#Chapter 87 - Taken

1495 Words

  Lila’s POV “Who are you?” Brody asked, walking in front of me toward the cell bars. “Why did you take us?” “We took you because you were simply in the way. We took her… well… she knows why we took her,” the man said, narrowing his dark eyes in my direction. This man had a dark energy; he had long sleek, black hair and broad muscles layered with tattoos. He looked like he could crush steal. I had an uneasy feeling about him and he was exactly right; I knew why he took me. “Because I’m a Volana…” I said slowly. It wasn’t a question. A sly smile spread across his narrow lips. “You’re a hard one to catch. We’ve heard a lot about you, and I must say…we’ve been intrigued. The name is Cyrus… glad to finally meet you.” “You’ll have to go through me before you lay a finger on he

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