.             For Zephyr, it was an idle pleasure to fill in a morning—as light and meaningless as the s*x he’d presumably had with an escort after his first love broke his heart. Whereas what Ava felt was wild and desperately consuming, raw and real.             “It might not be a problem for you, but it’s one for me,” she said tightly.             Cynicism replaced the amusement in his eyes. He enquired with a mocking smile and she disliked, “Proving a point, Ava?”             “I don’t know—am I?” she asked.             “I think so.” This time his smile held an edge of aggression. “But perhaps I should prove one too…”                                                          
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