#Chapter 85 – Sarah’s revenge

1392 Words

  Lila’s POV The woman sounded frantic like she was in danger. I could tell she was crying, and my first instinct was to get rid of Rachel. “Go back to the packhouse,” I said quickly. “Wake my parents and tell them somebody is in trouble.” “What about you?” Rachel asked. The woman’s voice grew louder and this time she was screaming as she cried. I could hear the muffled sounds of nearby men as well and my heart sank further into my stomach. “Just go,” I ordered. “There’s not enough time. I need to help her!” I turned away just as Rachel started yelling something behind me, but I ran so fast that her voice became distorted until I couldn’t hear it at all. I wasn’t worried about getting into a fight. But I worried about who I was getting into a fight with. in the distance, I

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