CHAPTER THIRTY (Part I): who's this guy

1540 Words
                “You seem happy. What happened to you yesterday in Cali?”                 That was the first thing that greeted Zephyr when he walked down the stairs from his room. His morning felt great and he was not sure why, or maybe he was. Xavier was sitting on the couch in their living room, having a good cup of coffee. He was already dressed up for his day in college.                  “Why are you so early?” Zephyr asked, lazily dragging himself to the kitchen while rubbing his eyes. He started making himself a cup of strong coffee. That was what he needed. Caffeine and more caffeine because coffee was survival.                  “Early? Dude, it’s already twenty-one minutes before eight.”                 Zephyr spit out his coffee when he heard Xavier said that. “Damn it.” He hopped off the stool and ran back upstairs to his room. He went straight to the bathroom, taking off his clothes on his way, and took a quick shower right away. He was moving so fast, putting the shampoo on his hair and soaping his body. Three minutes and he was finally done. It was probably the quickest shower he ever had. He did not bother wrapping a towel around hips and hurried back to his room and opened his wardrobe. He picked out the first thing he laid eyes on which was a denim blue button-down shirt and black jeans. Once he was done dressing up, he hurried downstairs right away, but not before tucking his gun into his jeans and a pocket knife into his shoes.                  Never forget weapons.                  “Let’s go now,"  Zephyr told Xavier as he hurriedly put his converse on at the doorway.                 “Okay, okay.” Xavier stood up from the couch and hurried after his brother.                  Zephyr pulled the door open and stormed out of the house.                 “s**t. Please tell me you’re gonna drive slowly.” Xavier spoke really fast as he hopped on the back. He sounded so scared.                 “I can’t promise,” Zephyr muttered before cranking up the vehicle and shooting so fast on the road.                 “Damn it. You’re going to kill both of us!” Xavier shouted at his brother. “Don’t take me with you to hell yet! Ugh! Damn it Slow down. I’m not going to be late yet!” Xavier cried, wanting to punch his brother but both of his hands were clutching the back of the vehicle for survival.                  “Well, I am!” Zephyr shouted back, still speeding over the limit.                 "Jesus Christ." He muttered, closing his eyes. “Lord, forgive me and my brother.” Xavier closed his eyes and prayed.                 Ten minutes later, Zephyr pulled over outside NYU. Xavier hurriedly got off the crazy vehicle and glared at his brother. “I’ll call you later.”                 “Sorry, baby bro!”                 “Damn it. Don’t call me that.” Xavier hissed as he turned around and started walking towards the campus.                 With that, Zephyr sped up on the road again and to the company.                 She’s going to kill me.                 He thought as he drove as fast as he could to the company. He kept throwing out profanities every time he got stuck in the traffic. Finally, after seventeen minutes, he finally arrived in the basement and he did not waste time as he ran towards the elevator and pressed the top floor. He was alone in the elevator, impatiently waiting for the lift to stop and when it finally did, he ran towards the office, stopping at the door. A door opened behind him and he turned around to see Mason holding out suits. He quickly helped him up since it seemed like he had a hard time carrying the heavy clothing.                 “She said you have to wear these from now on,” Mason informed him.                  “Yeah, she told me. Thank you.” He panted.                  “Come in.” Mason led him to Ava's office.                  Mason opened the door to Ava’s office, but Zephyr frowned when she saw no Ava Lauren.                 “Where is she?” He sounded worried.                 “Oh, boy. Don’t panic. She’s at her father’s office. She was being called for something. She’ll be back here soon.”                 “Oh, okay.” He sighed in relief.                 “I’ll leave you here. She said just to wait here. She won’t be long there.”                 “Sure. Thanks, Mason.” Zephyr ruffled his hair.                 Groaning, Mason swatted his hand away and headed for the door. When Zephyr was left alone, he decided to make use of the room and get changed. He laid the suits down on the bed. They were all black. Surprisingly, there were shirts and neckties too. Without wasting any more time, he reached behind him to get him a gun and laid it on the bed, took off his shirt and his jeans, leaving him in his boxers. He picked up a white button-down shirt, slid into the black slacks, tucked the shirt in, and buckled his belt up. He stared at the necktie and realized he didn’t know how to tie it. He had his mother do it for him back in Mexico.                 Believing that there was no wrong in trying, he picked up a maroon necktie and put it around his collar. His fingers started working. He failed at the first try. He tried it again and miserably failed once more. He had made many attempts in making a knot but always failed. By the eighth attempt, he was already frustrated, muttering words of profanities for not being able to make a knot. He gave up.                 A simple knot, dumbass.                  “She’ll understand.” He muttered with his hands in his pockets. He felt helpless as he stared into space.                 Zephyr was not sure how long he had been there in the room like an i***t, staring at Ava’s wardrobe like it was the most interesting thing to look at the moment. The door suddenly opened and his head was so quick to turn towards it and saw his Queen. As always, he got starstruck by her beauty. She was wearing white again. This time, it was a white long-sleeved dress. It was fitted and had a pencil skirt. He almost thought the dress was nice when he suddenly saw the neckline. It was a V-neckline and dangerously low. Dangerously.                 “Hi.” He greeted. “I’m late.” He said, instead of saying he was sorry.                 “I know that. Why do you look so frustrated?” She asked, approaching him.                 “Is it okay if I won’t wear this anymore?” Zephyr asked, holding the tie between his index and middle finger.                 “You don’t know how to do it?”                 “Obviously.”                 “Oh.”                 She was already standing close in front of him, staring up into his eyes. Zephyr got lost in her blue orbs and did not realize that Ava was already holding the necktie and doing it for him. His lips were on a level with her forehead and he was tempted to lean down and plant a kiss on it. Annoyed by his crazy horny thoughts, he cast his eyes down and focused on her face instead.                 “How did you learn that?” He asked. Sometimes, he wondered why his tongue just could not stop making up words just to talk to her.                 “I always watched my Mom do this for Dad when I was a kid until one day, I asked my Dad to do it for him and I got it right in just one go.” She said. Her voice was velvety soft. It turned him on. “Why are you late?”                 “I woke up late.” He honestly said. “I went straight to bed after you dropping you off and forgot to set my alarm.”                 “Reason accepted.” She mumbled. There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. “My father liked it.”                 “The what?” He was curious.                 “Your Ad. He said it’s good.”                 “Oh, cool.” He arrogantly smirked. Gotcha, old man.                  Just in time, Ava was done and she looked up then realized how close their faces were.                 “Thank you.” He whispered, staring intently into her eyes.                 “Why do you always look at me like that?” She whispered back.                 “Like what?”                 “Like you want to kiss me any minute from now but you’re just holding yourself back.”                 “Coz I do.” He exhaled deeply and swallowed the lumped in his throat. “I don’t know what you’re doing to me.”                 “I am doing nothing.”                 “Exactly. Why?”                 “Why what?”                 “Why am I feeling this way?”                 “I don’t know. Why won’t you do it so you’ll know the answer?”                 “Will u get mad at me?”                 “Depends.” She breathed out in an airy whisper.                  They were leaning in closer. Both hearts were beating so fast. Ava was feeling weird things all over her body. She was hot all over. She just wanted it to happen, for Zephyr to make a mistake and regret it after.                 “Do you think it’ll make you feel better if I do it this time?” Zephyr wondered. He just had the feeling about it.                 “Maybe.”                 “Then to hell with it.” Zephyr rasped before crashing his lips down on hers.                                 
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