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Warren is the host of this birthday party. Today is his 26th birthday. Major figures in the business world will attend. Behind Warren, stood Alexander's best friends, the oldest being Morgan Lee, Joseph Tci's second, Alexander Gu, and the youngest was Warren Lin, who for 2 years had just come to City H, then knew the three older brothers. Morgan's predecessors were all soldiers, he himself also held important positions in the military field. Joseph's family were all doctors, most of the hospitals in City H were his. Alexander was in the property, while Warren was engaged in the jewelry industry. He himself also became a jewelry designer. Of course, of the four of them, he was the most crowded personality. Warren embraced Alexander's shoulder and smiled fast, then asked, "Why? My brother-in-law hasn't been gone for a few minutes. Have you missed him so much?" Alexander looked at him with cold eyes, without saying a word, he let go of Warren's arm in annoyance. "Ih, after my brother-in-law left, my brother didn't even smile anymore, it turned out that I was the only friend of this. Nothing!" Warren's jar, holding his chest, appeared a face that said "very sad". Morgan, who was standing next to them, only looked at Warren, who was joking, but didn't care. And Joseph, after sipping a glass of champagne, asked Alexander, "Alexander, last week I just saw the state of Ellie's disease, nothing was in the way. It's just that his body is too weak, just needs to be treated. Is he tired today? If I want I'll go snuggle it again!" "No need, feet," Alexander said to him with a thin smile, "Because Ellie is too tired, just going home and resting is okay." "Okay," Joseph said, nodding, he said nothing more. Ellie's condition, Joseph already knew. Besides his body was weak, he also had another disease that could not be explained in words. It seemed that having an abortion many times made his body weak, coupled with his excessive worries. That was how it turned out. But he could not say these words, he could only signal Alexander to pay more attention to them well. This Ellie, who has been dating Alexander since college for several years while waiting for Alexander, said Alexander Ellie suffering greatly, because that is why his body has become what it is today. But unfortunately, with his body condition, it is very difficult to have a child. At that moment, Warren suddenly poked Joseph's arm, then said quietly, "Brothers, I saw a beautiful woman, what do you think she is?" His fingers, pointing with his chin, hinted at the three men to see. With Warren's gesture, the eyes of the three men wandered, then fell on the figure of a white-paying woman, all of them gaping at the same time. Seeing the expressions of the three men, Warren proudly said, "How, okay?" Morgan and Joseph also soon asked each other: Why could Felicia be here? Wasn't it 4 years ago after he signed the divorce papers with Alexander, he had left without saying goodbye? Warren only knew Alexander and became his best friend after Alexander divorced Felicia, so he did not know Felicia, but Morgan and Joseph knew him. Now, Warren seems to want to make small talk with Felicia, but what about Alexander's thinking? Thinking about it, Morgan and Joseph could clearly see that Alexander's face was pecking. Joseph thought for a moment, then he reached out and patted Warren's shoulder, opening his mouth but not being. But Warren still seemed like nothing had happened. He turned and said seriously to Alexander, "Sir, didn't you say you wanted to enter the military uniform industry with me? Standing next to the woman who seemed to be a deputy director of the Tsu Family Garment Company, having joined the Director of Tsu when meeting my father and me, let's meet him! " "Deputy director? Did the central manager of the Tsu Family Garment Company, who was also the CEO's son, not come? " Asked Alexander, frowning, Large Company Lin invited them, including to give him self-respect. How could they just send a deputy director? "Tsu's director called my father, he said he was not feeling well, and the newly appointed general manager seemed to have business. He had also called him to apologize, so yes never mind," Warren said with a shrug, "The man's son seems to be named Jackson Tsu or who, at first I didn't know him, but my sister, Kimberly, always talked about it every day in front of me!" Talking up her, Warren sighed and said, "Either what good a child named Jackson was,. It could be that I was amazed to be amazed. As soon as he heard Jackson return to H City, he screamed to return from abroad. He also said he wanted to work at the Tsu Family Company. As soon as my father heard it, he said that woman could not be quiet, so he locked Kimberly at home. " "But, I still remember Jackson," Warren said at length, but Morgan and Joseph did not listen at all, because they were still busy imagining if Alexander and Felicia had seen what would happen! After finishing talking, not hearing anyone answer, Warren turned in surprise. Apparently, Warren saw, not only Joseph, even Morgan was still staring closely at the woman who pulled her heart! "Shouldn't it be even the eldest brother who already has children and wives, military officers who refrain from these worldly temptations, who are also attracted to other women?" Warren asked to see the three people who were daydreaming. Morgan immediately took his eyes off, then looked at Warren and said, "Shut up!" "Okay, okay, indeed you know more, then you stay here and just watch, I'll be in action!" Having said that, regardless of the faces of the three men, Warren immediately walked towards Fellis and Deputy Director Hu. "Director Lin!" called Deputy Director Hu kindly, and he immediately came forward. He welcomed him as soon as he saw Warren heading towards him from a distance. Fellis from the start, followed by Deputy Director Hu. Of course, he also followed him, welcoming Warren. "Deputy Director Hu, long time no see you!" called Warren with a small smile, then nodded to say hello to Fellis. "Young Master Lin still remembers me, really makes me flattered!" Take care of Deputy Director Hu, smiling as politely as possible, then chatting with Warren. "Oh, when did your Tsu Director complete his busy life? I want to be friends with him! " Ujar Warren, laughing. At first he wanted to invite Alexander to work with the Tsu Family Company. As a result, the general manager of the Tsu Family Company turned into the son of Tsu's father. After hearing this news, Warren also planned to observe first, although he heard from his younger brother that Jackson was an S2 graduate in the garment design industry, but how exactly his ability was to take care of the company, he still had to review a few moments. However, this time the money he would invest and Alexander was very large. "Director Tsu went to England to take the great garment design award get when he was returning, he was well-informed that his teacher was sick, so he backed up his return time," said Deputy Director Hu, "Director Tsu said he was very sorry for not being able to attend your birthday party. " "Ah, no need to feel bad, the future is still long, yet our company has been working together on several projects lately, no need to worry!" Ujar Warren, after enough to talk with Deputy Director Hu, he patted his shoulder, then turned his gaze to Fellis. Looking at Fellis's beautiful big eyes, Warren also asked, "This lady ..." Felicia changed her name to Fellis.
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