#Chapter 86 – The underground dungeon

1367 Words

Lila’s POV I wasn’t sure how long I’d been out for. My entire body ached when I woke. It felt like I’ve been knocked in the head, but I knew that wasn’t true. I was out of it before anything happened to me. I remembered a stabbing feeling in my neck and then everything went dark. When I started to wake, I could smell mildew. I knew I was somewhere wet; or once wet. I lifted my aching head and peered around the dark cement room. It looked like a dark jail cell. Metal bars were keeping us in like a cage. I tried to focus my eyes on my surroundings as I sat up. I heard faint breathing across the cell, and I knew almost right away that it was Brody. “Brody?” I whispered hoarsely, hardly finding my voice. He groaned softly and I heard him moving. A flood of relief washed over me

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