Make Women Disappear

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"Ellie, you know I can't leave you!" Wayne looked up, his eyebrows almost forming a mountain valley. "Then be quiet, be my cousin's brother, okay! Be the manager of Gu's company, be the caretaker of the villa! Then enjoy your luxurious life! " Ellie glared at Wayne, saying coldly. Wayne looked at Ellie's heartless face, then slowly looked down: it had been 4 years since Ellie married Alexander. It's been 4 years, and for 4 years every day he sees Ellie and Alexander, who are sticky like glue, love each other. This makes his heart hurt like being torn. Although he could make use of the time when Alexander went to dress up to make out with Ellie, that only that brief intimacy was not enough to block the heartache Ellie had given him for 4 years! What good is Alexander? Alexander and Ellie only met in college, while she had protected Ellie since she had memories! He saw Ellie taking elementary school, middle school, until college! He always follows his footsteps, accompanies on his side, protects him, loves him! While Alexander? Besides being rich, powerful, and handsome, what else does it have? On what basis did Alexander make Ellie receive so much bitterness? "Wayne, don't trouble me, okay?" Ellie's tone softened when she saw Wayne's sad eyes. He held Wayne's face with both hands and looked into his eyes, "Wayne, you promised me to protect me for life. Whatever I want, you will give it to me. " "Yes, I once promised you, so I will definitely watch him," Wayne nodded sadly. This was the woman he had loved from childhood, even if he told him to die, he was also willing. So, why do you see Ellie with another man? At the very least, he can still see the girl! Thinking about this, Wayne's emotions slowly subsided. He took a deep breath, smiling forced at Ellie, "Ellie, my emotions were too dusty." "It's OK," Ellie was light, "I know you care so much for me," he said, understanding. "Yes, I'll take you home to the villa soon to rest!" Wayne nodded. He got out of the back seat and sat in the wheelchair. Ellie sat on the back seat, her lips in a smile. He saw Wayne, who hurriedly drove him home satisfied. This is also good, there is a man who is willing to die for him. There is also someone he likes, let alone cared for by men who are rich and powerful, especially those who want to be pursued. Thinking of Alexander's warmth towards him, Ellie's heart was filled with satisfaction. But suddenly, the figure of the woman in the bathroom appeared in Ellie's mind, the woman who made Alexander daydream. Although Ellie now could not remember the woman's appearance, but seeing Alexander who was daydreaming earlier, Ellie could not forget it. Ellie gritted her teeth, she felt that everything had to be anticipated. The woman had caught Alexander's attention, then, in order to maintain his position so as not to waver, the best way was not to give the woman a chance to appear before Alexander again. Ellie blinked her eyes, then raised her head. He said to Wayne who was focusing on driving the car, "Wayne, do you still remember the woman we just saw in the bathroom?" "Which woman?" Wayne frowned. He had never noticed another woman so far, because in his eyes there was only Ellie. "The woman who forced it in when I had a stomachache." Ellie's words made Wayne remember a little, "Remember a little, why?" "Help me take care of it. Connecting Alexander saw him with a slightly different look, so I hope he never appears before Alexander again forever. " On Ellie's beautiful face, when a crime appeared that did not match her personality, usually she never took action against the woman who wanted to approach Alexander. The woman who caught Alexander's attention was certainly no exception. "Ellie, aren't you overdoing it a little?" Wayne looked at Ellie's beautiful face through the rearview mirror, quietly thinking: Ellie, is in your heart Alexander so important? "Wayne, you just said to me, whatever I ask you to do, you will do it," Ellie pressed it as soon as she saw Wayne's disagreeing expression. "Is that all a lie?" he asked with raut pretending to be sad. Hearing Ellie's disappointed tone, Wayne panicked, "Ellie, how can I lie to you? You know that all I do for your good!" "Then please help me this time, huh? Help me get rid of that woman from the city of H!" Ellie continued. Wayne took a deep breath, nodding, "Fine, after I take you to the **, I'll immediately go take care of it." "Then tell us what you are up to," Ellie was still not relieved. He asked Wayne to explain his plans in detail. Wayne wet his lips and said resignedly, "Just like I used to, I would check the woman's workplace, then tell their boss that Alexander wanted the woman away." Wayne paused, then said again, "I will also send information to other companies. All companies related to clothing design should not hire him, it's better to force him out of the city of H. " Hearing Wayne's scattering, Ellie finally nodded in relief. "Thank you, Wayne," he said happily. Wayne was silent, but only responded to Ellie's thanks with a mild sigh. At the Large Company party Lin ... After Alexander finished facing the bosses who wanted to be friendly with him, he sat alone at the end of the room and drank wine in silence. His eyes wandered around looking at people who were passing by. His heart is still worried about Ellie's health. At the same time, memories of his encounter with Fellis in the bathroom were still tightly attached to his head. 4 years, 4 years have passed. In the night of the rain, in his anger and intoxication, he hurt Fellis. And from that day on, Fellis disappeared. Alexander's attitude towards his marriage to Fellis is only 1 word: make use of. However, slowly, Alexander found that no matter how cold he treated Fellis, the girl always looked at him with a beautiful smile, a smile that made people unable to bear to love him. When he gave the divorce papers before Fellis, he could not forget the girl's sad and disappointed face. Alexander also could not forget the misguided taste that sliced from his chest as he returned to the villa and found the divorce papers that had been signed and the checks. And 4 years later, today, Fellis has turned into a stranger, a stranger who hates him. If so, let them remain strangers. When Alexander made this decision, there was a little sadness in his heart. He did not know if it was because of his longing for Fellis, or because of his regret. "Hey, Third Brother, what do you think!" called Warren, the general manager of Big Company Lin. He was wearing a striking pink suit, his hand holding a glass of a light blue cocktail. He walked to Alexander.
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